Tank On Pacman... Dissin Calvin.


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"I'm disappointed in you CALVIN," that's great. I wish more of the players would tell these worthless "journalists" off.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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I liked how when he said about Pacman tying his shoes wrong, they cut to a close up of Pac's shoes.

These guys are a bunch of idiots.


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calvin tried to laugh it off too, that kinda pisses me off.

not like i can actually do anything about it, but it makes me mad.

I wish none of us would read his articles, so hed be taken off his job.


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Ok, maybe I'm not being a Cowboy homer, but this is an honest question. What am I missing? Did Calvin do something besides reporting the incident?

Calvin is a reporter. It's what he does for a living. Pac, (one of the highest profile guys in the league whose career is literally hanging by a thread and has been told he has no more chances), goes out and gets in a fight in a public place with his bodyguard.The cops are called but no charges are filed.

And Calvin is not supposed to report that? Come on. I'm not saying the incident wasn't overblown and it doesn't mean Pac is going to be thrown out of the league, but the incident is newsworthy whether we like it or not.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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CaptainAmerica;2322147 said:
Ok, maybe I'm not being a Cowboy homer, but this is an honest question. What am I missing? Did Calvin do something besides reporting the incident?

Calvin is a reporter. It's what he does for a living. Pac, (one of the highest profile guys in the league whose career is literally hanging by a thread and has been told he has no more chances), goes out and gets in a fight in a public place with his bodyguard.The cops are called but no charges are filed.

And Calvin is not supposed to report that? Come on. I'm not saying the incident wasn't overblown and it doesn't mean Pac is going to be thrown out of the league, but the incident is newsworthy whether we like it or not.
You're right. I think Calvin has exaggerated some stories in the short time he's been here, but to say that he shouldn't report this story just because it's negative is absurd. Tank is out of line on this one.


Kane Ala
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CaptainAmerica;2322147 said:
Ok, maybe I'm not being a Cowboy homer, but this is an honest question. What am I missing? Did Calvin do something besides reporting the incident?

Calvin is a reporter. It's what he does for a living. Pac, (one of the highest profile guys in the league whose career is literally hanging by a thread and has been told he has no more chances), goes out and gets in a fight in a public place with his bodyguard.The cops are called but no charges are filed.

And Calvin is not supposed to report that? Come on. I'm not saying the incident wasn't overblown and it doesn't mean Pac is going to be thrown out of the league, but the incident is newsworthy whether we like it or not.

Why is not a problem. It's the how that is bothering people.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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DallasDW00ds0n;2322133 said:
calvin tried to laugh it off too, that kinda pisses me off.

not like i can actually do anything about it, but it makes me mad.

I wish none of us would read his articles, so hed be taken off his job.

Calvin laughs it off because it is just the kind of quotes that reporters love, it is gold to them to get a juicy quote even if it is about themselves.


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CaptainAmerica;2322147 said:
Ok, maybe I'm not being a Cowboy homer, but this is an honest question. What am I missing? Did Calvin do something besides reporting the incident?

Calvin is a reporter. It's what he does for a living. Pac, (one of the highest profile guys in the league whose career is literally hanging by a thread and has been told he has no more chances), goes out and gets in a fight in a public place with his bodyguard.The cops are called but no charges are filed.

And Calvin is not supposed to report that? Come on. I'm not saying the incident wasn't overblown and it doesn't mean Pac is going to be thrown out of the league, but the incident is newsworthy whether we like it or not.

Nothing was news worthy about what happened. The Police were called, they did arrive and made an assessment. Now their professional assessment was to leave without a complaint from either party. But if the PD felt AJ was intoxicated or being difficult he can still be arrested and or detained ask Cedric Benson( who was not charged and everything dropped).

So the PD chose to leave and let things go. At that point the news stopped, it then became a non issue. Seriously as big as AJ is who would he manhandle. I think Tommy took it to AJ, slammed him to the wall to calm his butt down.

Mr Cowboy

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GalvestonCowboyFan;2322181 said:
What is it that he said that is bothering people? I missed it too.

I'm not sure, but I think it had something to do with Romo and TO talking.

I have never seen or read an article by Watkins or any other reporter about Zack Thomas, Chris Canty or Anthony Henry where he exaggerated or mis reported anything.

It's always the spotlight seekers who want all the attention, and then become upset when they say or do something stupid, and it is reported in the media.

It makes them sound like spoiled crybabies.
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A. Jones is still a Cowboy I see, well he better put on a show Sunday to make people forget this embarrassment!


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circling the wagons. this is great. just what we need, it's us against the world mentality that we'll propel us to the super bowl. you go tank!

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Here is one of Calvin Watkins' (DMN) questions at Philips' press conference earlier in the week:

"Even though you did win, wouldn't you want your team to play well the whole game, especially against a winless team"?

Is any NFL team going to play "well" for four quarters, over a 16 game schedule? Didn't the Giants go to over time against the Bengals? It doesn't matter "how" Dallas won by nine. Style points don't matter in the NFL. Victories matter. They forced a fumble and took the ball straight down the field for a TD to seal the game. I guess Watkins is worried about what the Orange Bowl scouts standing in the press box thought about the game.

Watkins should remember that the Giants were talking about drafting another quarterback and Coughlin was on the hot seat before they caught fire and won the Super Bowl. Dallas has played well this year, except for one game where they only lost by 2 points. They have been challenged, and they have responded in some do or die situations. Many in the Dallas media and national media (ESPN) seem to have a double standard. Dallas has to play perfect in game five or else "they are doomed in January". If they play really well, then they have to prove it in January when it counts. It's a "no win" situation in regards to the analysis of the team on a local or national level. You know what? The players get sick of it.

Didn't Watkins, who evidently expects complete perfection out of this team, pick the Packers to beat Dallas? Did he pick the Eagles? I'm not sure. I'll check. If he thinks Dallas should be "that good", why did he pick against Dallas at Green Bay? Dallas destroyed them last year. What grounds did he have? Romo is lights out on the road, so that excuse is weak. It appers like Watkins expects Wade Phillips and the Cowboys to be in destroy mode all the time, but he picks against the "Super Team"
during the year.

If the Cowboys would have destroyed the Bengals by 21, Watkins might have reached into the Dallas media's playbook or ESPN's talking points and talked about how "this team hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years" and "nothing matters" (for Dallas) in the regular season".

It isn't just Watkins. He has friends.


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braw;2322190 said:
Nothing was news worthy about what happened. The Police were called, they did arrive and made an assessment. Now their professional assessment was to leave without a complaint from either party. But if the PD felt AJ was intoxicated or being difficult he can still be arrested and or detained ask Cedric Benson( who was not charged and everything dropped).

So the PD chose to leave and let things go. At that point the news stopped, it then became a non issue. Seriously as big as AJ is who would he manhandle. I think Tommy took it to AJ, slammed him to the wall to calm his butt down.

Let's not get carried away here. That's bogus in the first degree. Here are the eight news values every (good) journalist follows in one form or another.

1. Impact
2. Timeliness
3. Proximity
4. Prominence
5. Conflict
6. Currency
7. Human Interest
8. Bizarreness

For Dallas media, this story had 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, and impact is typically assessed after the story runs so you've got a very real possibility for 1 as well.

The news story absolutely deserved to run in a prominent spot. It's news. Pacman's trying to clean up a disheveled record and he ran into trouble. Whether this is a warning sign for things down the road, who knows, but the public deserves to know, even if the incident is dismissed after the fact.

Bottom line, Calvin deserved a chance to defend himself. I'm pretty sure what Tank was going after him for was the last line of his article (which was co-authored by Todd Archer, so who knows which one actually wrote it), which went something like "Johnson didn't deny he was there that night" or something, which is pretty borderline but again, it's not false information.

If this is even possible, this is a case of the media blowing up... the media.


Federal Agent
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If I were Tank I would of put Calvin in the ground right there on the spot. Not for what he reported regarding Pacman, but for the way he talked down to Tank (condescending) when Tank told Cavlin he was disappointed in him.