Thanks for the correction on the OP. You're right. My bad.
And since we're in agreement that different folks would handle it differently I'll drop that discussion as well.
As for your contention that my financial position vs Greg's is a subjective matter, I certainly wholeheartedly disagree but i don't think it needs further elaboration either. So I'll drop it.
I've long been an Ellis advocate and defender. But his offseason commentary of the last few years has finally changed my opinion of him. In this offseason theme of trying to purge the org of questionable influences I must say that Greg fits that bill for me. I wish it weren't so. And I don't know for a fact whether he's part of the problem or not.
But I do know he's been far more public with concerns about himself than he has about any concerns he has of finding success for the team and that tells me all I need to know.
I think Jerry's and other's positive comments about Ellis are likely well-founded. I think there has been much to admire about Greg's tenure here and that Jerry has worked hard to not lose sight of that. But that is the past and in the present, when we're trying to build unity, Greg's focus is somewhere else.
Like with TO, Greg isn't all bad. Its just that for the present needs of the
team neither are the right individual. So be it. Good luck to both.