Twitter: Reminder that Tony Romo's 'A Football Life' is on tonight


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I tried for a while to deal with these types to no avail. They are absolutely ruining the site. Any kind of rational discussion is impossible. They need counseling, that is how bad it is. Personally I put EVER single one of them on ignore that blame EVERYTHING on Dak. There is really only about 7-10 that refuse to talk about anything other than full blame on Dak. Coincidentally the site now is much better and less annoying. Most people are down on Dak, but there is really only just a handful that are ruining the site.

You might want to give it a try.

Dak did an excellent job with his Yogurt Commercial. I back him fully in that endeavor.


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I heard him say it, he was referring to goal to goal situations the ball on the 1 or 2 yard line. Romo had a lot of short TD passes and goal to goal turn into field goals. Big complaint on the boards at time. Why don't they just pound the ball down there?
like I said.... Im still waiting for the link


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The episode was too quick. Time needed to pass and they need to discuss the circumstances around his retirement.
I agree..... you can not tell the story of Tony Romo and not cover , in detail, the last 2 years of hi career. They also went from early in his career, to him being married with kid and zero talk about him getting there. I know that watching it made me miss him even more. He single handedly kept us in games. Those days are long gone. For those of us that truly respected and enjoyed him as the QB of our team, I wanted more about this time in his career. He handled it with such class outwardly, but you know it tore him up inside. His wife could have talked about it, and they just skipped over it. Im assuming that was Tony's choice.


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JG called a comeback(shocking) and Romo, based on what he saw, knew there was a better play.

No wonder our offense is so bad. Jerry should pay Romo to teach JG how to attack a defenses.
Romo said he wanted to end the game as soon as possible because he was in so much pain. If you didnt respect Romo before that , how could you not respect him after it. BY the way, the new rules to protect the qb today... those are the exact hits that broke his collar bone in 2011.


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I heard the broad cast live when it happened . I don't remember him saying anything about padding his stats but he said something to the effect that the QB needs to change out of the run and pass for a TD down there .

Tony loved to pass the ball no matter what the circumstances . It was just part of his style
exactly... and him saying that would not be to pad his stats, but to actually score against a defense that was likely packing the middle to stop the run. Padding his stats??? stupid


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exactly... and him saying that would not be to pad his stats, but to actually score against a defense that was likely packing the middle to stop the run. Padding his stats??? stupid
It had nothing to do with the defense. He specifically mentioned Murray confronting him on the sidelines telling him that was the running look and he would play dumb “oh really, I didn’t see it”.

He was very clear about doing that several times a year and all QBs should do it because it is an easy way to pad TD stats.

Dumb things to say? Maybe, but it gives insight into how he thought playing the game.
He said several things in the AFC championship game that made me understand why we did some of the things we did over the years, like running best 3rd down plays on 1st and 2nd down late in the game.
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Tony Romo was a great QB who had all the tools but he needed to be coached. The biggest failure of the Jason Garrett era was his inability to further develop and coach Tony Romo. Going from Parcells to Wade/Garrett is like going from a great symphony orchestra to a high school band. And I can say the same thing for the idiot GM who couldn't build a defense to compliment his franchise QB.

One of the great tidbits from the 30 for 30 was when Parcells and Jerry sat Romo down in a small room to pressure him into signing a contract extension. Romo knew he wasn't going to play as an UFA unless the team had a financial investment in him and he wouldn't accept the offer Parcells and Jerry put in front of him. Jerry agreed to Romo's terms and when Romo walked out, Jerry and Parcells knew they had found their QB because he didn't wilt under their pressure. Great segment.

If Parcells had stayed a couple of more years, the book on this team and Romo would have been totally different. Instread, he had to endure a HC who was learning on the job and carried him during most of his tenure in Dallas. Romo made a lot of people a lot of money, including Garrett, Jerry, Miles Austin, Dez Bryant, Laurent Robinson, Patrick Crayton, Jason Witten and even Doug Free.

It's really too bad. Romo wasn't perfect but he could have had a few more shots at the playoffs and beyond had the novice HC not blown a few games during the regular season that would have made the difference in going to playoffs or staying home at 8 and 8. What a waste of a franchise QB.
It really is a shame. He credits so much of his success to Bill and Payton those first few years. After that, he was basically on his own for the rest of his career. Refining himself like a mad scientist in his lab when he should have had some real coaches helping him get better over those same years. Coaching absolutely matters in this league and he was let down in that area for most of his career.

I genuinely think when listening to Parcells that Romo is one of his proudest accomplishments as a coach. He almost talks about him like a proud father. And watching him work with Romo and talk with him early im his career when nobody even knew who he was let’s us know that he saw something right from the start.


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It had nothing to do with the defense. He specifically mentioned Murray confronting him on the sidelines telling him that was the running look and he would play dumb “oh really, I didn’t see it”.

He was very clear about doing that several times a year and all QBs should do it because it is an easy way to pad TD stats.

Dumb things to say? Maybe, but it gives insight into how he thought playing the game.
He said several things in the AFC championship game that made me understand why we did some of the things we did over the years, like running best 3rd down plays on 1st and 2nd down late in the game.
I dont specifically watch the games Tony does, so I miss some of that commentary. After the Cowboys games, Im bouncing all over based upon my fantasy team:)


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It really is a shame. He credits so much of his success to Bill and Payton those first few years. After that, he was basically on his own for the rest of his career. Refining himself like a mad scientist in his lab when he should have had some real coaches helping him get better over those same years. Coaching absolutely matters in this league and he was let down in that area for most of his career.

I genuinely think when listening to Parcells that Romo is one of his proudest accomplishments as a coach. He almost talks about him like a proud father. And watching him work with Romo and talk with him early im his career when nobody even knew who he was let’s us know that he saw something right from the start.

Completely agree. He mentioned David Lee working with every single day. He'd throw daily and twice a day 100 days a year to hone his craft. Romo also mentioned that Parcells was a coach he wanted to play for which is another reason he signed here.

Some folks are critical of Parcell's tenure here but he built a team that could compete for the SB. More importantly, Parcells identified and developed a franchise QB and his tenure was a success for that alone. We were that bad during the Camp years with no end in sight.

I just can't imagine why Jerry would saddle a young franchise QB with an inexperienced OC/HC, knowing full well the impact Norv had on Aiman's career. Coaching matters to everyone but the fake GM in a few holdout fans who can't (or won't) see that Garrett is a complete joke of a HC.


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No. You Romo-first fans are trolls that are stuck in 2014 ruining the site for real Cowboys fans that have moved on and want to discuss the Cowboys without you guys turning every thread into a Dak sucks discussion, while getting your maxipads wedged in your front butts when anyone interrupts your Romo circle jerk. Romo lovers are the scum of the fanbase right now, even lower on the rung than Eagels fans. Turn in your fan cards and go root for the CBS broadcasting team.

I am not going to sugar coat opinions of Romo to satisfy you sensative sallies. Your feelings are just going to have to toughen up.

It's no coincidence that the IQ level on this board took a nose dive when this board took on the bulk population of the defunct **** hole you crawled out of. There's always been a level of stupidity that would live on this board in perpetuity, and it's certainly no secret who's been doing their part in making the Dallas Cowboys fan base one of the dumbest on the planet. Congrats.


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Well I guess I shouldn’t be this dense. You’re right. What was I thinking? He didn’t play in a more important game because he couldn’t get past low level playoff games. My bad, guys.

He said individually. Get the quote correct - as in, individually if he didn't have a good game he never would have been in the position for these other team important games....

You're not even good at trolling. Troll better, not harder as they say...


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He said individually. Get the quote correct - as in, individually if he didn't have a good game he never would have been in the position for these other team important games....

You're not even good at trolling. Troll better, not harder as they say...
Go troll Dak, Cowboys hater.

Rodgers most important game was probably JV.
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Go Seahawks!!!
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It's no coincidence that the IQ level on this board took a nose dive when this board took on the bulk population of the defunct **** hole you crawled out of. There's always been a level of stupidity that would live on this board in perpetuity, and it's certainly no secret who's been doing their part in making the Dallas Cowboys fan base one of the dumbest on the planet. Congrats.
You guys are no better. We had blind Romo lovers there, too. Hell I used to be like you idiots.