Twitter: Stephen Jones On Garrett's Future


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A regime change with Stephen Jones taking over won't be any different.

The only significant regime change would occur if the entire Jones family jet went down with the whole brood aboard.

Maybe we could have an owner like they have in Cleveland. I mean, he just a hired a coach that is about to get the "Genius," label attached to him. So obviously, Cleveland has it figured out.


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rude comment brah.. idiotic statements, the cowboys franchised sure suffered with the Jones, I mean somehow they won more SBs in the same time frame as the original franchise ie 3 sb in 5 years right out of the box, those dont just get swept under the rug, they exceeded the first ownership..sure not been to any since but 3 is 3 and greater than 2..correct? things will change they didnt extend garett did they ? hes on notice..maybe 3 years too late but they felt they would give him a chance to turn it around..apparently they now are ready to pull the hot seat lame duck prove it year BTW the Cowboys are ranked the most valuable franchise in SPORTS all of sports..they sure are embarrassing Texas..smh..i want more SBs but least we forget the good things..
Yeah but the jones family had nothing to do with those wins, it was all jimmy and the team he built and trained.
Jerry could not wait to get jimmy out of texas, paid him off and sent him packing. And they did win the 3rd with gun toting barry, but it was
the team who won it in spite of not having a good HC. They knew how to do it and that they could so they did.

That could have been 4-5 SB in a Row if Jerry was really smart and could control his giant ego.
After that sure get rid of jimmy, he was gonna leave by that point anyway, but the only smart thing jerry ever did team wise, and winning wise,
was hire jimmy and give him the power to draft etc.

Now after 25 years of jerry and his boy they have not even come close to having a coach and team that could win a SB
24 or 25 years of losing, or just not getting far when they do get in playoffs, and 2 people in this thread still crediting them
with the SB wins that Jimmy won ????:huh: wow PT Barnum said one was born every day, lol I guess he was right.


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I actually think Garrett would make a fine General Manager
That job, when it's available, has will mcclay's name written all over it. Jerry's planning his exit strategy. Which means Stephen will be the man. And he's not about to want Garrett as his gm.


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Well why is that Stephen? Can't blame the current players because they haven't been around for 25 years. Oh and it's 24 so I've been told.

Did it sound to you like he was blaming the current players?

He was saying the guys that are here now, he'd like to keep here.


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garrett, witten, and Marinelli are pretty much jerry's last direct links to the team for which he had the responsibility of hiring. not sure how the witten deal will work out, but clearly a good will gesture from jerry given all the heat witten took for his performance in the broadcast booth. Kris Richard is calling the defensive plays, ergo the handwriting is on the wall regarding Marinelli. garrett remains, but on the final year of a deal because he was jerry's hire and jerry hates to be proven wrong. but the fact he was not signed to another deal is telling. soon every player and coach will have Stephen's stamp on it. and I think that's the way he wants it.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Did it sound to you like he was blaming the current players?

He was saying the guys that are here now, he'd like to keep here.

He's trying to negotiate these contracts in the media so he can get fan sympathy. He should keep his mouth shut. It sounded like he was saying he knew we haven't been much in 25 years. The current players have to make sacrifices if we want to keep them. My point is they've only been here a few years. You can't blame them for the failures of the last 25 years. That's totally on the FO. They don't do all they should do to ensure that we are a legit contender. Maybe if they did I'd feel more sympathy toward them. If he wasn't trying to get fan support then why even bring up the 25 years? Just because they go cheap doesn't mean anything is going to change around here.
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So much for that idea that he has taken the reigns from the old man.

Stephen Jones:

But you can bet when the time comes, he said in Daddy's ear. Just like when they had to cut Romo. Just like when they cut Dez.


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My conspiracy theory is if Garrett cannot get this group to the NFC Championship game, and perhaps win it, then Richard is the next coach and Jerry is having laser surgery to remove his Garrett tattoo.

Jerry is a forgiving guy to his pet cats, but when he has put them in the position of success, and they fail, his tolerance evaporates like the prom king's love for the prom queen immediately after the happy ending of their connubial bliss.

I may have overthought that simile.



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Not really.

The idea these vague comments are somehow passive aggressive is just without merit.

I know it feels good to say that, but there is no real evidence to suggest what his opinion of Garrett is.

He defers to the person that has the final say.

I disagree with that claim.

Somebody influenced "everybody's Daddy" Jerry Jones into making some otherwise tough calls he wouldn't have made on his own. And that's his kid.

Jerry wouldn't have cut Romo on his own. Nor would he have cut Dez the way they did.

Jerry is often TOO NICE, and TOO LOYAL to his players. Stephen isn't. If there's one thing he does better than his old man, it's making tough decisions and not getting too emotionally attached.


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Reading between the lines...
Obvious animosity...

Blah blah blah. Does any of that matter? Stephen Jones stated a truth. He gives input. Everyone in the front office supplies input. Whether Daddy listens or disregards input is not the most important thing. It never has been the most important. What is bouncing around the inside of his skull (and only his skull) has any importance.

Owner, President and General Manager--with emphasis on the word 'owner'. Jones did not bestow those specific titles onto himself simply to constantly keep 1/2 of his DNA in check. Those lofty titles are suppose to tell the whole world who is in charge. Even so, some people keep repeating the same cycle of "I Cannot Stop Myself From Thinking How Things Would Be Without Jethro."

I believe Stephen Jones has given his input. It would not surprise me if he told Daddy that Garrett needed to go as recently as the end of the 2015 season. Jerry Jones makes decisions HE wants to make. He may love an idea. He may not be enthusiastic about an idea. Jones has the final say, regardless even if his chromosomes deposit picks him up and slams him against a wall. :rolleyes:


Village Idiot
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A regime change with Stephen Jones taking over won't be any different.

The only significant regime change would occur if the entire Jones family jet went down with the whole brood aboard.
They fly separately.


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That statement is all we really need to here to know that this is one really ****ed up company that will never be on top till there’s a regime change

You mean until thers’s a funeral.


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Yeah but the jones family had nothing to do with those wins, it was all jimmy and the team he built and trained.
Jerry could not wait to get jimmy out of texas, paid him off and sent him packing. And they did win the 3rd with gun toting barry, but it was
the team who won it in spite of not having a good HC. They knew how to do it and that they could so they did.

That could have been 4-5 SB in a Row if Jerry was really smart and could control his giant ego.
After that sure get rid of jimmy, he was gonna leave by that point anyway, but the only smart thing jerry ever did team wise, and winning wise,
was hire jimmy and give him the power to draft etc.

Now after 25 years of jerry and his boy they have not even come close to having a coach and team that could win a SB
24 or 25 years of losing, or just not getting far when they do get in playoffs, and 2 people in this thread still crediting them
with the SB wins that Jimmy won ????:huh: wow PT Barnum said one was born every day, lol I guess he was right.
who hired and brought JImmy , his friend from college, who fired the old regime and was a marked and hated man , who brought the money and paid the staff and players..Jimmys not Jimmy with out Jerry.. So they can NOT be separated and the FAMILY hired Jimmy... get over yourself they did it TOGETHER , and no you have the story thats been debunked , Jimmy is a lot like Parcells and was at point where he was going to leave soon and it was mutual, what did Jimmy do post Cowboys? right ZERO!! did he win another SB get back to the Championship game before the SB? NOPE, neither has Jerry, see how this works? it was a partnership that lost its way and ran its course like any relationship, they went through a bad divorce but later the truth came out.. if the BOSS wants things done his way you do it or leave.. the Joneses have 3 rings not just Jimmy this was total team effort like in NE..its no single person or player makes it happen its living thing and all living things can die. get over it already..

just in case you dont understand how this works,

Jones made millions , purchased a team, and the public and fans hated Jerry for doing all this, despite this he CHOSE Jimmy to be his HC and gave him the power to get it done..No money no purchase NO JIMMY..Got it?.. Jerry is Genius for taking a college coach that was raw and fired everyone associated with the old regime and started from scratch, the rest is History...He took all the RISK , the blowback, all the responsibility to REBUILD the Cowboys.He did this and Jimmy was part of JERRYS plan not the other way around..


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Lol. People need to listen to what Stephen actually said here instead of the typical idiotic rush to the wrong conclusion like we do.

Good interview overall. The Garrett comments start at about 13 minutes in.
He basically said the head coach position is a Jerry decision, not his decision to make.

We kinda already knew that.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement is what I mainly noticed. But like Steven said, it’s not his decision.