Shefter says NFL aware of Zeke


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Making contact to anyone in a threatening way whether it’s a bump or a shove is an assault. They weren’t joking with each other. Zeke wanted to get past the gate and the security guard wouldn’t let him. Zeke called him a ninja and began to walk away and the security guard called Zeke the N-word. All you have to do is analyze the YouTube video it’s all there. You’re admitting Zeke’s forearm came up. Forarming / difference! You always see things differently than me.

I think “always” is a little harsh.

He fell because of the barrier giving away. It was light bumping and yeah, he attempted to push with his forearm, but the wimp was already falling. He(security guy and whoever hired him) learned a lesson that night.

Did he call Zeke the n-word with an R and what’s the guard’s race?

That’s what some others have said. I couldn't hear it well.


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Roger the Clown is waiting until the Cowboys are a threat to make the playoffs. :cool:
he's a toxic commish. Full of double standards. Cowboys players get the full pumishment...even if very little to nothing happened. Look at Kareem Hunt. lol...the POS was on video hitting a woman. It made my stomach upset. Yet he's playing in the NFL this year. Zeke did nothing in comparison and was unfairly treated. My hope is Goodell will use common sense this time, but the reality is, he has an ax to grind against all things JJ .


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he's a toxic commish. Full of double standards. Cowboys players get the full pumishment...even if very little to nothing happened. Look at Kareem Hunt. lol...the POS was on video hitting a woman. It made my stomach upset. Yet he's playing in the NFL this year. Zeke did nothing in comparison and was unfairly treated. My hope is Goodell will use common sense this time, but the reality is, he has an ax to grind against all things JJ .
Let’s hope it’s all about nothing and never brought up again. It goes away and Elliot is smart enough to keep it clean and stay out of the media until they see him on the field for camp.

Last time he had issues with his ex. Then pulling tops down at a festival and a bar fight. He just kept right on doing dumb things. Let’s see what he has learned.


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OBJ 2 years ago, we ALL know what he was video taped doing, and Im not going to go into the unsavory details. Remember what his punishment was? Yep...nothing! In fact, he was rewarded with a max contract. Case and point when I talk about those double standards at the highest levels. This MUST change.


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OBJ 2 years ago, we ALL know what he was video taped doing, and Im not going to go into the unsavory details. Remember what his punishment was? Yep...nothing! In fact, he was rewarded with a max contract. Case and point when I talk about those double standards at the highest levels. This MUST change.
I agree. But I am not sure it will. If Elliot is punished for this I will be convinced.


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the absolute malice Goodell has for Jerry Jones is undeniable. I may walk that statement back some if nothing happens to Zeke. I'm a fair guy,but at this point, I don't have much faith in Goodell. BTW...someone needs to mentor Zeke when he's away from the team. Obviously he is a magnet for chaos. He needs to understand the full scope of whom he represents 24/7. Its bigger than Zeke. To date, he doesn't get it. I am worried for the young man.


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the absolute malice Goodell has for Jerry Jones is undeniable. I may walk that statement back some if nothing happens to Zeke. I'm a fair guy,but at this point, I don't have much faith in Goodell. BTW...someone needs to mentor Zeke when he's away from the team. Obviously he is a magnet for chaos. He needs to understand the full scope of whom he represents 24/7. Its bigger than Zeke. To date, he doesn't get it. I am worried for the young man.
I am with you with this. Zeke is a magnet for cell phones and video cameras. The Jones family wants to make him the highest paid back in the NFL. He rewards that faith by being drunk at 3AM in Vegas. The only way he will learn if Jerry stops contract negotiations.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I think “always” is a little harsh.

He fell because of the barrier giving away. It was light bumping and yeah, he attempted to push with his forearm, but the wimp was already falling. He(security guy and whoever hired him) learned a lesson that night.

Did he call Zeke the n-word with an R and what’s the guard’s race?

That’s what some others have said. I couldn't hear it well.

Light bumping from a powerful NFL RB is all it took to put the security guard and the barrier down. Zeke is the one who better have learned a lesson that night. He has a lot more to lose than the security guard. This is day 3 on this topic and i’m done with it.


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Light bumping from a powerful NFL RB is all it took to put the security guard and the barrier down. Zeke is the one who better have learned a lesson that night. He has a lot more to lose than the security guard. This is day 3 on this topic and i’m done with it.
Hoping that the NFL has looked and is done with it also. Not enough to suspend. Elliot should stay cool and learn a final lesson.


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All you have to do is put your hands on someone in a threatening way and that’s considered an assault. Knocking someone to the ground is an assault.

True. But if alcohol is involved it can cloud intent. So it can be argued from the Nevada legal standpoint that Zeke’s intent wasn’t to harm the guard. That he merely didn't judge his distance correctly. To prove assault in Nevada means intentionally making another person feel that he/she is about to be physically harmed. Could be the police told the guard it would be a waste of time to press charges. Especially if the police weren’t going to arrest Zeke on a PI


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Hoping that the NFL has looked and is done with it also. Not enough to suspend. Elliot should stay cool and learn a final lesson.

There wasn’t enough to suspend him for the last situation he was in.


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There wasn’t enough to suspend him for the last situation he was in.
I didn’t think so either. But after the alleged bar fight and pulling the top down while being investigated. Plus JJ saying there wasn’t enough there. I think it all added up. I was expecting 2 games for conduct detrimental and not using the dv. But goodell went after him.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I didn’t think so either. But after the alleged bar fight and pulling the top down while being investigated. Plus JJ saying there wasn’t enough there. I think it all added up. I was expecting 2 games for conduct detrimental and not using the dv. But goodell went after him.

Those incidents played a part along with the NFL trying to make up for the Ray Rice debacle.
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True. But if alcohol is involved it can cloud intent. So it can be argued from the Nevada legal standpoint that Zeke’s intent wasn’t to harm the guard. That he merely didn't judge his distance correctly. To prove assault in Nevada means intentionally making another person feel that he/she is about to be physically harmed. Could be the police told the guard it would be a waste of time to press charges. Especially if the police weren’t going to arrest Zeke on a PI

As a legal matter, assault is a “general intent” crime (not a “specific intent” crime). Meaning you just have to have intended your actions, not that you had to have any particular state of mind. And voluntary intoxication is not a defense to a general intent crime.


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Light bumping from a powerful NFL RB is all it took to put the security guard and the barrier down. Zeke is the one who better have learned a lesson that night. He has a lot more to lose than the security guard. This is day 3 on this topic and i’m done with it.
A valuable lesson we’ve all learned from this is those barriers are not stable and not to lean on them. AT ALL.

Public service courtesy of the best RB in the league.

Thanks Zeke!


Lightning Rod
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They cover for because they don’t want to see him suspended again. Most fans don’t care what players do off the field. Anything short of murder and they’re fine with it.

I would take a murderer if he could run for 2000 yards in a season,,,