Question For The Old-Timers

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I love defensive football, so I hate how every rule change favors the offense. Totally distorts yesterday's stats vs today's. It would be a shame for this league to turn into arena ball, but that's what's gradually happening.

As for the Cowboys, the Joneses and Garrett have almost completely destroyed any feeling I have for them. If Jerry's first priority isn't winning, why should I care?


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Guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't care for the "me me me" attitude that seems to be prevalent these days. I do miss some of those old all out brawls, but I can certainly appreciate the league not wanting to see their former stars in wheel chairs because they ruined their bodies. Or seeing them commit suicide from CTE.
I can't stand what Goodell has done to the league. He is a vindictive turd.


Safety third
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I miss the pre free agency days when teams were built through the draft and via trade. They stayed together and grew together. It was a process.

Luck always played a roll at some level but in today's game luck plays too big a roll.

I miss the days when officiating was simpler and there were far less opportunities for the officiating to affect the outcome via judgment calls.

The NFL is a shell of what it used to be.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
roflmao because I had an opinion and I felt like expressing it oh wise one who knows more than others because he lived it. I made cogent and valid and interesting set of points and not only do you not have interest in them, which is fine, but you feel the need to suggest I should not have even made them. Typical jock mentality. I lived it therefore I speak from on high and all bow to my expertise. Please get over yourself
Oh Lord, its hard to be


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What I miss most is that before free agency you knew who your team was. If you had a great player, you had him for as long as he played. Now it's seasonable or contract to contract. Much better for the player. For the fan, not so much.


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Guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't care for the "me me me" attitude that seems to be prevalent these days. I do miss some of those old all out brawls, but I can certainly appreciate the league not wanting to see their former stars in wheel chairs because they ruined their bodies. Or seeing them commit suicide from CTE.
I can't stand what Goodell has done to the league. He is a vindictive turd.
It's not Gooddell. It's the owners. Gooddell is nothing but a pawn. Did you miss when they extended his contract?!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I also hate how players go ape sheet after they do anything, make a sack, score a touchdown, throw a completion. They freak out like a poor person who just won the lottery. Go to youtube, watch a game from the 70's you score a td you act like youve been there or you act like the game isnt over yet and you may still actually lose if you dont save your energy and focus. But now they have to act like a housewife on the Price is Right after winning the showcase prize.
Billy white shoes Johnson. Icky woods. Mark gastineau. Butch Johnson. On field theatrics have been around a long time. They make the game fun. It is the gladiator aspect of the game that made football so popular.


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It's not Gooddell. It's the owners. Gooddell is nothing but a pawn. Did you miss when they extended his contract?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're right, without a doubt. He is just the face of what I don't like. Just doing what the tell him to, but the crap with Zeke had his greasy fingerprints all over it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yes and no. Yes, I miss the game I grew up with because there was a double edge to it. The NFL for standard football and the AFL for wide open, what it has become.

Yes, during my time was that 20 season winning streak and the Cowboys were not just relevant, they were critical. I was spoiled, it wasn't about whether my team would be good or not but how good?

Yes, it seems back then every play mattered more and I never knew when the critical one would take place. I was more into the game and I liked the game a lot more before the instant replay. I truly did have to plan food and drink breaks and whizz breaks because I never knew when that play would come. I wasn't just watching, I was engaged.

No, I don't like all of the individual BS too many of these players demonstrate on the field like Lawrence, Charleton and Elliott. That Gladiator pose Lawrence struck Sunday night, all that was missing was "are you not entertained"? Does he have a pose when he's been blocked out of the play? I realize that doesn't bother some and could care less, that detracts form the game for me.

No, I watched a lot of players sacrificing more than I knew when they had to have part-time jobs to stay in football. When I saw close ups of players on the sideline getting their "bell rung", I had no idea how serious that could be. One of my most favorite players to ever watch was Tony Dorsett and now it pains me to watch him try to form a sentence. The stories of players like Duerson, Seau and Webster are heartbreaking, especially when they were sent back in under questionable circumstances. Not to mention their joints shot to hell with team doctors lying about not doing any more damage and the quickest way out of the NFL was to go against the team doc and get a second opinion. They put the owner's interests above the players.

I am conflicted about the game of football. I love the collisions and contact aspect of it but I understand the need to protect the players, this billions]of dollars lawsuit notwithstanding. And blaming Goodell for that is ridiculous. He is merely doing what he has to do and is paid to do.,

The one observation I have made after watching this game for 60 years is that yes, the players are bigger, faster and stronger but no, they are not better. And the game is not a better game because now I just sit there taking it all in, I am not engaged, I am not physically tired after a game and am not emotionally invested or passionate about it. While I do miss the old game, what I really miss is me watching it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You're right, without a doubt. He is just the face of what I don't like. Just doing what the tell him to, but the crap with Zeke had his greasy fingerprints all over it.
Not just his, that panel was 4-0 in favor of suspension. There were enough extenuating circumstances on both sides that could lead anyone to draw the conclusions they want to draw.

The other side of that is take a good look around outside the NFL at what's going on. The NFL is only a microcosm of that.

As fans, we only consider ourselves and how these actions affect us but Goodell has the owners, sponsors and TV nets to keep happy and he is going to err on the side of cautious and safe every time. The NFL is in unchartered waters with everything around the game.


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What Just Happened Here
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Cant remember the last time I saw blood on one of these pretty uniforms, those were the good old game days. Not the same anymore, of course we don't have gladiators anymore either for obvious reasons but I still miss the days when you could lay a hit on any one


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Not just his, that panel was 4-0 in favor of suspension. There were enough extenuating circumstances on both sides that could lead anyone to draw the conclusions they want to draw.

The other side of that is take a good look around outside the NFL at what's going on. The NFL is only a microcosm of that.

As fans, we only consider ourselves and how these actions affect us but Goodell has the owners, sponsors and TV nets to keep happy and he is going to err on the side of cautious and safe every time. The NFL is in unchartered waters with everything around the game.
Yeah, I am aware, but the fact is, there wasn't enough evidence for the actual law to do anything, and they were advised by their own investigator not to go forward. REEKS of payback. The NFL has put itself in place as judge jury and executioner, and they have no right to do so.
If I go out and get a DUI, my company will fire me. NOT when I am accused of it, when I am CONVICTED of it. My company doesn't put itself in place of the judicial system.


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Billy white shoes Johnson. Icky woods. Mark gastineau. Butch Johnson. On field theatrics have been around a long time. They make the game fun. It is the gladiator aspect of the game that made football so popular.
I knew someone would mention those outliers. There is no comparison between then and now in this regard even with the few names you can bring up.


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This is the biggest thing for me. As. A kid, I memorized our entire roster off of the TV guide. Now, I don’t even try... the roster changes so much every season. I hate that....roger, tony hill, Pearson, tony d, and on and on... those were OUR guys, they were Dallas Cowboys. Now.... they aren’t our guys, they are just ours until the next contract .
thats funny, I remember those little rectangular roster charts they used to print in the tv guide like it was yesterday. I think I even have some in my old clippings in the back of my closet


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The game is dying from leadership in the NFL office and I watch fewer games every year. if I didn't have such a love for cowboys. I'd be through with watching football. they've ruined almost all the sports for me. basketball, nascar. they had better start paying attention. computer games are going to make them irrelevant mostly in some years ahead. and yet, they insist on killing their own game even sooner.


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I knew someone would mention those outliers. There is no comparison between then and now in this regard even with the few names you can bring up.
You do like to be right, don't you. I could bring up.more. but why bother. Bah. Humbug.


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no mames, sensacional, i love the passion in the 70´s or 80´s, dont tuch, dont hit, but, uou need to adapted


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I get the whole concussion thing and protecting the QB, etc, etc, but trust me, in a few more years, this will be a flag football sport. I miss the days of you had a coach nd players that lived or died by their own development and stuck together and there was true team unity. Those days are gone! It's individual first, team second or third. Also, the game is so specifically position coached, which progression took it that way, but players on the same team really don;t even know each other well, because they are isolated studying for only their specific job. Perfectionism it is, but the team element is lost in translation.

There was something great about football in the 70's up until maybe 1998 or so and it began to change. Not the same game. Has an arena football league feel to it now. But I still think it's the best sport ever created.
good analogy. That's their goal. Arena style games with scores into the 50's etc.Defense will be nearly extinct.


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Preferred the 70-early 90s playing. Understand the issues with concussion but who to say these guys would not have gotted concussions if they had not played football or any spots. I can look over my lifetime and point to at least two concussion, if not more. Can't stand the babying of QBs and the helmet rules specially when the ball carrier is going lowers or is going down.