Twitter: Rick Gosselin tweet on lack of penalties

Little Jr

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I've never understood the conspiracy theorist with this.

It's well known we have the largest fan base. It's well known we have the highest % of nfl players who grew up cowboy fans. But when it comes to the refs we have the highest % of nfl refs who hate the cowboys?

We are cash and rating cow for the league . Win or lose we draw ratings which = money. The better we are the better the ratings and more money. But we think the NFL is out to get us?

Every fan base thinks the refs or the league hates them and are out to get them. You can't go to a forum without seeing a post complaining about the refs. You have the low level teams that think they are out to get them because they aren't big name teams and they want teams like us, pats, packers ect... to win because we/they bring better ratings and the better we are the better and more money the league makes. Teams like us, pats, packers ect... think the league is out to get us because they hate our owner, hate our success ect.. I think both are dumb but the teams who argue that the league is out to help us have a better argument than the ones like us who actually think the league wants to hurt their rating and cash cow.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I've never understood the conspiracy theorist with this.

It's well known we have the largest fan base. It's well known we have the highest % of nfl players who grew up cowboy fans. But when it comes to the refs we have the highest % of nfl refs who hate the cowboys?

We are cash and rating cow for the league . Win or lose we draw ratings which = money. The better we are the better the ratings and more money. But we think the NFL is out to get us?

Every fan base thinks the refs or the league hates them and are out to get them. You can't go to a forum without seeing a post complaining about the refs. You have the low level teams that think they are out to get them because they aren't big name teams and they want teams like us, pats, packers ect... to win because we/they bring better ratings and the better we are the better and more money the league makes. Teams like us, pats, packers ect... think the league is out to get us because they hate our owner, hate our success ect.. I think both are dumb but the teams who argue that the league is out to help us have a better argument than the ones like us who actually think the league wants to hurt their rating and cash cow.

The debate is more about the statistical anomallies when it comes to our DL getting held. We've got an above-average DL and strings of 8-9 games in back-to-back seasons where not a single holding penalty is called despite obvious holds in many, many situations. At some point you have to look at the numbers and ask what's going on that the games are turning out so unevenly called in regards to holding penalties.


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Someone from the league office needs to hear about this during the week. There were several blatant penalties tonight on the eagles that weren't called. Not saying the officials are doing it intentionally, but its hard to argue its not somewhat subconscious.

Someone from the league office needs to hear about this?

That’s rich. Their the idiots condoning this garbage


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LOL. Oh lawd. Even when we win.

Trust me, the officials could have tried much, much harder to stick it to us. Especially with that no-call PI against us, right?

So you didn't see the illegal hands to the face, multiple holds or illegal downfield penalties in real time? I sure did. One penalty would have been nice.
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On their first possession, Dlaw was held around the collar, I saw a hands to the face on Gregory, the blatant chokehold on the wonderful pass by wentz, the push off by ertz, the center illegally downfield...


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How can anyone defend this?

Some of the holding calls that were not called on Philadelphia were flat-out muggings of our defensive line Crawford called out officiating last week and week before he's got a point major issues with officiating on that one play 72 was mugging Gregory or whoever it was Connor Williams got called for three of those his last two games


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I'll have to look at it again because it looked disgustingly one-sided to me. Even if they were "letting them play", I still can't see how the Eakes could have zero penalties all night.
Well considering the "spooning" Vitae was doing with Wilson on that one paly that Wentz somehow got on target with his arm being pulled and then the Kelce 5 yards downfield before the pass came out there are 2 glaring ones. Also there is one on the Wentz QB sneak for a 1st down the center actually slide the ball forward before hiking it.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Someone from the league office needs to hear about this during the week. There were several blatant penalties tonight on the eagles that weren't called. Not saying the officials are doing it intentionally, but its hard to argue its not somewhat subconscious.
Hear about it, heck they probably ordered it!


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It is what it is. You could probably call a penalty on nearly every play, but last night there were some big misses that could have changed the flow of the game. Not sure how to fix it, but maybe they need to allow challenge flags for missed penalties. Not a great idea, but it would be interesting.


Well-Known Member
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I've never understood the conspiracy theorist with this.

It's well known we have the largest fan base. It's well known we have the highest % of nfl players who grew up cowboy fans. But when it comes to the refs we have the highest % of nfl refs who hate the cowboys?

We are cash and rating cow for the league . Win or lose we draw ratings which = money. The better we are the better the ratings and more money. But we think the NFL is out to get us?

Every fan base thinks the refs or the league hates them and are out to get them. You can't go to a forum without seeing a post complaining about the refs. You have the low level teams that think they are out to get them because they aren't big name teams and they want teams like us, pats, packers ect... to win because we/they bring better ratings and the better we are the better and more money the league makes. Teams like us, pats, packers ect... think the league is out to get us because they hate our owner, hate our success ect.. I think both are dumb but the teams who argue that the league is out to help us have a better argument than the ones like us who actually think the league wants to hurt their rating and cash cow.

You forget this is a club of Billionaires who have no need nor worries re: their cash flow. The revenue their franchises generate pale in comparison to the amount of money each owner has made in the private sector.

Jones is filthy rich, but has likely generated a much higher percentage of his personal wealth from his ownership of the Cowboys. The league is still butt hurt by the fact that Jones leveraged the Cowboys brand and consistently bucked initiatives and deals better for the league as a whole because he knew there were better deals specifically for his team.

It can never be proven, but there is undoubtedly an anti-Dallas bias. The Cowboys are a "given" revenue generator: win or lose. They will draw crowds and cash anywhere they touch down to play, every time they touch down to play. But at some level when half the planet 100% hates your guts, it is hard to get benefit of the doubt calls when crowds are screaming, and ready to claim bias the other way should you get a call or two.

The league going so deep into the rulebook in front of the entire world to overturn the Dez catch told me all I needed to know. My eyebrows were raised during the playoff loss to the eventual SB Champs the '07 Giants. That game was about as rigged as I've ever seen.

Since then, all Cowboys games look the same: inopportune penalties at the exact right time to assist our opponents. Add in the crusade to take Zeke off the field by league employees and the cover-up at league HQ by Goodell and you have almost no chance to be successful for an entire season.

Last year we did not draw a Defensive holding penalty for 10 games straight? We have had 5 games where our opponent has not been penalized? These aren't just statistical outliers folks with the Cowboys as the pin placement on a graph.

It's a joke, and has been for some time.


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It’s comical how one poster can try to defend this anomaly and telling how he doesn’t address the facts.

No holds since the first quarter of the first game.
10 straight games last year no holds.
5 of the 30 no penalty games have come against the cowboys. Which is a league high.


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Let me first state that had the Cowboys lost this game, it would not have been because of the officiating, and I don't believe that this post is indicating that. All we are asking for is a fair bite at the apple. It is well known that holding penalties could be called more frequently and I appreciate that they are not called more frequently as it would ruin the game. Most refs prefer the game to be won the by players. But when you have an announcer (Collinsworth) gushing over how Wentz got a pass off despite D-Law tugging at his arm, and in the same video frame, don't even comment on the obvious hold by the Eagles OL on Wilson, what gives? Connor McGregor couldn't have executed a better choke hold.
And it is also fair to state the obvious that when our above-average OL gets called every game for at least one holding call, that somehow lesser OL lines around the league don't get called when they play us. Every game, I see at least one to two plays where D-Law gets held with no flag thrown.

Little Jr

Well-Known Member
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You forget this is a club of Billionaires who have no need nor worries re: their cash flow. The revenue their franchises generate pale in comparison to the amount of money each owner has made in the private sector.

Jones is filthy rich, but has likely generated a much higher percentage of his personal wealth from his ownership of the Cowboys. The league is still butt hurt by the fact that Jones leveraged the Cowboys brand and consistently bucked initiatives and deals better for the league as a whole because he knew there were better deals specifically for his team.

It can never be proven, but there is undoubtedly an anti-Dallas bias. The Cowboys are a "given" revenue generator: win or lose. They will draw crowds and cash anywhere they touch down to play, every time they touch down to play. But at some level when half the planet 100% hates your guts, it is hard to get benefit of the doubt calls when crowds are screaming, and ready to claim bias the other way should you get a call or two.

The league going so deep into the rulebook in front of the entire world to overturn the Dez catch told me all I needed to know. My eyebrows were raised during the playoff loss to the eventual SB Champs the '07 Giants. That game was about as rigged as I've ever seen.

Since then, all Cowboys games look the same: inopportune penalties at the exact right time to assist our opponents. Add in the crusade to take Zeke off the field by league employees and the cover-up at league HQ by Goodell and you have almost no chance to be successful for an entire season.

Last year we did not draw a Defensive holding penalty for 10 games straight? We have had 5 games where our opponent has not been penalized? These aren't just statistical outliers folks with the Cowboys as the pin placement on a graph.

It's a joke, and has been for some time.
Billionaires don't become billionaires by not making as much money they can because they don't like somebody. As you said and I did too, cowboys will draw ratings and cash for the NFL no matter what their record is. But can you imagine the ratings and money of they would win a super bowl? 3 of 4 like they did in the 90s? So again, the conspiracy crowd who think they are in our side has a better and more logical argument than we do. With that said, it's dumb as **** too but still not as dumb as ours.

As far as the Dez catch no catch, that was a issue before that game. It was just more noticeable because it was us and it was in the playoffs. The Megatron no catch that started it was closer to a catch than the Dez no catch.

I'll ask, is the refs that are doing it or the league? Are most of the refs anti cowboy where we have the biggest fan base, have the most NFL players who grew up cowboy fans? Stylistically speaking, most refs or at least half are cowboy fans. Is the league telling the refs to make calls against us or don't call penalties against the other team? If so, do you really think this would go on for 40+ years and no one would spill the beans?

Like I said, go to any team forum, especially after a loss and you'll see the fans saying the same things cowboy fans do.

Btw, there are 23 teams more penalized than us. Watch the game or any game with the same critical eye you do with the cowboys and you'll see missed and bad calls on every team.