Twitter: Reminder that Tony Romo's 'A Football Life' is on tonight


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It's no coincidence that the IQ level on this board took a nose dive when this board took on the bulk population of the defunct **** hole you crawled out of. There's always been a level of stupidity that would live on this board in perpetuity, and it's certainly no secret who's been doing their part in making the Dallas Cowboys fan base one of the dumbest on the planet. Congrats.
You mean you weren’t moved by a passionate, drunken soliloquy by a troll crying about Romo in a thread about Tony Romo, where the troll was trolling even though no one was doing any of the things he was crying about? Personally I was moved. Thought someone was chopping onions.


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Homeboy, we've never been THAT stupid around here. Run along, now.
Yeah, yeah you have. Same double standards, same hypocrisy, same haters, same homers. You can find the same crap on FB and the water cooler, too. If you think you are special you are sadly mistaken and delusional. But, you are a blind Romo lover, so that goes without saying.


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Yeah, yeah you have. Same double standards, same hypocrisy, same haters, same homers. You can find the same crap on FB and the water cooler, too. If you think you are special you are sadly mistaken and delusional. But, you are a blind Romo lover, so that goes without saying.
Exhibit A of your utter stupidity.


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You're still leaving out context, troll.

Don't get all upset because you didn't understand the quote. Again, better not harder. Maybe you'll get there one day, kid.
I fully understand the context. I also understand that game made him “win” without actually having to “win”. He made it. Good for him.


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Completely agree. He mentioned David Lee working with every single day. He'd throw daily and twice a day 100 days a year to hone his craft. Romo also mentioned that Parcells was a coach he wanted to play for which is another reason he signed here.

Some folks are critical of Parcell's tenure here but he built a team that could compete for the SB. More importantly, Parcells identified and developed a franchise QB and his tenure was a success for that alone. We were that bad during the Camp years with no end in sight.

I just can't imagine why Jerry would saddle a young franchise QB with an inexperienced OC/HC, knowing full well the impact Norv had on Aiman's career. Coaching matters to everyone but the fake GM in a few holdout fans who can't (or won't) see that Garrett is a complete joke of a HC.

While when it's time to retire it's time to retire, I really hated that Parcell's finally built the team he wanted and got a franchise QB and then bolted.

This is the problem with gypsy coaches (same with Jimmy Johnson) hard to have lasting success with them because they don't like getting complacent.


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I fully understand the context. I also understand that game made him “win” without actually having to “win”. He made it. Good for him.

That second sentence makes little to not sense. Come back when you're less flustered.

I know, getting your butt handed to you when you were hoping to be the "epic troll bruh" is hurting. Ice up.


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While when it's time to retire it's time to retire, I really hated that Parcell's finally built the team he wanted and got a franchise QB and then bolted.

This is the problem with gypsy coaches (same with Jimmy Johnson) hard to have lasting success with them because they don't like getting complacent.
You need professional help coping with change. Saw you whining about Bailey, too.
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That second sentence makes little to not sense. Come back when you're less flustered.

I know, getting your butt handed to you when you were hoping to be the "epic troll bruh" is hurting. Ice up.
Yeah, you guys are just used to hat backwards and golf from Romo haters. You can’t accept the team wasn’t winning with Romo, but I will be here to remind you when you build him up.


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You need professional help coping with change. Saw you whining about Bailey, too.

1. I was okay with moving on from Romo if we had a good replacement, I wanted a QB in the first - not a fourth round project

2. I am okay with moving on from Bailey if it turns out the guy we picked up is any good - jury is still out, I don't have high hopes

If you're going to come at me, you better shoot better and get my complaints correct. Try again.


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1. I was okay with moving on from Romo if we had a good replacement, I wanted a QB in the first - not a fourth round project

2. I am okay with moving on from Bailey if it turns out the guy we picked up is any good - jury is still out, I don't have high hopes

If you're going to come at me, you better shoot better and get my complaints correct. Try again.
You’re stuck in the past. You are a whiner. You need help. Hopefully your job has EAP and can give you some recommendations.


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You’re stuck in the past. You are a whiner. You need help. Hopefully your job has EAP and can give you some recommendations.

You're not even trying now. I respect good trolling, this is a sad attempt because it's easily noticeable you are upset and sperging.


Rising Star
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Was interesting listening to Tony talk about over time vs the Niners when he had a cracked rib. Made me think of a few things.

JG sent the play in and he said to himself no, told Holley what to do and set up the winning drive with the PA to Holley.

One of things I remember about that season was we would motion the WR near the TE then run the ball a lot. I kept saying why don't they ever PA and pass it out of that play, then they finally did and I thought maybe they were just saving it. Turns out that aint the case, Romo called it himself. So much of this offense is like that, none of the plays ever set up any other plays, they just call stuff and try to execute it. That mentality tells me this staff will never get better.

Can't help but wonder how much of our offensive success was because of him changing things up at the LOS.

After watching tape the last year or so, you can start to understand why Tony and Jason spent time drawing up their own plays. :D:D:D


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I think Tony was sabotaged by the unintended consequences created by women. After watching the show it was evident Tony was OBSESSED with perfecting every part of his game . Making sure he threw EVERY day . Even taking balls home and throwing into his couch to keep the muscle memory of the ball coming of his fingers .

He is even shown showing Arron Rodgers how he changed his grip constantly experimenting to get better .

So here is what puzzles me a guy admittedly obsessed with getting better goes on vacation before the biggest game of his life when if at any time in his life he should be putting in the extra time its then .
My guess Simpson wanted to go and he was so stuck on her he couldn't say no . That's why he has no good answer for why he did it . The same reason we all do stupid things to impress girls .

Its a shame because there was a window there where his health was good and the team was good and if there was no high profile girl to maintain, his mind may have been a bit more focused at this critical time .


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Next up Troy says accuracy cant be learned . Tony said he sucked and threw balls in the dirt to start his career but by the end he could place the ball anywhere he wanted .
Is there hope for Dak can he learn like Tony did ??


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Next up Troy says accuracy cant be learned . Tony said he sucked and threw balls in the dirt to start his career but by the end he could place the ball anywhere he wanted .
Is there hope for Dak can he learn like Tony did ??
Yeh he learned to do that when he couldn't even take a hit anymore.