How do you know they didn't even give it a chance?
Our culture has not tainted or ruined anything. Just work on your own marriage and let others work on theirs.
Pretty standard stuff these days. No big deal.
It is pretty standard stuff these days, .. sad but true. You are right on that one.
And that is a perfect example of how our culture has negatively impacted the institution of marriage.
But you are wrong on your other point, it is a big deal.
None of us knows why Wilson chose to divorce his wife. It could've very well been infidelity on her part, which happens frequently with wives who don't spend a lot of time with their pro athlete husbands. People just always assume the husband cheated or it was about money.
On why you shouldn't offer condolences when someone gets divorced:
"Divorce is always good news. I know that sounds weird, but it's true because no good marriage has ever ended in divorce. That would be sad. If two people were married and ... they just had a great thing and then they got divorced, that would be really sad. But that has happened zero times."
Yea that's true. I'm female but in this case we don't know that it's something she didn't do.
That very well may be true, .. but I think that probably at least 80% of failed marriages are because the guy did not man up and be a husband, and remained a selfish little boy.
Drinking, gambling, playing ball, hanging out with his friends, etc.
Be a husband, .. or don't get married.
That very well may be true, .. but I think that probably at least 80% of failed marriages are because the guy did not man up and be a husband, and remained a selfish little boy.
Drinking, gambling, playing ball, hanging out with his friends, etc.
Be a husband, .. or don't get married.
Maybe they both regret getting married in the first place. Perhaps they knew their relationship wasn't strong, but decided to get married anyway. You just don't know, but you judge so harshly something that doesn't really impact your own life and your own marriage.
I said in my very first post in this thread, .. they should not have gotten married in the first place.
And now you have come to that conclusion ???
I'm not judging anything, or anybody, .. I'm just stating my opinion on marriage. Which I said in my second post in this thread.
You can relax and stop jumping on your keyboard now.
My point is if you are going to get married, ... take it seriously, .. do it for the right reasons, .. make sure you understand what you are doing, and be committed to making it work .... longer than a year or two.
Is that too much to ask or expect?
Ok, this is just my opinion, .. but he will regret this someday.
They dated in high school, .. she is no gold digger.
There are many later rewards for staying with the bride of your youth. He has forfeited that now.
She was with him, and has been with him since he was nothing. She loved him for all of the right reasons. Any girl he meets now will always know who he is and what he is worth.
He thinks the grass will be greener probably because all of these good looking women are coming on to him since he has become famous.
But he will find out that he let a good one get away, .. and that he messed up.
That very well may be true, .. but I think that probably at least 80% of failed marriages are because the guy did not man up and be a husband, and remained a selfish little boy.
Drinking, gambling, playing ball, hanging out with his friends, etc.
Be a husband, .. or don't get married.
I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure in filing for divorce she can ask for potential wages. But, I could be totally be off base on that.