Twitter: Since 2017, Dak is 5-9 vs winning teams


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Did Dak cut in RIGHT and then break off up the field? By Dak looking right, when Cooper looks right, does that somehow negate that Dak was on Cooper the whole time staring at him?

From what I was seeing, GB was playing Cooper significantly one on one. Even the TD that made things interesting, there was no safety help and all Dak did was keep his eyes on Cooper the whole way. That was ALL Cooper who seems to have broken his route.


Taco Engineer
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Did Dak cut in RIGHT and then break off up the field? By Dak looking right, when Cooper looks right, does that somehow negate that Dak was on Cooper the whole time staring at him?
Yeah, Cooper broke from the left sideline all the across the hash-marks, then back to the left sideline, lmao!......
He couldn't have POSSIBLY looked at another player.


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Yeah, Cooper broke from the left sideline all the across the hash-marks, then back to the left sideline, lmao!......
He couldn't have POSSIBLY looked at another player.

So now we are on ‘possibly’.. So Cooper was there right, breaking inward, where Dak’s eyes would still naturally follow right?

So basically me saying Dak was basically staring at Cooper the whole time and that play was basically all Cooper getting open against MAN COVERAGE is right..

now obviously you missed the main point, which is GB was playing man and Dallas down by close to 20 and they had single safety.


Safety third
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Nonsense. Not relative to the rest of the league, he's not.
I evaluate Dak compared to the level of a top ten franchise QB, not "the rest of the league".

He gets a lot of cred for being just that. He appears to want to be paid at the top of the league. I also evaluate him as to the level of play needed to achieve real success on a consistent basis.

Compared to those QB's that fit that mold, he absolutely misses more than he hits.


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Pull up the post of me doing it.

Otherwise stop lying about it and throwing out a BS nonsense argument.

You’re bitter because if your arguments and disrespectful back and forths with other posters. So now you lie and project that into me, despite the fact I don’t treat you disrespectfully despite our disagreements about the QB.

Dawg you have your profile private

You strut around here acting like you are “fair” when it comes to the quarterback, but in reality you are just as nauseating when it comes to your Dak homerism like the rest of his stans
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Dawg you have your profile private

You strut around here acting like you are “fair” when it comes to the quarterback, but in reality you are just as nauseating when it comes to your Dak homerism.

I strut around? Lol ok man. Whatever you say.

This coming from the guy that immediately posts call out threads the second a game ends.

But I’m the one strutting around.


Intramural Legend
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I evaluate Dak compared to the level of a top ten franchise QB, not "the rest of the league".
This is total bull.

Comparing him to guys like Russel, Mahomes, and A Rod is looking for an excuse to be critical, it's a wildly biased approach. It's basically "Oh, he's the 7th best qb so he sucks."

Not to mention that those guys miss too.


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This is total bull.

Comparing him to guys like Russel, Mahomes, and A Rod is looking for an excuse to be critical, it's a wildly biased approach. It's basically "Oh, he's the 7th best qb so he sucks."

Not to mention that those guys miss too.

He wants to get paid like them....


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Safety third
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This is total bull.

Comparing him to guys like Russel, Mahomes, and A Rod is looking for an excuse to be critical, it's a wildly biased approach. It's basically "Oh, he's the 7th best qb so he sucks."

Not to mention that those guys miss too.
Sure, lets just compare him the bottom feeders to make ourselves feel better.

The objective is to have a QB that is better than the majority. A QB who can consistently make good throws and put his teammates into the best position to succeed. If you're not evaluating your QB against the better QB's in the league you will find yourself stuck in mediocrity. A foolish thing to do.

I would be very happy if he was the 7th best QB. Ecstatic.

Of course those guys miss too. Nobody is perfect. Dak misses far more though. More often than not to receivers running across the field. All the way back to college.


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to be fair to Dak, there hasn’t been a QB in the nfl good enough to Beat GB this year.
Flacco, Trubisky , Dak , cousins looks like a pretty crappy list to me. The 33 million dollar QB Wentz did. He made big boy throws all day vs GB in Lambeau.


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Just out of curiosity... wouldn't a QB normally post a poor record against teams with winning records at the end of the season? There is a reason they would have a winning record. It's because they beat teams. I mean, just for the record, Rodgers has a 17-26 record against winning teams since 2012. It just makes sense that QBs would do worse against teams that finish the year with a winning record. Unfortunately, what that stat doesn't show is how the QB did against those teams in those losses. It just assigns the loss to the QB. The QB could have went 35-37 for 400 yds and 4 TDs. If the team loses, the QB still eats the loss. My point is this, you could assign that same loss record to anyone who played in those games "Dak" loss.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't get all the hoopla over it. I've always looked at football as a team sport. You win as a team, you lose as a team.
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Many other things factor in that are not considered excuses and afforded to other QB's.
Who the hell cares about other qbs? Get this bs outta here. We are all worried about the Cowboys not any other team so what other QBs are afforded who gives a flip?


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Dallas owns that record not just Teams create record from Coaching down to the punter.. I know it can fall on a QB but its team thing..
Using this logic why the hell donwe ever give Dak or anybody any credit for anything if it’s all team stuff?


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Didn't know Dak is the only person playing against other teams. How about the Cowboys are 5-9 since 2017. This is just another way to chastise the QB.
No expletive you’re pretty smart. Where are all you team people at in all them Dak is awesome and is the main reason for winning threads. Get yalls sometimey selves out of here.


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On top of that, QBs are the most paid position in the league. Need to suck up a lot of the blame especially with the ball touching their hands 99% of the time.
Dak and others QBs get too much credit and at times like this too much blame. People only want the positives but none of the negatives. Life don’t work like that. That’s why Dak has all the commercials and the like and the rest of the “team” don’t have squat comparatively.