Romo has broken bone in back; out 6-10 weeks ** Mega Thread **


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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4 games of dak will fix em and they'll be changing for Tony again.
I hope Dak lights it up, but I certainly am not rushing off to Vegas to bet on it. I hope he does well. Romo's injury is no fault of Dak's. It just bothers me that some here want to see Dak play so badly that they are more than happy that Romo got injured in order for that to come about. Just not cool.


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I hope Dak lights it up, but I certainly am not rushing off to Vegas to bet on it. I hope he does well. Romo's injury is no fault of Dak's. It just bothers me that some here want to see Dak play so badly that they are more than happy that Romo got injured in order for that to come about. Just not cool.

I hope he does too...but he will still have his rookie faults.


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While this sucks losing Romo, a bizarre silver lining to this is you are going to find out before the next draft if Dak really is the guy. That helps draft strategy immensely for 2017.

This is the slant I'm taking...although I do think Dakota will have some rookie flubs so some leeway will be given. Overall Dallas can at least see a large sample size in order to determine whether to hedge their bets early in the 2017 draft. Even before my QB's injury and admittedly well before Dakota has impressed in preseason, I have wanted Dallas to draft another QB next season to hedge their bets on my QB (Antonio Ramiro) and Dakota.


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Not against you, but Tony is not a coach.....we have JG, Wilson and Linehan for that stuff

My point was more that a guy like McCown is great support for Dak. He's a good locker room presence and is happy to help the young guys


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Too bad we're going to have to throw Dak to the wolves on opening day. The regular season can be a rude awakening for a rookie QB. Would have been nice if he could have learned from the sidelines watching Romo for at least a few weeks. Better hope the defense steps up so Dak and the offense aren't having to carry the team.


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Injury maybe similar to last fracture, transverse process, he may play against NY, let's see what happens. If not Dak looked good against Rams and Sea first defense.


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While I agree that Dak starting is probably not what we had hoped for this early in his career, what makes him any different than RGIII, Wilson, Mariota, Winston or Aikman for that matter? It could be strongly argued that Dak is in a much better position than most rookies could ever hope for. He has an awesome OL, awesome WR's, awesome RB's and one of the best TE's to play the game. If he has to start, this is the best place for him. Hate to see Romo go out like this, but it just might be his time.....


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Injury maybe similar to last fracture, transverse process, he may play against NY, let's see what happens. If not Dak looked good against Rams and Sea first defense.

Ya. Them not saying which bone is fractured makes it hard to judge


The Labeled One
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One more minor thing to add: the Cowboys are probably going to use their one allowed "injured reserve-designated for return" spot for Romo.

Which means Kellen Moore, the early favorite for that spot, is either going on season ending IR or getting cut altogether.

PUP...out the first 6 weeks....then he's got the 3 week exemption to get ready. He's probably starting by week 9.:rolleyes:


Original Fan
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I understand how disheartening it is to see Tony in this same situation again, but, what's even more disheartening... is the lack of support everyone seems to have here for him now.

I get that everyone does want to see him on the field for us, but, in all actuality, can we not lose sight of what it is that really happened? Whether or not the case is that he is getting older and more fragile (while I do see this), the fact of that matter is, is that I'm pretty sure none of us have ever seen a specific hit like that...

Try having 250lbs of Cliff Avril jamming your back directly into the ground while sliding at full speed, and I'm pretty sure any normal being should have at least something wrong with their back. It's nearly a miracle it's not anything even more than a minor compression fracture.

For Christ's sake, people, he doesn't even need surgery on this injury, and it's completely unrelated to the previous injuries he's had.

While I do understand it's easy to see how this could be the beginning of the end - I don't like to see it that way.

For everyone who doubts Tony out there, I'd like to keep faith in our boy, knowing that he's one of toughest in the game and once he does come back (which he will), he's going to be better than ever. If there was never a fluke hit such as this, and he went through a full season this year and took us into the playoffs, we would all be saying he does most likely have another 3 years in him - And I still believe that to be true. Quit saying Romo's going to retire, because he's not.

As long he lets it heal properly, our O-line protects him as they should, and there aren't any mortifying, ridiculous plays that somehow take him out for the season again... We (He) will be fine.

I say Dak goes 3-3, Romo comes back, goes 7-3, and we win the NFC East to get back into the playoffs again above the Commanders at 9-7.

Have a little faith, people!

Go Cowboys.

Well, I've waded through 31 pages of mostly negative dung, and finally found an athlete's point of view.

And let me dispense some of your worst fears --
Tony could play next week if he had to.

A subtle compression fracture that requires an MRI for diagnosis is really minor. Yes, it's broken, but it's not displaced and there's absolutely no structural instability. There's no disc herniation, nerve compression, or limitation of motion. I've managed hundreds of these, and they are uncomplicated. Only severe compression that might be seen with osteoporosis requires intervention.

My guess is that Tony will miss 3 games at most.

You can all him unlucky, but his injuries include a pilonidal cyst (minor lumbo-sacral condition),
partial lumbar nerve compression (micro-surg.),
lumbar transverse process fracture (minor),
the well-chronicled clavicle injuries (healed),
and now the L1 minimal compression.
His legs and throwing arm are completely spared, and none of the afore-mentioned issues is likely to result in anything more than the obligatory football arthritis. Things could be much worse.

He also has not had the worrisome concussion history that plagued previous Cowboy QBs.

Can y'all just get your popcorn ready and relax?

Or have you already wagered too much on this season?

Either way, there are millions of undernourished people in the world, and if you help one you'll feel really good.


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It doesn't really matter when he comes back, the bulls eye is so big now it's not even fair.

Sting - If You Love Somebody Set Them Free


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4-6 weeks is what the doc professionals are speculating. 4 weeks from today is only 2 games.

Correctamundo, pure spectulation. Just like last year when they said his collar bone was ready to go, on the shorter time line.....Jones are in pure PR mode.