"The Search is Over... you were with us all the while"


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I think this deserves a thread. An appreciation thread of sorts.

I know only a few on here(or any cowboy fan for that matter) can claim to have seen some greatness or real potential in Tony. I was not one of them.

I was like "Tony who?"... whats his name "Romo" ? LOL

Alot of pain and suffering endured by us fans watching the QB carousel over the years. Romo is the 9th QB... Ironic... #9.

This is the start of something new. He seems even more determined to show that his big money contract will have been worth it.

Its a great day in Dallas Cowboys history.... already.... ;)


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YoMick;1737048 said:
I think this deserves a thread. An appreciation thread of sorts.

I know only a few on here(or any cowboy fan for that matter) can claim to have seen some greatness or real potential in Tony. I was not one of them.

I was like "Tony who?"... whats his name "Romo" ? LOL

Alot of pain and suffering endured by us fans watching the QB carousel over the years. Romo is the 9th QB... Ironic... #9.

This is the start of something new. He seems even more determined to show that his big money contract will have been worth it.

Its a great day in Dallas Cowboys history.... already.... ;)



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This posting reminded me of something. Does anyone have a video of any of the preseason games which Romo played in. I know he played the whole game against Seattle in 2006 but believe he also saw some action in a few other pre-season games. If possible, could you post them on youtube.com for those of us who never had the chance to see him before the Giants game. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
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YoMick;1737048 said:
I think this deserves a thread. An appreciation thread of sorts.

I know only a few on here(or any cowboy fan for that matter) can claim to have seen some greatness or real potential in Tony. I was not one of them.

I was like "Tony who?"... whats his name "Romo" ? LOL

Alot of pain and suffering endured by us fans watching the QB carousel over the years. Romo is the 9th QB... Ironic... #9.

This is the start of something new. He seems even more determined to show that his big money contract will have been worth it.

Its a great day in Dallas Cowboys history.... already.... ;)

Does this mean the end of all QB debates? :bang2: I miss the who is better Hutch or QC debates. :lmao2:


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sago1;1737079 said:
This posting reminded me of something. Does anyone have a video of any of the preseason games which Romo played in. I know he played the whole game against Seattle in 2006 but believe he also saw some action in a few other pre-season games. If possible, could you post them on youtube.com for those of us who never had the chance to see him before the Giants game. Thanks.

Find the first one, where he scored a touchdown instead of following Parcells' conservative direction, much to the coach's irritation.



Illegitimi non carborundum
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YoMick;1737048 said:
I think this deserves a thread. An appreciation thread of sorts.

I know only a few on here(or any cowboy fan for that matter) can claim to have seen some greatness or real potential in Tony. I was not one of them.

I was like "Tony who?"... whats his name "Romo" ? LOL

Alot of pain and suffering endured by us fans watching the QB carousel over the years. Romo is the 9th QB... Ironic... #9.

This is the start of something new. He seems even more determined to show that his big money contract will have been worth it.

Its a great day in Dallas Cowboys history.... already.... ;)

Well said. Congrats to Tony and it is well deserved.

Doomsday101;1737083 said:
Does this mean the end of all QB debates? :bang2: I miss the who is better Hutch or QC debates. :lmao2:
OUCH!! I never want to read one of those again!!!!!!!!!!:lmao2:


Regular Joe....
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Well, I was not one of them either. Heck, I don't know how anybody could have been because he got zero playing time. Unless you were around in the first mini camps and TC, I don't think you could have been on the band wagon. However, there were some who did. I know that. Kudos to them for having the foresight. I sure didn't.

Mavs Man

All outta bubble gum
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I think the only people who knew Romo was going to turn out to be as good as he is were these guys:


These guys:


And maybe this guy:


Avenging Hayseed

Interwebs fooseball expert
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YoMick;1737048 said:
I think this deserves a thread. An appreciation thread of sorts.

I know only a few on here(or any cowboy fan for that matter) can claim to have seen some greatness or real potential in Tony. I was not one of them.

I was like "Tony who?"... whats his name "Romo" ? LOL

Alot of pain and suffering endured by us fans watching the QB carousel over the years. Romo is the 9th QB... Ironic... #9.

This is the start of something new. He seems even more determined to show that his big money contract will have been worth it.

Its a great day in Dallas Cowboys history.... already.... ;)
...................................................I KNOW, for a FACT, that I was the 1st, on any forum, anywhere. But my question is.....Do I AT LEAST get a cookie????LMAO:eek:: Heck, when I very 1st started bringing up Romo all I got was a bunch of grief and ridicule....:( Ole Star4 always knows....:eek:

Avenging Hayseed

Interwebs fooseball expert
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Actually I have to give Yo Mick credit. He was one of the only ones who believed Romo even had a shot. In fact we even had matching Romo avatars once upon a time in a galaxy far far away....LOL


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ABQCOWBOY;1737169 said:
Well, I was not one of them either. Heck, I don't know how anybody could have been because he got zero playing time. Unless you were around in the first mini camps and TC, I don't think you could have been on the band wagon. However, there were some who did. I know that. Kudos to them for having the foresight. I sure didn't.

I tell you what ABQ... the guy below "Avenging Hayseed" was sold on Romo. Was telling me about Romo is gonna prevail over these other guys. I wasnt buying it.. but didnt have any info.

Avenging Hayseed;1737206 said:
...................................................I KNOW, for a FACT, that I was the 1st, on any forum, anywhere. But my question is.....Do I AT LEAST get a cookie????LMAO:eek:: Heck, when I very 1st started bringing up Romo all I got was a bunch of grief and ridicule....:( Ole Star4 always knows....:eek:

Yes... I kinda had you in mind when I started this thread.

Avenging Hayseed;1737220 said:
Actually I have to give Yo Mick credit. He was one of the only ones who believed Romo even had a shot. In fact we even had matching Romo avatars once upon a time in a galaxy far far away....LOL

I cant claim any credit prior to.... BUT... when Bill decided to start... I just had a feeling. So if thats what you mean then YES... I was sold on a "feeling"..... otherwise... I knew nothing about him.

Whassup Star4!:starspin

Avenging Hayseed

Interwebs fooseball expert
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YoMick;1737285 said:
I tell you what ABQ... the guy below "Avenging Hayseed" was sold on Romo. Was telling me about Romo is gonna prevail over these other guys. I wasnt buying it.. but didnt have any info.

Yes... I kinda had you in mind when I started this thread.

I cant claim any credit prior to.... BUT... when Bill decided to start... I just had a feeling. So if thats what you mean then YES... I was sold on a "feeling"..... otherwise... I knew nothing about him.

Whassup Star4!:starspin
Naww, thats NOT true. Give yourself the credit you are due. You and I had those Romo Avatars longggggggggg before Romo ever had his first start. You knew, or at least had a good feeling.


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Avenging Hayseed;1737306 said:
Naww, thats NOT true. Give yourself the credit you are due. You and I had those Romo Avatars longggggggggg before Romo ever had his first start. You knew, or at least had a good feeling.

I dont remember... if I did have an avatar before he even started then it was because I didnt want Bledsoe in there anymore LOL


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I was high on Romo since July of 2003, but it doesn't mean a hill of beans. He had just as likely chance to never get any playing time and being released. If Carter doesn't fail that drug test, we're probably in a different boat and Romo is out of the league.


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dallasfaniac;1737322 said:
I was high on Romo since July of 2003, but it doesn't mean a hill of beans. He had just as likely chance to never get any playing time and being released. If Carter doesn't fail that drug test, we're probably in a different boat and Romo is out of the league.

I dont know.... If not for drugs scandal.... I think Quincy is benched a few games in...

I will never forget reading Bill's lips when Quincy throws that INT down the left sideline.... "you dump truck" :laugh2:


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YoMick;1737325 said:
I dont know.... If not for drugs scandal.... I think Quincy is benched a few games in...

I will never forget reading Bill's lips when Quincy throws that INT down the left sideline.... "you dump truck" :laugh2:

But I believe at the time we had Quincy, Testaverde, Henson and Romo. We had just sent a pick to Houston and given Henson the big contract. I doubt we would have kept 4 QBs on the roster when Jerry was sure Henson was the future. Maybe Romo makes it to the practice squad, maybe not.


Well-Known Member
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I admit I had major doubts about Romo at the get go. It was not until he got a chance in reg season before I had a change of heart. As strange as this may sound what impressed me the most was how he could bounce back from mistake and not let it affect him. He screws up at times but he gets right back up and comes right back at you without blinking an eye. I think you tell a lot more about a player in how they react and come back from failure than when things are going great. That is what always impressed me about guys like Staubach no matter what he was not going to give up or quit he would get right back up and come at you just without any sign of hesitation or doubt.

Avenging Hayseed

Interwebs fooseball expert
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Lets get this straight RIGHT NOW. Quincy was GONE the day we signed Henson and Testeverde. Regardless of what ANYONE says, its all BS anyway. Vinny was brought here to START and mentor Henson. Vinny was never brought here to backup Carter. The plan would have went off like clockwork too, but Romo got in the way and Henson was sent packing. Anyone still believing Vinny was brought here as a backup is in denial. Dont mean to offend, just the truth.....


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Doomsday101;1737333 said:
I admit I had major doubts about Romo at the get go. It was not until he got a chance in reg season before I had a change of heart. As strange as this may sound what impressed me the most was how he could bounce back from mistake and not let it affect him. He screws up at times but he gets right back up and comes right back at you without blinking an eye. I think you tell a lot more about a player in how they react and come back from failure than when things are going great. That is what always impressed me about guys like Staubach no matter what he was not going to give up or quit he would get right back up and come at you just without any sign of hesitation or doubt.

Yup.... for me..... Romo getting thrown into the fire at halftime vs the Giants. He just seemed like he was gonna fit it. INT's and all.... the "spark"...

even with that loss..... "A New Hope" - thats exactly how I felt...