Question For The Old-Timers


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I had several players taken to the hospital with head injuries, one in a helicopter that landed on our 50 yard line during the game. I don't mind rules that help protect the players.

I had to hold on to an 9 year old until the paramedics rolled up during a little league practice.
This was about 25 years ago. His eyes rolled back. He was out for a few seconds that seemed
like minutes. He came to and said these words..."I wanna go to IHOP".


The Cook
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I had to hold on to an 9 year old until the paramedics rolled up during a little league practice.
This was about 25 years ago. His eyes rolled back. He was out for a few seconds that seemed
like minutes. He came to and said these words..."I wanna go to IHOP".
wow. I coached for 22 years. I'm glad we are moving forward to protecting players. It loses some natural human nature to fight.. I fine with it as i'm aging and longevity replaces anything in the moment. My funny moment game came when one of my players called time out. why you ask? they had to go #2.:(:laugh:
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wow. I coached for 22 years. I'm glad we are moving forward to protecting players. It loses some natural human nature to fight.. I fine with it as i'm aging and longevity replaces anything in the moment. my funny moment game came when one of my players called time out. why you ask? the had to go #2.:(:laugh:

Lol... I guess I should've mentioned that the boy was okay.

I coached baseball and football for 17 years. There was a bunch of good times
and memorable moments... but I never, ever, had a kid call timeout to go #2... lol.

I did, however, witness, two of my 5 year old outfielders take a bathroom break
on the right field fence during the game... lol


The Cook
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Lol... I guess I should've mentioned that the boy was okay.

I coached baseball and football for 17 years. There was a bunch of good times
and memorable moments... but I never, ever, had a kid call timeout to go #2... lol.

I did, however, witness, two of my 5 year old outfielders take a bathroom break
on the right field fence during the game... lol
Priceless.:laugh:The parents will show that video to a new spouse some day.;)
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Vet Min Plus
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I used to train roosters back in the day! General Teran NL!!!

My old man had over 300 at one time and my Tio Joe RIP, was known all over the US for having the best blood lines...

My first job was tending 1,500 when I was 12, our neighbor was crazy rich...


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I hate football in domes. I miss Texas Stadium, Metropolitan Stadium (Vikings being an indoor team is ridiculous), the Baltimore Colts, Tampa Bay's creamsicle uniforms, fullbacks who actually ran the ball and caught passes, QBs lining up under center (I remember when Landry brought the shotgun back, now it's almost all you see), Pat Patriot (old New England logo), dirty uniforms, and dudes getting blown up if their QB hung them out to dry.
Add the Houston Oilers to teams least for me.


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I do not have an issue with rule changes and protecting players. The issues I have is that the rules are NEVER enforced fairly. This is not a "the Cowboys don't get the calls" post. I see this several times a week where the refs go overboard protecting people like Rodgers while Cousins is taking shots below the knees with no call. Couple that with the fact that the NFL still does not know what a catch is. I find the current NFL extremely frustrating in that manner. And I absolutely HATE HATE HATE the political crap. If the NFL went away tomorrow, I'd survive on college football with no problem at all...
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Saw my first Cowboy game in 1963, and have been a fan ever since (except for 65-67, when I rooted for the Packers after they drafted my favorite player ever - Donny Anderson from Texas Tech. My true fandom was shockingly brought back to reality after the Ice Bowl, when I realized I was actually wanting Dallas to win.

As the game has evolved, so have I as a fan. I enjoyed watching those cowboy teams, but I like today’s game as much, especially from the analytical standpoint. Camera views weren’t as plentiful and advanced as they are now. You couldn’t always see exactly what happened - and why it happened - on a play. Today, you can see why things worked and the breakdowns when they don’t.

I can’t say I l8ked it better then, or now.


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I miss smash mouth football good old I formation. I miss players who practice hard to perfect their craft like Irvin, Rice and Payton. Love stories about guys working out running up hills or running routes till they puke then go run some more. I miss guys who tackled and knew how to wrap up. I miss when DBs could touch a WR and not get flagged. I miss D-linemen crashing on QBs with all their weight. With what we have learned about concussions I no longer like head hits I am glad that is being taken out may not agree with how they do it but needs to be done.


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Lost the passion around 1998. I got it back a bit when Parcels was hired, but that slipped away when Jerry hired carrot top. Pretty much stopped caring about results after Garrett was able to keep his job after 3 straight 8-8 seasons. These days, because Garrett is still there, I rarely catch a game whether I'm working or not. I haven't seen either of the first 2 games and it doesn't bother me whatsoever.

Jerry, get rid of Garrett so I can enjoy football again.

Yes, I know this about the product on the field. To be frank, I like the college game more these days.

Kinda weird that you still post.


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With the ways the game has changed so dramatically, beginning decades ago with the "Bump & Run" rule, then moving on to free agency, Salary Cap and finally, hamstringing defenses, my question is this; How much do you enjoy today's game vs back in "The Day?"

There's too much extraneous drama from the league. Suspensions. Idiot rules that make no sense on the field and lead to arbitrary enforcement. Injection of politics into the game.

Why does every yahoo think that their fiddling with the golden goose will make it lay more golden eggs?


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Mid-30s, so not an old timer. But I’ve seen and vividly remember everything from the early 90s to present. And I have seen countless games from the 70s & 80s as that’s a hobby of mine. I would say that I have two opinions about the NFL. One, the current version of the NFL (last 5-10 year) is the worst that I have seen over the past 45 years or so. And two, the NFL is still the best pro sports “product” out there. The NFL has sufffered over the past 25 years from the same issues that the other leagues have. Expansion, overexposure, free agency, rule changes, and ridiculous money have all made the product worse from the fan’s perspective. It’s all positive for the owners and players over that time period, but the fan is the one left holding the bag. I still enjoy the NFL, but I bet by the time I’m 50 I will have walked away from it. I used to watch NBA, MLB, NHL, college football, and college basketball but have given all of those up due to a lack of interest. NFL will be there too one day I fear.