Twitter: Stephen Jones On Garrett's Future


Fattening up
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Not the same thing, but Jerry wanted to draft Johnny Football.

Stephen talks about that a little bit, too, in this interview everybody wants to read between the lines of without actually bothering to listen to.


Fattening up
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He basically said the head coach position is a Jerry decision, not his decision to make.

We kinda already knew that.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement is what I mainly noticed. But like Steven said, it’s not his decision.

He was actually asked if the Jason Garrett thing was a Jerry decision, and he said “yes.” In the middle of a light hearted interview where they were really talking more about Jerry and his personality than they were Jason Garrett.


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Or the Cowboys are conducting business as usual and cryptic statements like that give people something Cowboys related to talk about. I think the Garrett haters are getting all excited about nothing.

Could Garrett be replaced? Yes. Not likely, barring implosion, but possible.

If Garrett steps down as head coach i can see him “moving up or over” as part of the executive structure of the Cowboys. I don’t think he is going anywhere. But if I’m wrong about that it won’t be the first time I’m wrong or the last.

But I don’t think his current contract situation is as strong of an indicator as some here seem to think it is. I think it’s wishful thinking.


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Stephen talks about that a little bit, too, in this interview everybody wants to read between the lines of without actually bothering to listen to.
Was there a link to it in this thread?


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Hmmmm. I thought Stephen was in charge now.
of MANY decisions, Stevie is in charge...the big one tho...of HC, is Jerry's. We all always knew that so its not a surprise. I kind of have the feeling Stevie isn't a big fan of Garrett being here past this year. The fact he's coaching in his last year with no plans for an extension are supportive of this. I happen to like that. Make him earn it...and anything short of a SB appearance wont do.


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So much for that idea that he has taken the reigns from the old man.

Most of us already knew who the boss is. Same as the old boss. Just because Stephen may have his dads ear doesn’t mean he has the final word.


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This is in line with what I've thought all along when people talk about Stephen now being in charge. Jerry is more willing to listen to others than he used to be, but he still has final say.

Still, this is a very odd comment to make because Stephen is admitting to being a bit of a figure head, and because Stephen is passing the buck, and in a way throwing Jerry under the bus.
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Stephen is the money/salary cap guy with input on personnel.
McClay is pseudo GM who runs scouting, sets up draft boards, etc. Has input on personnel.
Garrett is the day to day coach with input on personnel.

Jerry decides on the HC, receives input from the above players and makes the final decisions. And has veto power over all of them on all matters. This is where the buck stops.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Stephen is the money/salary cap guy with input on personnel.
McClay is pseudo GM who runs scouting, sets up draft boards, etc. Has input on personnel.
Garrett is the day to day coach with input on personnel.

Jerry decides on the HC, receives input from the above players and makes the final decisions. And has veto power over all of them on all matters. This is where the buck stops.
^ This. Does not get any more simple.

Seemingly, some people want and believe Stephen Jones should say, "I don't like Jason and would pink slip him in a split second but my old man keeps saying 'Now now Stephen. You and I both know I know more about football and coaches than you do <wink wink>'".

That will not happen. Wanting Stephen Jones to say something along those lines publicly is being more than unrealistic.


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A regime change with Stephen Jones taking over won't be any different.

The only significant regime change would occur if the entire Jones family jet went down with the whole brood aboard.
This has happened before and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Ever. Google "bruno's family".

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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My feeling is Stephen likes being in charge and having a yes man coach who won't talk back just as much as his daddy does.


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As long as Jerry is able to play with his toy he will. Until he sings in the choir eternal, being in the middle of everything associated with this team is his toy. I will believe Jerry has ceded an ounce of power to SJ or any of his other offspring, WHEN IT HAPPENS.

Until then, Jerry will play with his toy. Come hell or high water.


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A regime change with Stephen Jones taking over won't be any different.

The only significant regime change would occur if the entire Jones family jet went down with the whole brood aboard.
I’m telling on you if that happens, A Clockwork Orange guy.


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Or the Cowboys are conducting business as usual and cryptic statements like that give people something Cowboys related to talk about. I think the Garrett haters are getting all excited about nothing.

Could Garrett be replaced? Yes. Not likely, barring implosion, but possible.

If Garrett steps down as head coach i can see him “moving up or over” as part of the executive structure of the Cowboys. I don’t think he is going anywhere. But if I’m wrong about that it won’t be the first time I’m wrong or the last.

But I don’t think his current contract situation is as strong of an indicator as some here seem to think it is. I think it’s wishful thinking.

I don't see how it's not a strong indicator.


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As long as Jerry is able to play with his toy he will. Until he sings in the choir eternal, being in the middle of everything associated with this team is his toy. I will believe Jerry has ceded an ounce of power to SJ or any of his other offspring, WHEN IT HAPPENS.

Until then, Jerry will play with his toy. Come hell or high water.



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That job, when it's available, has will mcclay's name written all over it. Jerry's planning his exit strategy. Which means Stephen will be the man. And he's not about to want Garrett as his gm.

As much as Stephen is the front man, I honestly believe that, behind the scenes, Jerry Jr. and Charlotte also have a big say in how things go with the Cowboys. Jerry is the Patriarch, and they all defer to him. But he's given each of his children significant roles to play in the operation of the Cowboys Organization.

  • Stephen handles football operations, which is what fans care about most. Stephen has a degree in Chemical Engineering. (Remember that Tom Landry was also an Engineer.)
  • Jerry Jr. handles business operations including managing the stadium in Arlington, managing the real estate development in Frisco, and is probably more intimately involved in Jerry's oil businesses. Jerry Jr. is a lawyer, with a law degree from SMU.
  • Charlotte handles Marketing and Public Relations, which includes the Cheerleaders, but also includes things like the Cowboys heavy involvement with the Salvation Army and the cities of Frisco and Arlington. Charlotte also sits on some heavyweight NFL committees. She is the Chairwoman of the NFL Foundation (the primary philanthropic arm of the NFL), and sits on the Board of Directors for the Salvation Army. Charlotte was listed as #89 in the top 100 most influential NFL people in 2016. Charlotte has a BS Degree in Biology from Stanford.
I would be very surprised if Charlotte and Jerry, Jr. don't continue to have significant input on how the team is run after Jerry passes on.