RECAP: Mickey on Bob and Dan


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Bob: What an amazing, amazing team this is to cover. Is it fun out there?

Mickey: It’s a barrel of laughs out here.

Bob: In the textbook of “How to prepare for a big game”, what chapter does this come in?

Mickey: Chapter 30.

Bob: Where does this rank with 90’s Cowboys .

Mickey: I don’t remember anonymous opinions voiced like this. It seems like when you have two different factions in the lockerroom,you got a problem. You can have a guy shoot himself in the leg, all he does is hurt himself. When something like this is festering in the lockerroom, it bothers everyone.

Dan: So what were they saying out there today?

Mickey: All that they would talk about in the lockerroom today was the Giants. They wouldn’t talk about anything else.

Dan: Well, that’s good. Don’t you think?

Mickey: TO wouldn’t talk to anyone. I didn’t see Romo. RW and Crayton weren’t talking about much, other than the Giants. Its not like people were airing things out today. I guess Terrence Newman said what he wanted to say on ESPN.

Bob: He certainly had some opinions on the coaching staff.

Mickey: I imagine he had his feathers ruffled when Wade said “if there wasn’t a mistake on that 3rd down, the field position wouldn’t have turned”. When he said it, I thought “Boy, Newman wont be happy about that.”

Dan: Well that’s unlike Wade. He typically says that players don’t make the mistakes, he makes the mistakes. And a player didn’t jump offsides, he jumped off sides. And a player didn’t fumble the ball, he fumbled the ball.

Bob: We’re not out there, but we’ve seen this rodeo enough to know … it looks like chaos out there.

Mickey: I guess we will see on Sunday. But I think the QB has enough to think about after the snap without wondering “Gee, I wonder how many times I’ve thrown it to this guy? Have I thrown it to this guy enough?”

Bob: He’s always been so self assured, but I guess now we’ll see what he’s really made of … because this can ruin a QB.

Mickey: Wade thinks he’ll do his job. He said so in the press conference that he doesn’t think this will be a distraction. The thing that’s amusing to me … okay, if you’re a QB and you have a 26 mph wind blowing in your face and Steelers collapsing your pocket, people actually believe Romo has time to think “Well, I don’t want to throw it to TO, I’m going to throw it to my good buddy.’

Dan: Well, that's what the secret meeting we're all about ... Witten and Romo would lie awake at night before the game and come up with secret plays.

Bob: Just look at the objective facts … Owens and Witten got a good number of targets their way n that game.

Mickey: You know, he comes back from injury with a splint on his hands, for the first time in his career, and they put up 30 points back to back games. Which say what you want about the competition, that’s hard to do in the NFL. And then in the next game they have some of the worst weather conditions I’ve seen in some time, not just the cold but the wind, they are facing the #1 defense in the NFL and they come within a yard from putting up more yardage than a Steelers have had an opponent put up on them all year, and that team was the Colts.

Bob: Just looking at the facts … Witten had 9 passes directed at him. Williams 6. TO had 5. And Steelers are well known for rolling coverages to the offenses #1 target.

Mickey: So I guess I just don’t understand. I understand in those conditions he might have rushed things, but in those situations he didn’t have time to just wait things out .. and for most QBs your safety outlet is your TE.

Dan: Just looking at any QB in the NFL .. TO or Witten .. they both run a slant across the middle … both with great coverage on them and it requires a tough catch with a defender drapped all over him … who do you trust .. the guy who catches the ball 70% or the guy who catches the ball 48%?

Mickey: Or the guy who quits on routes makes everyone think “Boy Romo just doesn’t take care of the ball.” You know, there are QBs who have been known to just quit throwing to guys for stuff like that. Im sure Troy won’t mind me telling this story … in 1991, Alexander Wright was a 2nd year player who wouldn’t cut in front of the DB. He would always cut behind the DB, for some reason. And one preseason game Aikman throws a perfect pass on a deep post that would have been a long completion if Wright had cut in front of the defensive back like he was supposed to. Instead he cut behind the DB and it was intercepted. Aikman comes marching to the sideline and walks right up to Babe Laufenberg and says “If I ever throw the deep post to Alexander Wright again, shoot me !!!!” Bill Jones did some breakdown that he’s targeted as much, catches the ball the same amount of balls for even more TDs than he did with the Eagles. So I don’t know what he’s imagining.

Dan: But I guess facts get in the way. I think TO is already making excuses because he’s lobbying for his next contract.

Bob: I just can’t see the Cowboys signing up for this again next season.

Mickey: Did you see the first story that came out with Joe Theisman came out about Romo saying “This is a make or break game for his career”. How about that? What are we doing? What are we doing here?

Bob: So what about this “make or break “ game?

Mickey: I don’t like what I’m seeing. Earlier, I thought we were going to win this game, but I don’t like my QB having to drop back in his pocket and have to think about anything more than what’s going on in front of him. And say what you will ... where there's smoke, there's usually fire. It reminds me too much of the end of last year … too beat up and too many distractions going on. And just looking at Barber on the field, I doubt he plays. Neither one of the starting safeties did anything in practice today.


Mick Green 58
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Thanks for the Recap.

And say what you will ... where there's smoke, there's usually fire. It reminds me too much of the end of last year … too beat up and too many distractions going on.

I agree 100%.


Well-Known Member
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Well that explains why T New is poed. Problem is if he made a mistake he made a mistake. Why shouldn't he be called out on it? I don't even see where he really was. Are all these guys that soft?

Nice recap too.


Well-Known Member
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sounds like Mickie is ready to pack it in and look to next year....:rolleyes:


Active Member
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Great recap.

Didn't TO already get his next contract though? Do they really think TO may not be here next season?


Zone Scribe
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ddh33;2484544 said:
Great recap.

Didn't TO already get his next contract though? Do they really think TO may not be here next season?

Yes, that was their opinion (not Mickey's .. Bob and Dan's. Dan has been speculating all day that the Cowboys willingly overpaid for Roy Williams because they want him to replace TO next year, and TO knows it).

I really don't necessarily disagree ... as bad as this week has been, it's going to be exponentially worse next week if they lose against the Giants. If/when they're officially eliminated from the playoffs, it could be Mount Saint Helens.

I guess it depends on how it's structured and if the guaranteed money is spread out.


Mr. Buckeye
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Dave_in-NC;2484520 said:
Well that explains why T New is poed. Problem is if he made a mistake he made a mistake. Why shouldn't he be called out on it? I don't even see where he really was. Are all these guys that soft?

Nice recap too.

Yep...hadn't heard that.

That explains it all.


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InmanRoshi;2484552 said:
Yes, that was their opinion (not Mickey's .. Bob and Dan's. Dan has been speculating all day that the Cowboys willingly overpaid for Roy Williams because they want him to replace TO next year, and TO knows it).

I really don't necessarily disagree ... as bad as this week has been, it's going to be exponentially worse next week if they lose against the Giants. If/when they're officially eliminated from the playoffs, it could be Mount Saint Helens.

I guess it depends on how it's structured and if the guaranteed money is spread out.

That's what I was thinking all along-acquiring Roy11 was an emergency thing just in case TO pulled a Mount St. Melens.

Hey-gotta give Jerry some credit here. At least we'll be OK next year.


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Boysboy;2484590 said:
That's what I was thinking all along-acquiring Roy11 was an emergency thing just in case TO pulled a Mount St. Melens.

Hey-gotta give Jerry some credit here. At least we'll be OK next year.

So Jerry knew he had a short window with owens? Hmmmm


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ConcordCowboy;2484580 said:
Yep...hadn't heard that.

That explains it all.

What ever happened to the days when a player screwed up, the coach *****ed and life went on? This is just crazy.


Active Member
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I do think that TO has been making some noise, and he tends to do this when he wants to move on.

But I don't know that Jerry would let him. I think Jerry is so drawn to star power that he'll do anything to keep him around and keep him happy.


Zone Scribe
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ddh33;2484617 said:
I do think that TO has been making some noise, and he tends to do this when he wants to move on.

But I don't know that Jerry would let him. I think Jerry is so drawn to star power that he'll do anything to keep him around and keep him happy.

You're right about that. Troy absolutely hated Deion with a passion and reportedly talked to Jerry several times about how he was a cancer on the team, but Jerry loved (and still loves to this day) Deion so much he wouldn't pull the trigger until Deion's toe pretty much had ended his career. And I don't think Tony has nearly as much pull with Jerry as Troy did.


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Can someone clear this up to me.....this circus has me spiining and im afraid of clowns :)

who said....that Romo and Witten were getting together and making their own plays and avoiding TO?

was that a source? or did a player actually say that?

Also....the reference to Owens quiting on the route.....

Wasnt that just a bad read by Romo? Owens looked like he was tripled covered on that play and IMHO....even if he ran the whole route (if of course that is assuming he didnt) that pass would of still been picked off.

Like Aikman was a bad pass to throw.

Can someone explain anymore then that to me?


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InmanRoshi;2484627 said:
You're right about that. Troy absolutely hated Deion with a passion and reportedly talked to Jerry several times about how he was a cancer on the team, but Jerry loved (and still loves to this day) Deion so much he wouldn't pull the trigger until Deion's toe pretty much had ended his career. And I don't think Tony has nearly as much pull with Jerry as Troy did.

Making matters worse, Deion is still in Jerry's ear telling him how good TO is and how bad everyone is. I'm frustrated by all of it.

I still believe that winning fixes a lot of these problems - at least for the time being. The problem is, as you mentioned, if and when this team loses.


Double Trouble
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A lot of fans won't like it, but Spagnola's comments pretty much confirms all of this is basically true.


Lost in the Woods
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Double Trouble;2484636 said:
A lot of fans won't like it, but Spagnola's comments pretty much confirms all of this is basically true.

If it is, it's unfortunate, as TO has proved my previous misgivings about signing him totally unfounded up to this point.


Mr. Buckeye
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Dave_in-NC;2484611 said:
What ever happened to the days when a player screwed up, the coach *****ed and life went on? This is just crazy.

I agree.

I also agree with Phillips...that play was a big one.