Regarding the team's "Attitude"


Federal Agent
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As most of us know, it takes a special breed of athlete to succeed in Dallas.

Whether they like it or not, it's not "JUST" about wins and losses. It's about championships. And fans know that a negative trend that isn't "fixed" is not the way to win a championship. So us fans WILL point out when something isn't going right (win or lose) cuz we have experienced our team winning championships for many years.

So it's especially important for athletes who play for the cowboys to be able to either ignore the criticisms and concentrate on what they need to do, or deal with the scrutiny directly (like Aikman used to do).

And that goes for the coaches as well.

Tony Romo, Wade Phillips, Terrel Owens, and Brady James, you FAILED yesterday in how you handled questions regarding your SORRY play vs the Bengals.

"I'm pretty sure we won the game". Yes, you did, Romo. I'm pretty sure you've gone half a season's worth of freakin' games turning the ball over. You want to continue to do that and win games? Go for it. But you won't win in the playoffs with that type of play, nor with that type of attitude towards that type of play. Maybe you should have listened closely when Troy Aikman told you how hard it is to play QB for the Dallas Cowboys cuz the fact of the matter is our standards ARE higher for our team then all other fans' standards for their teams. We EXPECT championships here, we don't "hope" for them.

If you don't like it and can't deal with it directly or by ignoring it, then ask to be traded.

Wade Phillips, same thing as above. If you can't handle our standards, step down now. I sure as hell don't want a coach that isn't man enough to get after his team when it is needed. Not to mention you were brought here to make our defense ELITE, and you have failed MISERABLY in that area so far.

Quit your job now if you can't handle our standards.

Brady James, not only do you SUCK as a football player, but you obviously can't handle the standards and scrutiny of cowboys fans (and media). I want you gone anyway, but the fact that you can't deal with our standards makes me hate you that much more. You're sorry butt couldn't cover Larry Allen if he lined up as a FB and ran out in the flat. You're THAT sorry.

TO, time to start acting your age. Yes, I want a WR that WANTS the ball. That's a good thing. No complaints from me on that matter. But crying after you score a TD, as if you went through some incredible hardship and overcame it? Please. Instead of crying on the sideline, how about you work on getting off the jam so teams can't take you out of the game plan so easily?

You guys can win games going about it the way you are now, but you'll never win a championship with that attitude. And for cowboys fans, that's what matters. I sure as hell won't be talking about the Wade Phillips/Tony Romo era 20-30 years from now if you guys don't win a superbowl. Just like I don't talk about the Danny White era. Yeah, he was a good QB, just like you are, Tony. But he's a failure in cowboys history cuz he couldn't win a championship. The same fate awaits you if you don't get your act together and accept the fact that we expect more out of our football team.

Not all fans will agree with this now, but if you don't win a championship then 20-30 years from now, they will.


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I agree with all except the Bradie James stuff. I think he's playing good. It's just our whole front 7 has played like crap the past 2 games. the linebacker you need to talk about is the one who hurt us against washington and will hurt us against new york. that linebacker is Zach Thomas who hurts our run defense.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
A bit harsher than I would have put it, but there are some same concerns that I have.

But the positive side of me feels that this is actually something which can galvanize both ths coaching staff and the players.

Criticism like this can lead to dissention, or it can lead to a 'circle the wagons', 'us vs the world' mentality.

Much like the Giants used criticism to win a Super Bowl, I think Wade, Romo, Owens and Co. can turn a negative into a positive.

Have a closed door meeting and rally the troops and turn this into motivation to prove to everyone that you're better than some people think.

You may even surprise yourselves along the way.


Well-Known Member
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this thread is fixin' to get ugly....

however, I agree with a lot of what you say!


1st Round Pick
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Rampage;2313351[B said:
]I agree with all except the Bradie James stuff. I think he's playing good.[/B] It's just our whole front 7 has played like crap the past 2 games. the linebacker you need to talk about is the one who hurt us against washington and will hurt us against new york. that linebacker is Zach Thomas who hurts our run defense.

I agree. I think Rack is being a little harsh on Bradie. Hes playing pretty good ball imo.


Federal Agent
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Zach Thomas - in 30 years - will still be able to play the LB position better than James in his prime.

What freakin' games have you been watching?

And now I know why Rampage is on my ignore list.

Catch, the fact that you agree with him should give you reason enough to rethink your view on James and Thomas.


New Member
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Did TO really cry? I just heard that for the first time during the Monday presser...anyone have a pic or video?


Federal Agent
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VegasMalone;2313384 said:
Did TO really cry? I just heard that for the first time during the Monday presser...anyone have a pic or video?

I'm assuming the media didn't lie about that one.

I admit, I probably gave them too much credit by assuming so.


Well-Known Member
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Rousing sermon, Brother Rack. We should forward this on to the Cowboys and Tony Romo and let those jerk-offs know we are mad as hell.



The Duke
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Rack, I really like this thread. This isn't whining. This is righteous indignation that is focused on performance instead of panic. I don't agree with some of the takes but I respect the hell out of the way you are saying what you think.

Best thread I've read in a long time.


The Funcooker
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Rampage;2313351 said:
I agree with all except the Bradie James stuff. I think he's playing good. It's just our whole front 7 has played like crap the past 2 games. the linebacker you need to talk about is the one who hurt us against washington and will hurt us against new york. that linebacker is Zach Thomas who hurts our run defense.
Agreed, I think James is having a solid season. He's on pace for 80 tackles. May seem like a drop from his 101 last year, but we have to remember that last year, he was playing opposite Akin Ayodele. Now, there's Zach Thomas.

In 2007, after 5 games, Ayodele had 21 tackles.

In 2008, after 5 games, Thomas has 34 tackles and 1 sack.

What's this mean? Means that Bradies doesn't have to carry the load. After 5 games in 2007, James had 19 tackles, this season through 5 he's got 25.

James/Ayodele had 158 tackles last year combined.

James/Thomas are on pace for almost 190.

That is an improvement.


Kane Ala
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Not much there I agree on. I think Romo just didn't want to talk to them. Was it prudent. No. Not your usual Romo comments either. Very out of character actually.

Bradie James. He's a pretty good LB. Not one of our all time greats but I actually see improvement in his pass coverage. And he's pretty good in the running game. Zack Thomas seems to think he's doing a great job. I doubt Zack ever passes out praise that is unworthy. Of course there's no drauma in saying Bradie's a pretty good player so that would gather little attn.

This forum is beginning to look different and I don't mean that in a good way.

Zimmy Lives

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jobberone;2313456 said:
Not much there I agree on. I think Romo just didn't want to talk to them. Was it prudent. No. Not your usual Romo comments either. Very out of character actually.

Bradie James. He's a pretty good LB. Not one of our all time greats but I actually see improvement in his pass coverage. And he's pretty good in the running game. Zack Thomas seems to think he's doing a great job. I doubt Zack ever passes out praise that is unworthy. Of course there's no drauma in saying Bradie's a pretty good player so that would gather little attn.

This forum is beginning to look different and I don't mean that in a good way.

I agree that James is a pretty good LB but I'll refrain from calling him the leader of the so-called "James Gang." If anyone is the leader of this unit it would Ratliff and the Rat Pack. :eek::


Vet Min Plus
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Maturity or the lack thereof is the problem. Maybe another crushing loss in the post season will piss off Jerry.;)

Bradie James is an average LB at best.

Romo is still a gunslinger and that's also why he has 8 consecutive games with a pick. I blame Garrett and his play calling for this. We need to do more short passes and bring back the screen.

I missed the interview but maybe that's best.

TO is a ball of emotion and that is a good thing. We need somebody who cares if we win or lose.

All in all our overall talent keeps us in the games but without discipline and maturity it will cost us when it really counts. We still have a lot of games left to play and get it right, perhaps a few more embarrassing losses will wake us up. Yes we won mijo but it's time to dominate the field like the talent and potential you possess, don't waste it...


Double Trouble
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Perfect post.

I'd like to be able to disagree with it, but I can't.


1st Round Pick
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Ratliff is one of the 5 best players on the team right now.

He has one foot in the door to Hawaii imo.


Kane Ala
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Zimmy Lives;2313470 said:
I agree that James is a pretty good LB but I'll refrain from calling him the leader of the so-called "James Gang." If anyone is the leader of this unit it would Ratliff and the Rat Pack. :eek::

I don't care about who's the leader. Apparently James is and that generally means he's playing well or someone would shut him up. And I can't agree more about Ratliff although there have been posts about needing a bigger NT cause the run defensed sucked even though we gave up 61 yards. They done good wrapping him up early. We wondered a little about that. Turns out they were very right about him. He should go to the Pro Bowl this year but I'm a homer. Depends on how well we do overall as usual.