Twitter: Stephen Jones On Garrett's Future


What's it going to be then, eh?
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That statement is all we really need to here to know that this is one really ****ed up company that will never be on top till there’s a regime change
A regime change with Stephen Jones taking over won't be any different.

The only significant regime change would occur if the entire Jones family jet went down with the whole brood aboard.


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A regime change with Stephen Jones taking over won't be any different.

The only significant regime change would occur if the entire Jones family jet went down with the whole brood aboard.

rude comment brah.. idiotic statements, the cowboys franchised sure suffered with the Jones, I mean somehow they won more SBs in the same time frame as the original franchise ie 3 sb in 5 years right out of the box, those dont just get swept under the rug, they exceeded the first ownership..sure not been to any since but 3 is 3 and greater than 2..correct? things will change they didnt extend garett did they ? hes on notice..maybe 3 years too late but they felt they would give him a chance to turn it around..apparently they now are ready to pull the hot seat lame duck prove it year BTW the Cowboys are ranked the most valuable franchise in SPORTS all of sports..they sure are embarrassing Texas..smh..i want more SBs but least we forget the good things..


Thread Killer
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SJ's role has always been specific to the players and cap so IMO he did not say anything wrong. If you read into what was not said then it is fairly clear he is not providing any form of endorsement, which he would have if Jerry had an extension in the works.


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rude comment brah.. idiotic statements, the cowboys franchised sure suffered with the Jones, I mean somehow they won more SBs in the same time frame as the original franchise ie 3 sb in 5 years right out of the box, those dont just get swept under the rug, they exceeded the first ownership..sure not been to any since but 3 is 3 and greater than 2..correct? things will change they didnt extend garett did they ? hes on notice..maybe 3 years too late but they felt they would give him a chance to turn it around..apparently they now are ready to pull the hot seat lame duck prove it year BTW the Cowboys are ranked the most valuable franchise in SPORTS all of sports..they sure are embarrassing Texas..smh..i want more SBs but least we forget the good things..

i concur....inappropriate and dumb....jerry has his challenges but he took the cowboys to new heights...and there is still more to go...