Regardless of how season ends, Jerry: Please Keep Wade


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I think Wade's problem is his inability, or perceived inability, to change.

When things aren't working or could be working better, this staff, led by Wade, is very slow to change. Maybe it's loyalty or stubbornness (especially with younger players), but it drives me crazy that he's so resistant.

Examples: Keeping Read when the special teams were lousy LAST year (they've cost us or at least contributed to two losses this year), waiting too long to relieve Stewart of his play calling duties, taking too long to insert Holland in place of Proctor who was CLEARLY ineffective, waiting too long to get Roy out of coverage, playing CBs way off receivers on a consistent basis, sticking with Brad Johnson when everyone could see he was washed up, slow in getting Choice involved even after Felix went down, etc.

He's got to be quicker in recognizing shortcomings and doing all he can to fix them as fast as possible.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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I do agree that the defense has turned a corner, Wade's sideline demeanor has become more serious and the team shows better insentsity...but what lingers for me are...

1. The lack of discipline in penalties and wrong formations.

2. The lack of a killer instinct on both sides of the ball in close games.

3. His inability to make a professional decision on a friend (Read).

All things considered. I vote to not bring him back.


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I wish he would step down to full time defensive coordinator and then bring in a new head coach that pays better attention to details, is tougher, more inspirational and motivating.

Maybe bring in a new O.C. and or a better QB coach (imo, Romo needs to be coached better on the little details that are killing us, we dont need to go for the bomb all the time [short passes in space are ok-just keep moving the ballforward} and it wouldn't hurt if he would get in the habit of putting two hands on the ball as he moves through the poicket).

The consensus is that it could never happen, but what else is Wade gonna do, who would give him another shot at head coach?

I do think there is a lot to be said for continuity so if he stays hopefully that will bode well for this team.


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Hypnotoad;2475906 said:
Our team needs that consistency. Our defense is amazing. The last 2 drafts have been good. Wade is not the problem. I am fine with changing coordinators though, Jerry needs to stop meddling.

I would leave the option open for changing Garrett, but I will be happy if Garrett stays as well. I would like to see what Garrett can do with a healthy Felix Jones back next year. As for Jerry to stop meddling, I could not agree more. He needs to locked in a closet for the rest of the season and let Wade just do his job without any worries.


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Wade makes the switch to Defensive Coorinator, an Garrett gets the head coachin job

^^^ = SUPERBOWL :laugh1:


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Cowboyz88;2475914 said:
I think Wade's problem is his inability, or perceived inability, to change.

When things aren't working or could be working better, this staff, led by Wade, is very slow to change. Maybe it's loyalty or stubbornness (especially with younger players), but it drives me crazy that he's so resistant.

Examples: Keeping Read when the special teams were lousy LAST year (they've cost us or at least contributed to two losses this year), waiting too long to relieve Stewart of his play calling duties, taking too long to insert Holland in place of Proctor who was CLEARLY ineffective, waiting too long to get Roy out of coverage, playing CBs way off receivers on a consistent basis, sticking with Brad Johnson when everyone could see he was washed up, slow in getting Choice involved even after Felix went down, etc.

He's got to be quicker in recognizing shortcomings and doing all he can to fix them as fast as possible.

Perhaps...but on certain items he has to know with a reasonable certainty that the player can or can not...

Example: lets use Choice..

Let us say that in practice Choice screws up his pass protections 60% of the time...Isn't lined up where he is suppose to be 30% of the time and does just plain dumb stuff (brain freeze) 10% of the time.... Do you as a coach... play him/coach him up/both/neither...(I have no idea if any of this true it is only a hypothetical situation)

Will your decision lead to a season ending injury to the QB/OL/FB/TE or will it lead to a game changin play that leads to a lose.

now lets use Roy the Safety.

Roy is the best athelete at his position on your team....your team has a lot of time and money invested in Roy...and Roy will at times make game changing plays both good and bad...Roy's backups lack any play making ability...Roy's problem seems to be a learning disorder... Do you as a coach just sit him and hope he learns on the sideline and teach him from the past(what you say on Sunday from the bench was...) or do you play him hoping to teach him in the present (with the what he saw just now was...)


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dbair1967;2475834 said:
I still wouldnt be surprised if someone made a major run at Garrett again. There's gonna be quite a few openings and only so many candidates to fill those jobs. Plus we may very well miss the playoffs, meaning teams wouldnt have to wait to pull the trigger on him. Norv is probably going to get run in San Diego, if so he could easily end up back here replacing JC.

I am torn with this one. On the one hand, I think this team needs an HC with the abiity to make changes when needed and pay more attention to details. At the same time, this defense has played lights out and seems to get better each week. If Wade can continue to work with the D this way, then they could be a #1 defense next year. If they keep Wade for one more year, it would not hurt my feelings. But Read has to go . . .

Garrett may very well get a few looks to HC somewhere else. If he goes, then so be it. It would be weird if Garrett went to coach at San Diego and Norv Turner gets fired and comes back to Dallas. But Norv could be just what the doctor ordered for Romo if he's willing to come here as OC. His forte is working with QBs. I thnk that Norv could settle Romo down and that would help him in games like last Sunday.


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mmohican29;2475788 said:
Ok I know I'm going to get alot of heat for this. But I've changed my mind on Wade. This team has played inspired ball since the Arizona game and the defense especially looks very very close to turning the corner and becoming a DOMINANT unit.

We've been hurt by the injury bug, and we've underachieved definitely: but since our initial death knell was reached vs Washington... the Defense has really stood out.

I think some major changes might need to be made that will hurt Wade personally maybe (Read has to go), and some hard decisions about what players this team needs to get where it needs to go... (goodbye TO?) but the "message" is getting through to our more youthful players and some vets have bought in.

Go ahead and roast me, but I hope Wade stays now. He's definitely put some signature on this team- this defense is attacking and is SOOoooo close to being an outstanding unit I'd hate to have the reason why go away.

Great teams and coaching overcome injuries. Wade is not a great coach. With our talent if one player goes down we should still be able to win.


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WoodysGirl;2475823 said:
I'm all for continuity, so keeping Wade wouldn't hurt my feelings. Not sure what type of coaching candidates would be available after the season is over anyway. I don't think Garrett has earned the HC this year.

I definitely think Read needs to go. Too inconsistent.

I'm all for continuity also. But keeping the soft HC we have now just for continuity sake bothers me. I don't know who Jerry could get but keeping Phillips is going to be a mistake. He always goes down hill shortly after being named HC. I think he loses the players quickly.

Any way the plan was obvious when Jerry paid Garrett.
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Wade Philips has that defense playing out of it's mind, you hold a team to 13 points on the road, you should definitely win!


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rocyaice;2475881 said:
I'm scared what happens to this defense if Wade goes. Its improved every season since he's been here. This defense can get scary in another year. Actually I think its already scary.

I think we are two good safeties away from "scary".


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:lmao2::lmao2::laugh2: & :mad::bang2: :bang2:At ANYONE who thinks wade should remain as head coach after this year!


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Wade is not the only person who can get a D to play like it has lately.
We need to find one who can and THEN get a REAL HEAD COACH.


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Keep Wade on as DC. Even Wade woudn't accept the demotion but that's where Wade needs to be. Great guy, classy guy, hall of fame defensive coordinator, lame duck HC. The defense is playing well and with what this offense is supposed to be we should be unstoppable, but we aren't because the HC can't get both sides of the ball playing at the same level at the same time. Don't get me started on ST's.

Let's not forget who this defense has been playing the last while since the Arizona game either. Here's the list and where they are ranked scoring points and it's not exactly a list full of prolific offenses. Da Rams (31st), Da Bucs (17th), Da G-Men (2nd), Da Foreskins (29th) Da 49 er's (21st), Da Seahawks (25th), Da Steel Curtain (20th). Believe me, the per game yardage is even worse for these teams offense. Hate to rain on the parade but other than the G-Men we have been defending well against the offensive bottom feeders of the league. Arizona hung more than 30 points on us and the G-Men certainly did as well and those are the only 2 formidable offenses we have faced in the last 8 games.

I think it's very dangerous to ask our owner to keep our HC regardless of how the season ends. The emotional swing of our fans is very apparent and I understand when you have a marketing genius like Jerry Jones running a team why. Nonetheless, look at the numbers and facts and you can find out how good we really are. Another good indicator would be our next 3 games, since we are playing solid teams that have the pinnacle of the leagues defenses. We just threw an important game out the door Sunday that we had. You want to see defenses? Steelers # 1, Baltimore # 2, G-Men # 3, Philly 6th in points allowed and 7th in total yards allowed per game.

Looks like we're going to get to find out really how good this offense is and if the team is good enough as a whole in the 2nd most important time of the season. Playoffs being 1st of course but you have to get there. Wade wants to be HC next year? This is where he can start making his bid. Garrett wants to keep his job and even be considered for another at $3 million a year, these teams are where he needs to do it. We need both sides of the ball playing at an equally high level with at least average special teams to win these games coming up. A real head coach can make that happen. Just my opinion.


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Agreed....I would welcome Wade back as DC in heart beat ...he is great at that....but success just does not follow him as HC...I personally just think he
is too sensative of a guy for that. I wouldnt mind giving NYG DC shot at Head Coach in Dallas.


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Wood;2476227 said:
Agreed....I would welcome Wade back as DC in heart beat ...he is great at that....but success just does not follow him as HC...I personally just think he
is too sensative of a guy for that. I wouldnt mind giving NYG DC shot at Head Coach in Dallas.

If we brought him in there is no way he keeps Wade unless Jerry makes him.


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proline;2476184 said:
I think we are two good safeties away from "scary".

Hamlin is more than adequate. But we do need an upgrade at the other S spot. Preferably someone with more range but also physical. That and another ILB to either take over for Zach or backup Burnett, who would take Zach's spot.

I agree the D has definitely stepped up in recent weeks. We're on pace for 50-55 sacks which has to be the most we've had since he early 90s.

Let's see how we fare against the NYFG...


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Wood;2476227 said:
Agreed....I would welcome Wade back as DC in heart beat ...he is great at that....but success just does not follow him as HC...I personally just think he
is too sensative of a guy for that. I wouldnt mind giving NYG DC shot at Head Coach in Dallas.

Spagnuolo is one of my front runners but it might come at the cost of the 3-4. The way he plays that 4-3 though definitely wouldn't leave us lacking. The question is, can he oversee like Coughlin does and get all 3 facets playing on an equally high level? I think he can.

Imagine the coaching tree for this team being like this:

HC: Spagnuolo (From the Champs)
OC: McDaniel (From the Pats, call him assistant HC if u have too) or Norv Turner
DC: Wade Phillips (Wouldn't happen, even Wade has some pride but Jerry could keep him at $3 million and the money means alot of respect.) Romeo Crennel can give it a go.

How bout this one?

HC: Dick LeBeau (Rather have Spags)
OC: McDaniel or Norv Turner
DC: Whoever LeBeau wants, he can take his LB coach from Pitts with him or Romeo Crennel

Now Jim Schwartz is someone who I like but not for HC. He's a 4-3 guy and might work good with Spags as his DC. Not sure Schwartz gets a HC job either as Tennessee might go deep into the playoffs this year and might lose his shot because of timing. Spags regardless will be a HC somewhere else unless Coughlin wins another and decides to retire and hand the G-Men over to Spags. Very unlikely knowing Coughlin got a new deal and would be in a position to be the first HC to go after 3 in a row. Regardless, Jerry needs to let the coach, if it is a new one choose his staff and have just as much say on a player. If Coughlin in NY says Plax has to go, Plax goes. That mentality. What do you think?


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AKATheRake;2476244 said:
Spagnuolo is one of my front runners but it might come at the cost of the 3-4. The way he plays that 4-3 though definitely wouldn't leave us lacking. The question is, can he oversee like Coughlin does and get all 3 facets playing on an equally high level? I think he can.

Imagine the coaching tree for this team being like this:

HC: Spagnuolo (From the Champs)
OC: McDaniel (From the Pats, call him assistant HC if u have too) or Norv Turner
DC: Wade Phillips (Wouldn't happen, even Wade has some pride but Jerry could keep him at $3 million and the money means alot of respect.) Romeo Crennel can give it a go.

How bout this one?

HC: Dick LeBeau (Rather have Spags)
OC: McDaniel or Norv Turner
DC: Whoever LeBeau wants, he can take his LB coach from Pitts with him or Romeo Crennel

Now Jim Schwartz is someone who I like but not for HC. He's a 4-3 and might work good with Spags as his DC. Not sure Schwartz gets a HC job either as Tennessee might go deep into the playoffs this year and might lose his shot because of timing. Spags regardless will be a HC somewhere else unless Coughlin wins another and decides to retire and hand the G-Men over to Spags. Very unlikely knowing Coughlin got a new deal and would be in a position to be the first HC to go after 3 in a row. Regardless, Jerry needs to let the coach, if it is a new one choose his staff and have just as much say on a player. If Coughlin in NY says Plax has to go, Plax goes. That mentality. What do you think?

LeBeau has been a HC before and he was terrible but it was in Cincy. :laugh2:

My dream HC would be Jeff Fisher. His teams are always prepared and very well coached and no other coach knows the rulebook like he does.


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The only thing about Wades defense that doesn't seem to be mentioned here, is when this team gets a lead he goes in a prevent defense and so far has failed just about 100% of the time, makes the other teams score closer than it should be. I want a DC that can bring the pressure like it is now, but last that way threw all 4 quarters