Tank On Pacman... Dissin Calvin.


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parchy;2322296 said:
Let's not get carried away here. That's bogus in the first degree. Here are the eight news values every (good) journalist follows in one form or another.

1. Impact
2. Timeliness
3. Proximity
4. Prominence
5. Conflict
6. Currency
7. Human Interest
8. Bizarreness

For Dallas media, this story had 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, and impact is typically assessed after the story runs so you've got a very real possibility for 1 as well.

The news story absolutely deserved to run in a prominent spot. It's news. Pacman's trying to clean up a disheveled record and he ran into trouble. Whether this is a warning sign for things down the road, who knows, but the public deserves to know, even if the incident is dismissed after the fact.

Bottom line, Calvin deserved a chance to defend himself. I'm pretty sure what Tank was going after him for was the last line of his article (which was co-authored by Todd Archer, so who knows which one actually wrote it), which went something like "Johnson didn't deny he was there that night" or something, which is pretty borderline but again, it's not false information.

If this is even possible, this is a case of the media blowing up... the media.

Calvin was on The Michael Irvin show and was made afool by back tracking his story. He said the time of 1:30am was the real time and made reference that a cover up was in place. Yet 911 transcripts and the offical police report had 11:00pm.

Again use logic, the arguement started in the lobby. Tommy Jones( of duty officer part of the Cowboys security team) probably took him into the restroom because he was attracting attention. Remember Tommy was late and AJ was getting on him. In the restroom Tommy puts him down thats it. Thats what he is there for. You think AJ could over power a trained officer. So AJ gets slapped around for being a brat and you think thats news worthy.


Mick Green 58
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Michael Irvin is always asking why some of the players don't punish some of these reporters for writing the stories they write.

If Calvin Watkins doesn't have access to the players, he will have a hard time doing his job.

Also, I heard Calvin Watkins suggest on Michael Irvin's show that he felt information was being witheld.

He tried to make a big deal out of the fact that the Cowboys were saying the incident happend at 1:30 (not sure am/pm) and the Dallas Police said 11 (not sure am/pm).

And of course Matt Mosley was there with his lame jokes and negative vibe eating it all up :rolleyes: .


Old bulletproof tiger
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Canadian BoyzFan;2322241 said:
Watkins is a POS.


Watkins is a fool and I hope the team knows EXACTLY what kind of reporter he is.

Tank said it best.

Coming up in here everday and kissing our *** and you go and sensationalize everything.

Watkins is a JA, and I hope the guy reads this. :D


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Rack;2322299 said:
If I were Tank I would of put Calvin in the ground right there on the spot. Not for what he reported regarding Pacman, but for the way he talked down to Tank (condescending) when Tank told Cavlin he was disappointed in him.

yeah, that definately made me pretty angry. just trying to get Tank mad and fish for another story. what a ***.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good for Tank. I wish more pro athletes would use that approach when the situation dictates that kind of response.


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I don't necessarily agree with Tank but he certainly comes across well in front of the camera. Looks like a leader.


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Tanks logic is terrible.

"Anything he does is going to get blown out of proportion"

Well you know what, he put himself into his current situation. Therefore, be smart enough to NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN that is going to get blown out of proportion. Like you know, punching your BODYGUARD. That might help.

The guy hasn't learned, and he doesnt deserver anymore chances. I'm at terms with the fact he will be on our team the rest of the year, but I will not support anything he does, and will be glad when he is no longer a Cowboy.


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NextGenBoys;2322579 said:
Tanks logic is terrible.

"Anything he does is going to get blown out of proportion"

Well you know what, he put himself into his current situation. Therefore, be smart enough to NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN that is going to get blown out of proportion. Like you know, punching your BODYGUARD. That might help.

The guy hasn't learned, and he doesnt deserver anymore chances. I'm at terms with the fact he will be on our team the rest of the year, but I will not support anything he does, and will be glad when he is no longer a Cowboy.

if you don't have any clue about what actually happened, then you shouldn't even preach anything about logic.

Tank knows more about the situation than you do. how's that for logic?

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Thanks Tank for putting one of many sensationalistic journalists in his place. Your work will go a long way in saving the lives of many lemmings. ;)


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Audiman;2322596 said:
if you don't have any clue about what actually happened, then you shouldn't even preach anything about logic.

Tank knows more about the situation than you do. how's that for logic?

So you're going to plug your ears, scream "LALLALALA" and pretend that this "alleged" problem against a guy who's had more than his fair share of law problems is simply a coincidence? That any player on the 53-man roster could have had the same issue... and didn't? This issue isn't that big of a deal, but it deserved to be reported, and the guy has put himself in an incredibly precarious position. To this point I wouldn't be surprised if he did something really stupid that got him kicked out for good. Why was he boozing on a Wednesday during a game week anyway?

This particular issue might not have been the same as a nightclub shooting or a DUI or whatever else he's been involved in, but how you ignore the writing on the wall here is beyond me. This is how it starts. This is how it always starts. You don't discipline him now, that's fine. I don't really care. But this is how it starts.


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parchy;2322642 said:
So you're going to plug your ears, scream "LALLALALA" and pretend that this "alleged" problem against a guy who's had more than his fair share of law problems is simply a coincidence? That any player on the 53-man roster could have had the same issue... and didn't? This issue isn't that big of a deal, but it deserved to be reported, and the guy has put himself in an incredibly precarious position. To this point I wouldn't be surprised if he did something really stupid that got him kicked out for good. Why was he boozing on a Wednesday during a game week anyway?

This particular issue might not have been the same as a nightclub shooting or a DUI or whatever else he's been involved in, but how you ignore the writing on the wall here is beyond me. This is how it starts. This is how it always starts. You don't discipline him now, that's fine. I don't really care. But this is how it starts.

what I meant was exactly what I said. NextGen clearly is assuming stuff and downing someone based on those assumptions. there's absolutely NO logic in that at all. if you don't understand the problem with that, I feel sorry for you.


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Audiman;2322658 said:
what I meant was exactly what I said. NextGen clearly is assuming stuff and downing someone based on those assumptions. there's absolutely NO logic in that at all. if you don't understand the problem with that, I feel sorry for you.

Im basing my assumptions off of what the media has reported.

What are you basing your opinion off of?


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NextGenBoys;2322770 said:
Im basing my assumptions off of what the media has reported.

What are you basing your opinion off of?

I'm basing my opinion off your assumptions. you're basically refusing to believe the possibility of this being blown way out of proportion.


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Audiman;2322782 said:
I'm basing my opinion off your assumptions. you're basically refusing to believe the possibility of this being blown way out of proportion.

No, I believe that there is a possibility that it is being blown out of proportion. I really do.

I just dont think that is the case. I'm just going of what I'm reading man, thats all. If reports come out that all this is just BS, then you know what, my stance changes.


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NextGenBoys;2322790 said:
No, I believe that there is a possibility that it is being blown out of proportion. I really do.

I just dont think that is the case. I'm just going of what I'm reading man, thats all. If reports come out that all this is just BS, then you know what, my stance changes.

there are tons of reports floating around everywhere. you believe what you want to believe. I'm going to bed.


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Audiman;2322797 said:
there are tons of reports floating around everywhere. you believe what you want to believe. I'm going to bed.

I wish. I have a 5 page critique paper due tomorrow at 10, yet I've been on here discussing PacMan rumors.



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NextGenBoys;2322800 said:
I wish. I have a 5 page critique paper due tomorrow at 10, yet I've been on here discussing PacMan rumors.


sweet! I have to work. after that I'm gonna go to a bar and cause a scene. it won't make the paper since I'm nobody special, but still.


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Audiman;2322801 said:
sweet! I have to work. after that I'm gonna go to a bar and cause a scene. it won't make the paper since I'm nobody special, but still.

Make sure to punch somebody in the bathroom.

...AAND break a mirror. But really dont. Then have it reported that you did.


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PacMan is a changed man. It was 11 and they were heading home???

People don't even start going out until 11! =]


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I think Tank is pissed because Calvin reported it as a fight and gave other details that are being disputed?