Twitter: Reminder that Tony Romo's 'A Football Life' is on tonight


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I was surprised at how different my impressions of Romo's first game were than Brad Sham's. He said, "terrible showing tonight, terrible." Sure he made some mistakes, but my lasting impression from that game was that there was finally some real hope. I saw a Giants team that couldn't stop us but for our own mistakes.

And his first int was that tipped bootleg, and the 2nd was a screen with a blatant hold on the RB.


Forum Architect
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A few takeaways:

1) This documentary nicely highlights how an undrafted kid can go on to become great. He had parts of his game that were there in 2003, but many other parts needed lots of help. Parcells said as much, that had he seen the field in 2003 it would have been a disaster.

2) Being robbed of the Dez catch remains my most angry moment as a fan. Much as that should have been Tony’s greatest throw, it should have been my most memorable play as a fan. Haven’t enjoyed the game as much since, to be honest. Don’t allow myself to be as invested, and it’s a nice feeling, actually.

3) We wasted Romo’s career with Garrett. I really wish Parcells had stuck out a few more years, or that the job could have gone to Payton had he somehow turned down the Saints job. A 3 or 5 year run of Parcells and Romo would have been amazing.


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A few takeaways:

1) This documentary nicely highlights how an undrafted kid can go on to become great. He had parts of his game that were there in 2003, but many other parts needed lots of help. Parcells said as much, that had he seen the field in 2003 it would have been a disaster.

2) Being robbed of the Dez catch remains my most angry moment as a fan. Much as that should have been Tony’s greatest throw, it should have been my most memorable play as a fan. Haven’t enjoyed the game as much since, to be honest. Don’t allow myself to be as invested, and it’s a nice feeling, actually.

3) We wasted Romo’s career with Garrett. I really wish Parcells had stuck out a few more years, or that the job could have gone to Payton had he somehow turned down the Saints job. A 3 or 5 year run of Parcells and Romo would have been amazing.

I think if Parcells stays, we make at least the NFC Championship Game. While I criticize Parcells for not taking advantage of a decimated Seahawks secondary (which included a mail man signed off the street) during the infamous botched field goal, for the most part, he had it right when he tried to put the wraps on Romo's freewheeling style of play.

But when Parcells left, it became Tony's team. And as spectacular as he was, he had a penchant for making the bonehead play.

Wade and Garrett weren't "strong" enough to reign Romo in. And he continued to be the Tony you loved when he would pull the comeback out of his hat and the Tony you hated when he would serve up an interception or two or three.


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I want Jerry to beg Romo to come out of retirement and suit up this year. Unless this happens Dallas will have no chance at the playoffs. With the way the league is protecting QB's this is perfect for Romo to come back. Romo is hinting at playing again. Get it done Jerry. We would become an instant contender with Romo.


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I want Jerry to beg Romo to come out of retirement and suit up this year. Unless this happens Dallas will have no chance at the playoffs. With the way the league is protecting QB's this is perfect for Romo to come back. Romo is hinting at playing again. Get it done Jerry. We would become an instant contender with Romo.
Why attach a stipulation, why can't Romo just come back.It's not like he's injury prone..Right?
If Romo were to get injured on a play and the refs threw a flag,is he still not injured? 15 yards big whoop.


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Why attach a stipulation, why can't Romo just come back.It's not like he's injury prone..Right?
If Romo were to get injured on a play and the refs threw a flag,is he still not injured? 15 yards big whoop.
I take whatever risk is there for his superior QB play. If he gets hurt well then your boy Dak can come back in. Give me Romo


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I was surprised at how different my impressions of Romo's first game were than Brad Sham's. He said, "terrible showing tonight, terrible." Sure he made some mistakes, but my lasting impression from that game was that there was finally some real hope. I saw a Giants team that couldn't stop us but for our own mistakes.

And his first int was that tipped bootleg, and the 2nd was a screen with a blatant hold on the RB.

I remember that game and although Tony struggled I was never more full of hope . Drew Bledsoe just could not move out of his own way anymore . He was unprotectable like a statue . I felt we had no chance with Bledsoe at that point . Tony came in and energized the whole team he could escape and by the time necessary to make plays .


Captain Catfish
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Sure to get bashed,, don't care.
Romo is not even top 5 in Cowboy QB history, he gets love from millennials that are new to the game, and Romo is their only association.
Romo knew more than Red Ball,, so what,, most fans have that knowledge, but I will give Romo that much credit, he would over ride the calls, and draw them up in the sand, better, and it worked some times,
My issue with Romo is that he wasted a lot of time, a lot of possible championships slip, because he was more interested in the status of being an UDFA starting QB for the Cowboys, than actually putting in the time to be ultra successful in that role when he had that opportunity to do so.
He chose instead to spend a lot of time on outside interests, like golf, I don't care what any one says, you cant even consider yourself worthy of PGA designation unless you spend an extreme amount of time working on your game,, bash away,, its the truth.


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First time I've actually heard Romo say how bad an idea Cabo was. It was worth watching just for that. Also said the 2007 team was the best he played on. If only he had that one back. Always thought that he wasted his early years then made the best of his last years. Well done career Tony, well done. Sit back, play golf, work occasionally and look after your family. That's a perfect "After Football Life"


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Sure to get bashed,, don't care.
Romo is not even top 5 in Cowboy QB history, he gets love from millennials that are new to the game, and Romo is their only association.
Romo knew more than Red Ball,, so what,, most fans have that knowledge, but I will give Romo that much credit, he would over ride the calls, and draw them up in the sand, better, and it worked some times,
My issue with Romo is that he wasted a lot of time, a lot of possible championships slip, because he was more interested in the status of being an UDFA starting QB for the Cowboys, than actually putting in the time to be ultra successful in that role when he had that opportunity to do so.
He chose instead to spend a lot of time on outside interests, like golf, I don't care what any one says, you cant even consider yourself worthy of PGA designation unless you spend an extreme amount of time working on your game,, bash away,, its the truth.


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Stop dreaming. Tony Romo is not returning to the NFL, much less the Cowboys. Why?
1. He has the best gig in television sports broadcasting.
2. His future is NOT playing football but giving commentary on football, where he doesn't have to get hit.
3. He steps away from his TV career, there's no assurance he gets his position back.
4. He's old - in football years.
5. He's not in football shape.
6. He's injury prone. And at his age, he'd be even more injury prone.
7. He's already a legend in the broadcasting booth.
8. While subject yourself to the criticism you'll take suiting up again?
9. He has kids, and it's better enjoying your kids when you're walking up right.
10. Did I mention he has the best television sports broadcasting gig on the planet?


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First time I've actually heard Romo say how bad an idea Cabo was. It was worth watching just for that. Also said the 2007 team was the best he played on. If only he had that one back. Always thought that he wasted his early years then made the best of his last years. Well done career Tony, well done. Sit back, play golf, work occasionally and look after your family. That's a perfect "After Football Life"

When your a young guy like that and you have celebrity girls wanting to date you it could get any guys priorities screwed up . That was a time when he could have used a guy like Parcells to say hey Tony get your WRs and get your butt in the play book . Vacation with that girl after the season .
But he had easy going Wade who did a poor job of mentoring that situation .

After Tony got married he made the best of things its a shame his back would not let him get it finished along with Murray and the NFL squashing his truly best effort in that GB game . Tony did all he could do it was really his time and they robbed him by negating that catch .

Just glad he left with his health and is happy with his career


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Stop dreaming. Tony Romo is not returning to the NFL, much less the Cowboys. Why?
1. He has the best gig in television sports broadcasting.
2. His future is NOT playing football but giving commentary on football, where he doesn't have to get hit.
3. He steps away from his TV career, there's no assurance he gets his position back.
4. He's old - in football years.
5. He's not in football shape.
6. He's injury prone. And at his age, he'd be even more injury prone.
7. He's already a legend in the broadcasting booth.
8. While subject yourself to the criticism you'll take suiting up again?
9. He has kids, and it's better enjoying your kids when you're walking up right.
10. Did I mention he has the best television sports broadcasting gig on the planet?


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The first 20 minutes of that program was pure nostalgia. The last ten minutes left me feeling like crap. Dez caught that ball in Green Bay. I'll believe that till the day I die. I'll also believe that Romo never got the just recognition he deserved. I hate the way that his career ended.


Taco Engineer
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Uh, bud, the people criticizing Romo fit better with your "can't get over my ex".

You Romo haters are not good at the bantz, at all. It's really embarrassing. Wonder when Clove is going to hop in talking about hats being backwards.
I don't and never hated Romo, stop making bull**** up. Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about. I got over Romo not being the QB. I will when Prescott is done too.


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When your a young guy like that and you have celebrity girls wanting to date you it could get any guys priorities screwed up . That was a time when he could have used a guy like Parcells to say hey Tony get your WRs and get your butt in the play book . Vacation with that girl after the season .
But he had easy going Wade who did a poor job of mentoring that situation .

After Tony got married he made the best of things its a shame his back would not let him get it finished along with Murray and the NFL squashing his truly best effort in that GB game . Tony did all he could do it was really his time and they robbed him by negating that catch .

Just glad he left with his health and is happy with his career

Yes he settled down after he got married. The first clavicle break in 2010 probably made him realize that careers in football are short too. I know his leadership was questioned by many early in his career, some justified and some not but he grew into that later on. He, Witt and Ware all deserved a SB in Dallas but SB's don't necessarily go to the deserving. Certainly Witt and Ware will be in the HOF. Romo? It doesn't have to be debated if it happens it happens. Can't question the numbers he put up, just the years of service and the outcome. I don't have to wish Romo well, he will do well. Very likeable