Absolutely did see that play. Camera angle was from behind our secondary, out of our endzone as you said. Running back is running up the middle towards Williams. A guard is coming forward, staring at Williams. Williams puts his hands up and moves to the left avoiding the guard, while running back is running to Roy's right, straight up the middle. Roy completely chickened out on the play. He could have made it to running back but he saw the truck coming and bailed left. The lane was completely open on the play. I was yelling at the TV thinking, Roy must be hurt. MAYBE Roy didn't see the running back had the ball, but isn't he suppossed to close that lane down as our premier playmaking run stuffer?
The other thing that gets me is when Roy tackles by diving at players with his head down, eyes either closed, or open but looking downward, because of his head position. Now people will flame me and say "how do you know where he is looking?" Well I'll tell you. One can tell Roy is not looking where he is going because he misses so often, or doesn't make efficient contact. Roy dives with no arms out to wrap up. He basically tries the human missile approach. That is terrible, Pee Wee technique. He hits our own other defensive players first as often as he hits the offensive player. In fact, Roy is often a half step late on his tackle. Is also tackling from the wrong direction (at least he's hustling back I guess) because the offensive player is often already past him. I think Roy put 2 or 3 of our players on injury shelf the year before last doing this (not for long but during the game and knicked them up). Blindly throwing yourself into the pile isn't smart football.
I think this guy has the talent. He played smarter and with more confidence his rookie year. He is strong. He is durable. Someone needs to do a better job coaching him on the basics again so he gets his confidence back. Also, remember his poor tackling technique that led to the horsecollar penalty rule. He still tries this but grabs the jersey now, not the pads. This is also lazy technique IMHO. If you can grab a guy by the shirt without falling down, which Roy does frequently, you can also dive at his waist or legs, wrap up and bring the player down. If you miss the shirt (which Roy has sometimes done), the player gets far more YAC. Again Roy hustles and is running the player down from behind. Which you have to give him credit for. Roy does get criticized alot because he hustles into the play that wasn't really in his zone and there he looks like he didn't make a play when around the ball. He gets there but late, but at least he keeps the motor going. The problem is, he is 10 times better with the play in front of him, but it often gets behind him.
I taped most of the game, I'm going to watch it again and focus on Roy. Despite his number of tackles, I felt he played poorly except for the late series against the jumbo QB. I think teams are keying on Roy running and passing towards him, and that is part of why he had so many tackles. Players are on record as saying the game plan is to exploit Roy as a weakness. My how times change! Still, teams are reluctant to pass short across the middle or run routes in there, with Roy out there. He can be a killer. But teams have adjusted. They have figured Roy out. Wade has to counter-react and scheme to use Roy in less exploitable ways.