Roy Williams keep your head up

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Roy Williams' growing history of late game crumbles. ... errr.. fumbles.

4th Q tonight vs the Saints..
4th Q vs the Bears..
4th Q vs the Pack..

Please excuse me while I :puke:


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GoCowboysGo;3718139 said:
I hope he gets hit by a bus. I'd cut him tonight.

:laugh2: Sounds like the rapid overreaction I'm seeing on FB!

I'm not blaming Roy, but DANG, I thought we had that game until he got the ball stripped! So close!

It didn't help matters that my mom had a smart alec relative in town that was mouthing off about my Cowboys. Before the game, he said they would lose 80-0. Then, he was slamming Buehler for missing the 59 yarder.


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CowboyMcCoy;3718833 said:
defend your boy

Williams has key fumble: Dallas WR Roy E. Williams had a key fumble in Thursday's game against New Orleans on Thanksgiving Day in Week 12, which ruined his outing. Williams finished the game with five catches for 83 yards on eight targets, including a 47-yard reception in the fourth quarter. But it was on that catch when Williams was stripped by Saints DB Malcolm Floyd and fumbled the ball.



see ya


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RoyTheHammer;3718351 said:
Agreed. People don't realize all the other mistakes we made today hurt us just as bad. One play does not lose a game. It was an entire game of sloppy play, one or two questionable coaching decisions, etc..

There isn't a single team in the NFL who plays a perfect 60 minutes of football every Sunday. Mistakes will be made. Adversity is inevitable. However, more often than not in this league there will come a sequence where the game will be won or lost. Good teams usually win those sequences, great teams nearly always do. The Patriots/Lions game earlier today is a prime example. The Lions hung tough with the Pats for 3.5 quarters, but then in inevitable fashion the Patriots simply put them away.

It is that lack of a killer instinct that the Cowboys have lacked since Jimmy Johnson left that is the most painful.


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RoyTheHammer;3718807 said:
So Roy fumbling is worse than our 6 other fumbles today combined by this logic..

You realize that if Roy didn't make such a good block we don't get the Miles Austin TD on the end around right?

Or Witten's hold on that play. Cowboys were lucky it wasn't called back, and it should have been.


The Actualist
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OMG the hypocrisy never ends, the Dallas Cowboys are the most over rated losing team in the enitre NFL.



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Not grinning like an idiot after a devastating, game-changing play would be a nice start.



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brooksey1;3718110 said:
The defense made a great play to strip Roy of the ball. He played great today. I really like what he has been doing with his routes and he has great hands, the guy is an asset to our team. What happened was unfortunate but he switched the ball from his right to left when he saw the defender and another came in from his blind side and was able to a lot of hand on the ball for the strip. The loss is not on Roy Williams.

Similiar play happened to him last year against the Packers.

He's got to have better field awareness of what's going on around him. He clearly saw the player on his left side, you have to know what to expect.


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There is simply no excuse for Roy Williams to fumble that ball. Any fool know that when you're in the opened field, people are all over the place, you need to look around. Not to mention, THE DUMBEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, know that when the game is about to be over for another team, that defense is looking to strip the ball any chance they get. This Roy is like a Stripper, tease you to death, but you'll never score with her.


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that him showing us his 13 mil dollar smile


and saying I don' t give a dam

Mr. Irrelevant = Roy Williams

28 Joker

28 Joker
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I feel bad for Williams. I do. I was feeling bad for him, but that was straight up the game.

I'll quote Sterling Sharpe (a former NFL WR who would have been a Hall of Fame player but he was injured):

"Should have been the game winner right there. Roy did everything right, except secure the ball".

People can talk about play calls or other plays in the game, but Roy Williams literally had the football game in his hands and didn't protect the football.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Memo to Roy the Hammer:

I always delete your private messages...I don't even read them.

If you can't debate me out in the open, don't talk to me.

My name isn't "Bud"...Message title


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The smiling thing doesn't bother me. I have the same problem. If I screw up or am put in an uncomfortable situation, I smile. It's not because I don't care or I'm just laughing it off, but that's how I naturally react.

I guarantee you he feels terrible.


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41gy#;3719147 said:
Memo to Roy the Hammer:

I always delete your private messages...I don't even read them.

If you can't debate me out in the open, don't talk to me.

My name isn't "Bud"...Message title

I was debating you in the open.. you failed to respond. Care to give it another go? Go ahead and post that poll.. see how many of the 1000 or so active posters here think Newman is one of the few shutdown corners in the NFL today..

..or can you already see from the thread that very few, if any agree with you? lol


For the last time, Newman is a solid, but inconsistent CB. Nothing more, nothing less. He'll give up plays every game, but then flash some good plays too. Like today, he'll bat a ball out of the WR's hands, then he'll get burnt deep. He is what he is.. i don't need a scout to tell me what i see on the field.

I have a great idea actually.. why don't you post a poll?

We have quite a few people on this board, over 1000 at least i would think who are active.. so why don't you post a poll seeing how many on here think Newman is a shutdown CB and how many do not. Do it.. but be warned, you won't like the results lol.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Ozzu;3719149 said:
The smiling thing doesn't bother me. I have the same problem. If I screw up or am put in an uncomfortable situation, I smile. It's not because I don't care or I'm just laughing it off, but that's how I naturally react.

I guarantee you he feels terrible.

I agree. I know he's upset. I saw his interview.

It's frustrating, because it is such a fundamental play to protect the ball in that situation. Put the football in your gut (tuck it and cover it up with your free hand), put two hands on it, get low or down or both. Williams fumbled a big one in the Green Bay game last year. That was a game changing play.

You have to finish plays like Alvin Harper did in 1992. If the 49ers would have got the ball back in 1992, Dallas would have been in deep trouble. You have to finish that play and get at least a FG out of that drive. That was a championship caliber game today, and the Saints should have been beaten right there. Instead of Dallas not running another snap until 2:23 and getting to the 2 minute warning, your defense is back on the field, with 3:03 left to play. The Saints were tiring on defense, and victory was right there for Dallas. Dallas was putting the ball in the end-zone in the second half.

Dallas literally lost a chance at a point blank kill shot when that ball was raked out.

I think Williams covered it up with his other hand at one point, but for some reason, he went back to carrying it with one hand. It was a costly mistake. When Williams tried to get his off hand back on the ball, it was too late.

This loss will never be forgotten. Players only play so long....You only get so many shots at these classic games on Thanksgiving. This was a defacto playoff game for Dallas, imo. Dallas isn't going to be in the playoffs this year. The Saints are. Cowboys fans are used to winning...They don't mind losing if the other team deserves to win, but just fumbling a game away like that is deflating. I don't know how the team recovers, honestly. I'm sure they will play hard, but this one is going to sting. It was a straight up give away. I'd put this loss right up there with the 1993 Thanksgiving Day Game where Leon Lett gave the game away. That team went on to win the Super Bowl. This team must face Peyton Manning on the road and is going no where.

Losing to Payton when you have him beat is tough to swallow, especially the way his Saints destroyed Dallas in 2006...Taking a knee on Parcells instead of just running the ball with significant time left in the game....I have not forgotten that...Today was a bitter, bitter, bitter defeat.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Clove;3719032 said:
THE DUMBEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, know that when the game is about to be over for another team, that defense is looking to strip the ball any chance they get.

No way...
This cannot be common knowledge. Roy did no wrong.



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Bleu Star;3719194 said:
No way...
This cannot be common knowledge. Roy did no wrong.


Who here has not admitted that Roy messed up on that play? Badly.


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Say what you want about Roy Williams.He will take this loss home with him unlike many players on this team will and has accountability.Nothing like the qb who loses an elimination game 44-6 and preaches a life lesson-"well,if this is the worst thing that happens to me...blah,blah,blah...He was careless...but not heartless.