I find it funny how all the posters that complain about players getting injured could not last one play in the NFL. They would take hit and go home with their tail between their legs! But a FOOTBALL player getting injured in the most violent sport played and they are called "china dolls", "Charmin Lee", and other idiotic things. smh
You find it funny????? Not only could all of us (that can run, haven't been put out of commission through birth conditions,war, sickness, preceding injury or age) last more than one play I for one and many others could "make a play" in the N.F.L. (just give me my shot!
) No doubt the league is tough & rough , if your not in shape it is dangerous. But in a league that puts players through the combine and drafts on measurables and potential we as fans would assume that our GM takes players without preexisting problems that are giving him value because he thinks he is outsmarting every other gm in the NFL. The 7 million dollar man, aka Sean "glass" Lee, aka 1 million per game missing middle linebacker, aka china doll were there for the taking because other teams didn't want to have to have a 2nd team ready that needs to fill half the roster spots on the 1st team. And with our cap room (what room?) our 2nd team sucks and guess who is on the 1st team now. The worst defensive team of all time.