Sanjay Lal hype is getting out of control


Village Idiot
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He's been coaching in the league for nearly a decade, and has bounced around every couple years. He's now on his 5th team. Let's see what kind of production he's had in the NFL.

Team Receiving Rank By Year

2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th
2011 - 11th
2010 - 22nd
2009 - 29th

As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career, although I didn't take the time to research this fully.

To be fair, he has been in some bad places, with lackluster QB play, but looking at his body of work, it is hard to get excited about what he has done. When looking at the talent on this roster, it is hard to get excited about the prospects of him coaching them up.

I was not a Derek Dooley fan by any means, but to think an NFL position coach doesn't teach technique is asinine. Under Dooley's watch, Dez, Williams, and Beasley all put up career numbers.

I think it was time for Dooley to go, but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people.


Cowboys Diehard
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I'm reluctant to reach the conclusion that Lal is destined to be a flop, based solely upon his history with inferior teams. We'll probably know soon enough if his methods are wanting (or not) as midseason rolls around. Until then, I'm inclined to afford him the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope our receiving corps turns out to be a pleasant surprise to many of us. If our WRs manage to get open as advertised, Dak could quite likely be a pleasant surprise as well.
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Well-Known Member
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He's been coaching in the league for nearly a decade, and has bounced around every couple years. He's now on his 5th team. Let's see what kind of production he's had in the NFL.

Team Receiving Rank By Year

2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th
2011 - 11th
2010 - 22nd
2009 - 29th

As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career, although I didn't take the time to research this fully.

To be fair, he has been in some bad places, with lackluster QB play, but looking at his body of work, it is hard to get excited about what he has done. When looking at the talent on this roster, it is hard to get excited about the prospects of him coaching them up.

I was not a Derek Dooley fan by any means, but to think an NFL position coach doesn't teach technique is asinine. Under Dooley's watch, Dez, Williams, and Beasley all put up career numbers.

I think it was time for Dooley to go, but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people.

I don’t completely buy the hype, either, and have questioned it in the past. You’d think he would have developed some of the best receivers in the NFL from all the hype he gets on here. That being said, I’m hopeful for what he can do here becsuse the players seem to think he’s teaching them a lot.

Is it that hard to put up career numbers under a coach when you’re career has been only with that one coach? Williams’ best seasons were 840yds and 8TDs. Beasley’s were 833 yards and 5 TDS. I wouldn’t exactly call those “career numbers”. I’m glad Dooley is gone.


Well-Known Member
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He's been coaching in the league for nearly a decade, and has bounced around every couple years. He's now on his 5th team. Let's see what kind of production he's had in the NFL.

Team Receiving Rank By Year

2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th
2011 - 11th
2010 - 22nd
2009 - 29th

As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career, although I didn't take the time to research this fully.

To be fair, he has been in some bad places, with lackluster QB play, but looking at his body of work, it is hard to get excited about what he has done. When looking at the talent on this roster, it is hard to get excited about the prospects of him coaching them up.

I was not a Derek Dooley fan by any means, but to think an NFL position coach doesn't teach technique is asinine. Under Dooley's watch, Dez, Williams, and Beasley all put up career numbers.

I think it was time for Dooley to go, but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people.

Good post. I've been in Lal's camp since he came over-- but I think you're right. We need to reign in the expectations. I believe his personality and style is a good fit for the youth on the team, and a good fit for Garrett's staff-- and not having to deal with Dez this year is probably a good thing from a chemistry standpoint.

That said-- his numbers speak for themselves and the talent at the skill positions is questionable. He does have the support of a great OL and an efficient smart QB. I hope it comes together this year.


Well-Known Member
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Let the FO have this. Issue was more than WRS last year. Things will either go north or south with this team.

Silver Surfer

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As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career .........

He'll fit right in. I suspect he'll keep his streak intact this year too. Look at the Cowboys receiving corp and tell me who's a 1000 yard receiver this year.


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
He's been coaching in the league for nearly a decade, and has bounced around every couple years. He's now on his 5th team. Let's see what kind of production he's had in the NFL.

Team Receiving Rank By Year

2017 - 30th
2016 - 31st
2015 - 29th
2014 - 32nd
2013 - 30th
2012 - 30th
2011 - 11th
2010 - 22nd
2009 - 29th

As you can see, his groups have produced near bottom, or rock bottom production in receiving yardage. As far as I can tell, he's never produced a 1000 yard receiver in his career, although I didn't take the time to research this fully.

To be fair, he has been in some bad places, with lackluster QB play, but looking at his body of work, it is hard to get excited about what he has done. When looking at the talent on this roster, it is hard to get excited about the prospects of him coaching them up.

I was not a Derek Dooley fan by any means, but to think an NFL position coach doesn't teach technique is asinine. Under Dooley's watch, Dez, Williams, and Beasley all put up career numbers.

I think it was time for Dooley to go, but the Sanjay Lal hype is unwarranted and frankly, he is going to disappoint a lot of people.
Wow, those numbers are UGLY!!!! Does he have an alibi? (I know its dumb, but its humor so I can get away with it....I hope :) )


Well-Known Member
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I dont always look at the body of the work, but lets not dismiss it entirely, so your research while not full is not unwarranted.

What has he done in Dallas as of right now? Started to change the culture and that right there is one of the smartest things you can do. Dallas, regardless of talent has been a culture of mediocrity. Regardless of where Sanjay takes it now, who cares, hes already laying down a new culture and a great stepping stone. He went right back to the beginning. Run your route, catch the ball. If he keeps the WRs focus on the basics and not worrying about scoring every play, we ll be in good in better shape. I loved Dez and Dez could take it to the house on almost any play, but you cant have that mindset all the time.

Even if he has learned from his past and puts forth a new future, im willing to give the guy a try. What is the worst that happens? We continue to suck? Now he even has a harder job as he has no clear number 1. Lets see what he does. The possibilities are endless.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We fans get so hungry for football and so hungry to see our favorite team do well, we tend to over-hope and that turns into over-hype. Nothing wrong with hope, but that can easily turn into hype when our hope is seen through the fan lens which tends to be colored a tad rosy.


Village Idiot
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I dont always look at the body of the work, but lets not dismiss it entirely, so your research while not full is not unwarranted.

What has he done in Dallas as of right now? Started to change the culture and that right there is one of the smartest things you can do. Dallas, regardless of talent has been a culture of mediocrity. Regardless of where Sanjay takes it now, who cares, hes already laying down a new culture and a great stepping stone. He went right back to the beginning. Run your route, catch the ball. If he keeps the WRs focus on the basics and not worrying about scoring every play, we ll be in good in better shape. I loved Dez and Dez could take it to the house on almost any play, but you cant have that mindset all the time.

Even if he has learned from his past and puts forth a new future, im willing to give the guy a try. What is the worst that happens? We continue to suck? Now he even has a harder job as he has no clear number 1. Lets see what he does. The possibilities are endless.

Culture has to change from the top, and we know that isn't happening.

The Cowboys will focus on a receiver-by-committee, stressing fundamentals under new coach Sanjay Lal. The group drew the ire of coach Jason Garrett on Thursday for focusing too much on technique and not running fluidly.

“I know we are counting steps but we have to ... run,” Garrett barked. The Cowboys used a lot of different receiver groups with quarterback Dak Prescott, including undersized receivers Tavon Austin and Cole Beasley working at times with the first team with Allen Hurns. Cowboys offensive coordinator Scott Linehan said all the receivers can run routes from different spots, which should make the offense more versatile and unpredictable. As long as they are running and not counting steps."