Question For The Old-Timers


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Before FA, salary cap, and league team expansion completely diluted the league there were truly great teams that were able to be assembled. Now it’s crap. You have the Pats who have a great coach and QB and NOTHING else in a toilet division able to make it into the SB every year because no one can stockpile talent. I think the evolution has reduced the importance of every position except QB and coaches. It’s almost funny that anyone is paying the huge contracts to any position that is not a QB. Jerry and JG still think you have to build out this big complete team a la 1990 to win but that’s just not the game anymore.
Additionally, Goodell has ruined the game. Not getting political but he allowed politics into the game and still, a year and a half later still doesn’t have a competent policy in place while their entire market is being threatened. How does he have his job? Also, the rule changes have been archaic and anti common sense. Other than Franco Harris’ non-catch, when were we ever having a debate about whether a guy caught a ball or not? We looked at it and everyone knew whether or not it was a catch. Now the rules are counter to obvious logic combined with plenty of other terrible rule changes...can’t touch the QB...PI...instant replay still getting calls wrong....and constant play stoppages making a 2 hour game into 3-4. It’s brutal to watch. It’s also injected a level of subjectivity to the game that didn’t used to be there and that can seem unfair which is something Americans esp hate.
Relatedly, Goodell’s clear favoritism and banana court justice system is also a point of ridiculousness that is an embarrassment to the game.

I will usually watch most of a cowboys game if it’s on during normal waking hours, sometimes on mute but I’m not losing any sleep or going out of my way anymore. All of the above has taken a toll (and perhaps some old age) and stolen most of my enjoyment of the game.


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Before FA, salary cap, and league team expansion completely diluted the league there were truly great teams that were able to be assembled. Now it’s crap. You have the Pats who have a great coach and QB and NOTHING else in a toilet division able to make it into the SB every year because no one can stockpile talent. I think the evolution has reduced the importance of every position except QB and coaches. It’s almost funny that anyone is paying the huge contracts to any position that is not a QB. Jerry and JG still think you have to build out this big complete team a la 1990 to win but that’s just not the game anymore.
Additionally, Goodell has ruined the game. Not getting political but he allowed politics into the game and still, a year and a half later still doesn’t have a competent policy in place while their entire market is being threatened. How does he have his job? Also, the rule changes have been archaic and anti common sense. Other than Franco Harris’ non-catch, when were we ever having a debate about whether a guy caught a ball or not? We looked at it and everyone knew whether or not it was a catch. Now the rules are counter to obvious logic combined with plenty of other terrible rule changes...can’t touch the QB...PI...instant replay still getting calls wrong....and constant play stoppages making a 2 hour game into 3-4. It’s brutal to watch. It’s also injected a level of subjectivity to the game that didn’t used to be there and that can seem unfair which is something Americans esp hate.
Relatedly, Goodell’s clear favoritism and banana court justice system is also a point of ridiculousness that is an embarrassment to the game.

I will usually watch most of a cowboys game if it’s on during normal waking hours, sometimes on mute but I’m not losing any sleep or going out of my way anymore. All of the above has taken a toll (and perhaps some old age) and stolen most of my enjoyment of the game.
The advent of replay is a good one. I watch tons of old games and blown calls were very rare. The quality of officiating has gone down. I think there are so many “points of emphasis” each year that officials miss the basic stuff like “was that a fumble”, or “was that a catch”. They don’t focus much on that because they have a crutch in replay.


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The advent of replay is a good one. I watch tons of old games and blown calls were very rare. The quality of officiating has gone down. I think there are so many “points of emphasis” each year that officials miss the basic stuff like “was that a fumble”, or “was that a catch”. They don’t focus much on that because they have a crutch in replay.

Totally agree. They’ve added so many rules which also contributes to refs missing stuff more.


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Game is more sloppy now due to limited practice.

Two things I miss a lot:

1. The running game. I preferred it when running and passing were equally important. Its all throw and catch now. I hate games where both QBs throw 40 times.

2. Genuine competition in preseason. Nowdays 90% of the roster is set before training camp. In the old days, unless you were an elite starter, you had to earn your job in training camp.


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There are so many rules now, refs can easily favor a team; and thus ultimately giving them more chances to win .

i.e. On every play you will find someone holding, its up to the refs to 'look & find' those infractions and penalize them .

I always wonder why patriots get so many calls that favor them, and yet to so few that penalize them .

Or why the raiders get called on every play.


Red, White and Brew...
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I don’t even know where to begin. The game is totally different now almost NONE of it for the better. I could go on forever. Every Sunday was Christmas morning. Now, but for the fact that I might have some fantasy players playing, I could care less about it.


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This is what I miss about NFL football. Great teams slugging it out in harsh conditions,and leaving it all on the field.

‘92 SF swamp bowl NFC championship

‘93 Giants game where E.Smith plays with separated shoulder to win division.


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When our defense EXPECTS to be great game in,game out, the sky is the limit. Confidence is contagious. We have a ways to go,but this weeks game will be key for that.


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Been a fan since '71 and I enjoy it just the same.
When I was a small tyke, around 4 years old in 1974...what made me a fan forever was Roger the Dodger. Captain Comeback. I got spoiled to the point that if we were losing, I would sob,literally Father would chide me...and tell me "there's no cryin in football son." What really spoiled me on winning was..most of the time,Roger Staubach would bring us back and win. I expected it. Then Danny White,a very under appreciated QB...a winner...and our Doomsday D of course. We were feared. The team in the 90's cemented all this for me. I continue to bleed blue...YES we ***** and moan on this board,but 99% of us on here are the same. Love the game just as much as ever,its that I am disappointed in the direction "leadership" ...or so called, that the NFL is going. Its a bad path. We really need a new commish in order to fix the league. Until then,ratings will drop due to the perceived bias of 1 Roger Goodell. We need a football guy running the league..not a lawyer type. Politics has no place in the NFL...or in sports,PERIOD.


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With the ways the game has changed so dramatically, beginning decades ago with the "Bump & Run" rule, then moving on to free agency, Salary Cap and finally, hamstringing defenses, my question is this;
How much do you enjoy today's game vs back in "The Day?"

Personally, although the modern players are bigger and faster, there's an attitude of check cashing and individualism that has eroded my enjoyment of the NFL. Even with the increased athleticism, I do not believe the game is as fierce and hard fought as it once was.

In answering this question, I'm not asking you to allow any of the political crap that has infected the league to enter in ... just the game on the field and how it's played ... and if you're a "Youngster", you really don't have anything to base your remarks on. ... So, help me out, Old Dudes ...
I agree with you IceBowler. I don't enjoy the game nearly as much now as I did before. I always enjoyed following my favorite players and that didn't change much from year to year, but free agency changed and ruined all that.

Now the game is musical chairs. You can't follow your favorite players for long because they're too busy chasing money. I hate free agency, salary caps, and parity. Money, excessive yellow flags, politics and Roger goodell are wrecking the NFL.
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Landry was my hero, but it was time for him to go. I did not feel angry about his departure, just sadness to see an icon moving on.

When Johnson left, I was confused, angry, and temperamental. I thought Parcells would resurrect the team, but all was lost.

This team had been emerged in mediocrity every since.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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This is what I miss about NFL football. Great teams slugging it out in harsh conditions,and leaving it all on the field.

‘92 SF swamp bowl NFC championship

‘93 Giants game where E.Smith plays with separated shoulder to win division.

I miss those days.... back when the team had a REAL coach.


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The thrill of rooting for my team and the excitement of the game is still there. But the thrill of the big hits on WR and QB is gone. The refs rarely let them play like they used to. Soon there will be flags on the QBs. That’s when it ends for me.


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Why dont you say you don't agree and move on. I know I know more football than you. I'm not just a fan, I lived it?
roflmao because I had an opinion and I felt like expressing it oh wise one who knows more than others because he lived it. I made cogent and valid and interesting set of points and not only do you not have interest in them, which is fine, but you feel the need to suggest I should not have even made them. Typical jock mentality. I lived it therefore I speak from on high and all bow to my expertise. Please get over yourself


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The game of football in the NFL has fundamentally changed and will not ever come back to the glory days it once had. Today's game is about protecting millionaire players and billionaire owners and maximizing sponsor advertising and total revenue to be shared. The game has been socialized to protect the owner's maximum profit and team value while appealing to women who do most of the shopping and buying for the family. The game will eventually devolve further as the social construct demands a participation trophys for all. Exceptionalism is now a fond memory at best.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Yes, I know this about the product on the field. To be frank, I like the college game more these days.

College football is a much better product. Hands down.


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way more "flash" in today's game which markets to younger viewers I guess....but, give me a Larry Csonka bloody nose run up the middle, Rocky Bleier, the Steeler/Cowboy rivalry in the 70's/80's when there was smash mouth play and running was an equal part of the offensive game, just let you spiffy new QB throw the ball 40 times....I like today's game, but I preferred the older style....


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I liked the old bump and run
The rule in the passing game that drives me nuts is the grounding rule.
I feel like the QBs get away with too much. The Aaron Rodgers in the game today would not have the stats if the wideout could be bump until the ball was in the air and if they had to worry about grounding.


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College football is a much better product. Hands down.

If I thought it were equitable, I might agree with you....but, when teams from the SEC and other schools don't care if their kids go to classes and they can't even utter a legitimate sentence, it is insulting to me - did you ever notice the star of the game in the SEC getting on TV and actually, you know, talking? no, they won't let them...and, I have said this numerous times, have you ever noticed many Alabama players have a "star" NFL career? it's almost like they have different rules :rolleyes:, maybe things are "supplemented" differently when you can get away with things at the college level...I enjoy college football, but when you see all of the cheating from the SAME schools and nothing happens, it just leaves a stain to me

There was an LSU player about 15 or 20 years ago that they highlighted after a play; he was a senior (A SENIOR) and what was his major? General, I just imagined that he was likely very knowledgeable on generals like Grant, MacArthur, Custer.......insulting.....