Regardless of how season ends, Jerry: Please Keep Wade

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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If we keep Wade for one more year, I do wonder about Holmgren. He's good friends with Jerry, and if you heard him before we played them this year, he sounds like he's going to take one year off and then be back.

He's obviously a good, solid coach, but I'm a little wary of bringing in these older guys. This is a very demanding job and it's taken its toll on Parcells and Wade. Plus, it would be a radically different offense for us.


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If this team misses the playoffs then the SOB (son of bum) should be fired.

This team has too much talent to miss the playoffs.


No excuses.

Every team has injuries.

You're judged by your accomplishments.


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MichaelWinicki;2476727 said:
If this team misses the playoffs then the SOB (son of bum) should be fired.

This team has too much talent to miss the playoffs.


No excuses.

Every team has injuries.

You're judged by your accomplishments.

I am not a big fan of wade, but to be fair their is a serious grey area in that argument this year.

If we were healthy all year I think some stuff would have been different. I know we never lose that game to the rams with romo and felix. No way no how.


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I love this thread......................
Because you have to de-construct this whole "Phillips-Garrett" era from the beginning:
First, I got banned...........literally BANNED from another Cowboy forum a couple years ago. I got banned because, every single person posting was all for this Phillips-Garrett deal except me. I wanted Ron Rivera, who, if you recall, was the last-man-standing between Wade and the HC position. Rivera was the DC in Chicago at the time, the Bear team that just lost the SB to the Colts.
At the time, and to this day, I just can't understand what all the high-fiving was all about when it came to Phillips-Garrett. Phillips resume' speaks for itself: Nice fellah, marginal success, no playoff wins..........EVER. Garrett; I don't get what is so wonderful about a guy with all of TWO years QB coaching MIAMI!! Someone please name for me the QB's in Miami during his tenure. He was labled with the "Vunder-child-Genius" tag, for what reason I still don't know.
And so far under this regime, if I may say so myself, I WAS RIGHT!!!
Ya' know, why can't WE have a HC who actually played the game in the modern era? Campo, Gaily, Parcells, and now Wade Phillips. Four guys who were around before face-masks were invented. Four guys who,if they got their shoes shined would have to take the guys word for it, because their bellies prevent them from seeing? Why can't WE have a fire-breathing, clip board-throwing, hollering, neck-vein popping, tantrum throwing SOB stalking the sidelines 'ala' John Gruden or Bill Cowher? I don't get it.
Until we get one of these guys, a guy who could literally WILL wins just with his stare, I'm worried that we'll never get to the promised land.


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god lord, please. how many 12 men on the field do we need? how many mental errors will wade allow before doing something about it? do we really need a coach who is essentially a puppet for jerrah?

im on the bring in cowher bandwagon!


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All I'm saying is Wade, if he comes back and I hope he does, doesn't allow for this on-the-job training he gives to guys like Brian Stewart. He needs to take charge from the get-go and run this defense, because he has shown how good he is at it.


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I think the decision on whether or not to keep Wade should depend VERY much on how the season ends.

Wade is coaching for his head coaching life, here. If he screws it up, well then so long....


if you ain't first, you're last
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theebs;2476734 said:
I am not a big fan of wade, but to be fair their is a serious grey area in that argument this year.

If we were healthy all year I think some stuff would have been different. I know we never lose that game to the rams with romo and felix. No way no how.
This is why I would bring him back for 1 more year, I don't want to waste a year switching systems.


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Everybody use to say Wade was just a puppet and JG was the actual head coach. Look at how the defense is playing since Wade has taken over and look at this offense...Wade was hired specifically for this defense. If he shows that this defense is beast, Jerry Jones has no right to fire him. Jason Garrett, on the other hand....


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khiladi;2476817 said:
All I'm saying is Wade, if he comes back and I hope he does, doesn't allow for this on-the-job training he gives to guys like Brian Stewart. He needs to take charge from the get-go and run this defense, because he has shown how good he is at it.

Jason Garrett is getting on the job training too.

At this point, I would keep Wade around regardless how the season ends. Garrett has regressed as a playcaller and has shown nothing to indicate he is a viable headcoach, and I dont trust Jerry enough to make a smart decision about who to bring in here to replace the Son of Bum.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Already posted in the thread, but I wanted to add one more thing... I really wish Wade could get one more draft to give his input on a couple of defensive players. Dan Reeves said he was an excellent judge of talent, and from reading between the lines a little, I think Wade had significant input into the Buffalo and San Diego drafts, particularly Olshansky, Shaun Phillips, and Castillo.

I also think he saw right away that Carpenter couldn't play, and that led to drafting Spencer, who I think is a player. In this past draft, Jenkins and Scandrick certainly look like long-time contributors for us.

I think we need DT (or NT), S, ILB, and backup OLB pretty badly, and I wish Wade could give his input on those selections. (And possibly lure Olshansky here if we can afford it.) Don't think it was ever mentioned, but last week Wade was talking in a PC about what he looks for in potential passrushers, and it was pretty interesting (at least to me). Not saying he's some guru, but I think he has a pretty good eye for for what a good defensive player looks like.

Carry on...


Junior College Transfer
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Yes, let's keep the Clown Wade Phillips.
And by this time next year we will (again) be an also-ran hoping for a playoff spot. By this time next year we will (again) be wondering if Jeff Fisher or that Spaghetti guy from N.Y. are still available.

Wade is universally loved. But not because he can lead a team deep into the playoffs. Players love him. But why shouldn't they? He says only good things about them, gives them extra time off (it really pays off, huh?) and is always optimistic ("We're fine," "We're OK.")

Can he be demoted to DC? Sure he can! But would jerra do it. No way.
If and when jerra cleans house, I'm sure Fisher or Spaghetti or whoever would want his crew in.

And third, if Wade can be given a chance as HC, why can't Garrett?
Those who quickly attribute Wade's struggles this year to INJURIES are the ones putting all the blame on Garrett. Could injuries have affected Garrett's offense? Maybe.

If we don't get deep into the playoffs, Jerra has to fire the Clown Wade Phillips.
If he doesn't, that will signal a same-old same-old approach with a team made up of GREAT players. Another missed opportunity. Another year not in the Super Bowl but with a HC the players love.

This week, almost EVERYBODY and every thing received blame: Romo, Garrett, Witten, a defense that gave up 17 unanswered points, special teams, playcalling -- even an inactive Barber.
Everybody except Wade. Maybe he should be known as the Teflon HC. Nothing seems to stick.

Jerra, the Cowboys and their fans deserve better. Iffin Wade stays on as HC, look for a dismal new era with your great team and great stadium.
Wade is, at best, a defensive coordintor material. Nothing more.
If he won't settle for a DC position, let him coach in Cleveland or Oakland. See how long a honeymoon this easy-going, aw-shucks kind of guy will be tolerated.

Git rid of The Clown prince of HCs and let's get on with the future of the Cowboys.


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rcaldw;2475810 said:
In the immortal words of Barney are a nut.

Just kidding. But my opinion is that Wade Phillips is a defensive coordinator, that is his strength, that is what he needs to do. We need a real head coach.



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More late season comedy from GtB...

Change for its own sake; it'll make you feel better until the 'next guy' is no better, and then it'll be on to Jones and Owens and anyone else you can think of. But at least you'll be busy. :D


Fattening up
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If this team doesn't make it this year, then we're only a piece or two away in terms of our coaching staff and team chemistry. CL's right that we keep Wade unless someone clearly better is available.

Only one team wins it all each year, and factors other than coaching come into play. We're very close and need to make consistent progress. This offseason would be a really bad time to consider a dramatic overhaul.


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theebs;2476734 said:
I am not a big fan of wade, but to be fair their is a serious grey area in that argument this year.

If we were healthy all year I think some stuff would have been different. I know we never lose that game to the rams with romo and felix. No way no how.

If, If, If.

It's not about "if".

Look at the injuries and nonsense the Giants have gone through and then
do a rethink on the injury argument.


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MichaelWinicki;2476727 said:
You're judged by your accomplishments.

If that's true, no one in their right mind would fire Wade after this season, seeing as he's 21-9 with this football team. 20-7 with his starting quarterback.

The man deserves another year, even if he doesn't make the playoffs this year, based on his performance with the team thus far.


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AKATheRake;2476553 said:
I totally agree that if the HC changes it only changes because of an upgrade. Said it myself in the past. 1 thing that is more grey than everyone wants to believe is the defense. I hear talk that Wade has this defense fixed but if you look at our last 8 games only Arizona and NYG have top 10 offenses. They both hung more than 30 points on us and oodles of yardage.

The others, with respect to Tampa at 17th, are all 20th or worse. We're not exactly stomping on prolific offenses here. Next week we should know better how developed this defense has become and even then the G-Men might play without Jacobs and obviously Plax won't be there. I do understand that you can only beat who's in front of you and there have been some key injuries/suspensions but this defense hasn't dominated a legitimate offense all year. In fact, any time this year when we faced a top 10 offense other than Green Bay, more than 30 points got hung on us. Although this defense is improving, lets not be blinded by its current progression in regards to overall performance.

Have you seen some of the offenses the "amazing" Steelers defense has shut down...

Cleveland 28th... (one more to go)
Baltimore 18th... (one more to go)
Cincinatti 32nd... (twice)

That means nothing! It's about confidence and execution... our team last season would've folded numerous times against those teams and found excuses as to why....


Junior College Transfer
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theebs;2476734 said:
I am not a big fan of wade, but to be fair their is a serious grey area in that argument this year.

If we were healthy all year I think some stuff would have been different. I know we never lose that game to the rams with romo and felix. No way no how.

We were a lot healthier last year and we swooned in december and fell apart against the Giants in the playoffs.

If Wade cannot take a relatively healthy 13-3 team past the first playoff game, how would he take this ailing 8-5 (for now) team farther?
Keep Wade and our playoff drought will continue. I guarantee it.
On the other hand, the Skins and the Giants would love us to keep Wade.