Twitter: Reminder that Tony Romo's 'A Football Life' is on tonight


Go Seahawks!!!
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You can't possibly be so stupid that you can't understand what that game meant for the future of an undrafted rookie with no money or stock invested in him.

Or could you?
And you guys can’t be so stupid as to understand that as you move forward in a 13 year career another game should replace that game as the most important. Say...the 2014 playoff game, for instance?


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Will his Cabo vacation be highlighted?

The game that spawned Eli’s hof career?

I’d rather chew glsss

If you want to find someone to blame for that game then Patrick Crayton is your man. The drop he had on a slant with lots of room to run when Dallas was up up 17-14. The last drive of the game pulling up instead of running through the route which would have been the game winning TD. Two glaring mistakes that altered what was a tight game.


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Yeah, because that is what allowed Eli to win a Super Bowl...

You know he had to beat a Green Bay and Patriots D as well, right? Had to outplay Favre and Brady, two HOF QBs? Did you ever stop to think that the Giants just had a better team than us and got hot at the right time?

No? Well, there is a reason that Giants team got 2 Super Bowl rings.

The Cowboys had the better team than the Giants that year the Giants just got hot at the right time,. Strahan even said Dallas was the toughest win for them during that run even tougher than the Pats. If Crayton wasn't a dog in that game who knows what happens.


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Tony Romo was a great QB who had all the tools but he needed to be coached. The biggest failure of the Jason Garrett era was his inability to further develop and coach Tony Romo. Going from Parcells to Wade/Garrett is like going from a great symphony orchestra to a high school band. And I can say the same thing for the idiot GM who couldn't build a defense to compliment his franchise QB.

One of the great tidbits from the 30 for 30 was when Parcells and Jerry sat Romo down in a small room to pressure him into signing a contract extension. Romo knew he wasn't going to play as an UFA unless the team had a financial investment in him and he wouldn't accept the offer Parcells and Jerry put in front of him. Jerry agreed to Romo's terms and when Romo walked out, Jerry and Parcells knew they had found their QB because he didn't wilt under their pressure. Great segment.

If Parcells had stayed a couple of more years, the book on this team and Romo would have been totally different. Instread, he had to endure a HC who was learning on the job and carried him during most of his tenure in Dallas. Romo made a lot of people a lot of money, including Garrett, Jerry, Miles Austin, Dez Bryant, Laurent Robinson, Patrick Crayton, Jason Witten and even Doug Free.

It's really too bad. Romo wasn't perfect but he could have had a few more shots at the playoffs and beyond had the novice HC not blown a few games during the regular season that would have made the difference in going to playoffs or staying home at 8 and 8. What a waste of a franchise QB.


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No. You Romo-first fans are trolls that are stuck in 2014 ruining the site for real Cowboys fans that have moved on and want to discuss the Cowboys without you guys turning every thread into a Dak sucks discussion, while getting your maxipads wedged in your front butts when anyone interrupts your Romo circle jerk. Romo lovers are the scum of the fanbase right now, even lower on the rung than Eagels fans. Turn in your fan cards and go root for the CBS broadcasting team.

I am not going to sugar coat opinions of Romo to satisfy you sensative sallies. Your feelings are just going to have to toughen up.
Front butts? Lmao. Nice one.


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JG called a comeback(shocking) and Romo, based on what he saw, knew there was a better play.

No wonder our offense is so bad. Jerry should pay Romo to teach JG how to attack a defenses.
Or punch him in the nose


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The hardest part to watch was him saying it all clicked in 2013, that he could make any pass at any spot he wanted to throw it to. Little did he know he would only have 18 some games left of his career.Most of those coming from his best 2014 season.

And of course Romo concentrated on his craft. How stupid do you have to be to think that's a bad thing? Brady is doing it at 40 something. Romo was obsessed and cared enough to keep getting better. I also never felt that he didn't want to win one. It seemed pretty obvious that was his goal. A goal you reach by getting yourself better.

Loved it! Thanks Romo![/QUOTE

It seemed like Tony was seriously dedicated to getting better . I remember him saying he threw a football everyday in his early days would throw the ball into his couch that's dedication .

What was strange to me was that he went on vacation before the biggest game of his life at the time . I would have just figured he would have ramped his practice and preparation up even another notch to prepare for the event of his life . I will put it on the girl they have the power to alter even the strongest mans work ethic .


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It’s OK, did you cry, ERod? Were you disappointed it didn’t mention Romo having to carry the team without a running game, or offensive line, or defense, or coach?

Did it suck when even Romo stated the optics of going to Cabo looked bad and he looks back wondering what was he thinking but realizing he was young? Or that he admitted he still should have been able to put the snap down with the new shiny ball against Seattle? Or that he had accuracy issues early on in his career.

Romo made some of you guys look even more foolish with this episode airing.

And that's a difficult task


Stick N Move
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calling my shot and ducking out of this thread:

Romo will be a cowboy again next week (especially if Dak mucks it up again tomorrow)


Well-Known Member
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No. You Romo-first fans are trolls that are stuck in 2014 ruining the site for real Cowboys fans that have moved on and want to discuss the Cowboys without you guys turning every thread into a Dak sucks discussion, while getting your maxipads wedged in your front butts when anyone interrupts your Romo circle jerk. Romo lovers are the scum of the fanbase right now, even lower on the rung than Eagels fans. Turn in your fan cards and go root for the CBS broadcasting team.

I am not going to sugar coat opinions of Romo to satisfy you sensative sallies. Your feelings are just going to have to toughen up.

I tried for a while to deal with these types to no avail. They are absolutely ruining the site. Any kind of rational discussion is impossible. They need counseling, that is how bad it is. Personally I put EVER single one of them on ignore that blame EVERYTHING on Dak. There is really only about 7-10 that refuse to talk about anything other than full blame on Dak. Coincidentally the site now is much better and less annoying. Most people are down on Dak, but there is really only just a handful that are ruining the site.

You might want to give it a try.


Go Seahawks!!!
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I tried for a while to deal with these types to no avail. They are absolutely ruining the site. Any kind of rational discussion is impossible. They need counseling, that is how bad it is. Personally I put EVER single one of them on ignore that blame EVERYTHING on Dak. There is really only about 7-10 that refuse to talk about anything other than full blame on Dak. Coincidentally the site now is much better and less annoying. Most people are down on Dak, but there is really only just a handful that are ruining the site.

You might want to give it a try.
I may eventually but they don’t bug me near as much as I bug them. I am not married to Dak and Dak certainly has his warts that deserve calling out. These guys have proven the ability to identify issues at the QB position, they just choose to turn a blind eye to every Romo mistake and defend him tooth and nail, even to the extent of using double standards and being hypocrites.

I just find it funny, that pointing out Romo’s flaws is considered trolling, while doing the same with Dak is not. Another double standard from these goofballs.

I do encourage them to put me on ignore.
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