Teams Jettisonning Has Beens


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Commanders dump all of their receivers and Cousins is a has been. Just goes to show you how player evaluation is done by this board sometimes!

Dallas dumps Romo and Dez is a has been!


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Sherman had a career threatening injury on a rebuilding defense. Cousins WAS couldn’t afford after franchising him twice. Not exactly comps for what’s going on in Dallas.
And other teams are quickly signing these players
Nothing new here, happens every year. A player gets too expensive for one team, they part company and another team pays them


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No team is stupid enough to trade for Dez, he's not in the same league as Robinson.

lol not in the same league as Robinson? is this a joke????? not to mention dude's coming off of a blown ACL. jesus the lengths people will go


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The Bears just gave Allen Robinson $14 M per year...let that sink in...
We would save nothing cutting Dez..and he would get paid more than Allen Robinson on the open market..
And people prey to replace him with a guy like Sammy Watkins who can't stay on the field and has been bypassed by two teams already.


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Doesn’t happen in Dallas. If you ever made a good play with a star on your helmet, you get a second contract.


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No team is stupid enough to trade for Dez, he's not in the same league as Robinson.
Bryant 2017 69rec 838yds 12.1pc 6TDs I'd compare same years, but Robinson had 1 catch last year.
Robinson 2016 73rec 883yds 12.1pc 6TDs

Looks like the same league to me. Maybe you should argue "Yeah but Robinson had Bortles throwing him the ball." But that would open another can of worms....


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And other teams are quickly signing these players

Sherman is 30 years old and still recovering from a torn Achilles, with recent surgery (minor, they say) on the other Achilles.

Are we assuming that once the 49ers signed him he will become their starting corner and be the Sherman of old? What if he can't recover, or recovers but is never the same player. Are we going to praise the 49ers for their great signing? No we'll be laughing at their stupidity.

Just because someone is "quickly signed" doesn't mean Dallas missed out...


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No. It is waiting until the start of the league year so he can be designated s June 1st cut.

And teams can't officially trade players until tomorrow. Can't believe even Jerry, et al is so stupid as to not try and trade Scandrick or others instead of just outright releasing them...


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And teams can't officially trade players until tomorrow. Can't believe even Jerry, et al is so stupid as to not try and trade Scandrick or others instead of just outright releasing them...

So no one was gonna trade for Richard Sherman, but OScan, teams are willing to give up picks for?

I really don't think you should be calling people stupid


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So no one was gonna trade for Richard Sherman, but OScan, teams are willing to give up picks for?

Again, didn't say they would, I said they would TRY.

Don't assume other people are jerks just because you don't understand their posts...


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The Bears just gave Allen Robinson $14 M per year...let that sink in...
We would save nothing cutting Dez..and he would get paid more than Allen Robinson on the open market..

We would save close to $25 million by cutting Dez over two years. The cap savings is real.

As bad as Dez has played we could draft a rookie or two and make due with what we have with zero dropoff and save $25 million in the process.

Cut Witten and save another $7 million give or take. We would get BETTER production out of what we have at tight end or with a rookie. And we would have more speed at the position.

The only reason Dez and Witten are still on the team are jersey sales.


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We would save close to $25 million by cutting Dez over two years. The cap savings is real.

As bad as Dez has played we could draft a rookie or two and make due with what we have with zero dropoff and save $25 million in the process.

Cut Witten and save another $7 million give or take. We would get BETTER production out of what we have at tight end or with a rookie. And we would have more speed at the position.

The only reason Dez and Witten are still on the team are jersey sales.
Nothing to do with Dez having the most touchdowns as a Cowboy in history eh?


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We would save close to $25 million by cutting Dez over two years. The cap savings is real.

As bad as Dez has played we could draft a rookie or two and make due with what we have with zero dropoff and save $25 million in the process.

Cut Witten and save another $7 million give or take. We would get BETTER production out of what we have at tight end or with a rookie. And we would have more speed at the position.

The only reason Dez and Witten are still on the team are jersey sales.
Stop it..

Its time for you to come to terms with the fact that you are going to be spending another season routing against the top receiver and TE on your favorite team.
Man that must suck.
You spent months here trolling every Dez thread. All the players you named as possible replacements are now making more than Dez so you are reduced to some unnamed college players.


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It’s time to cut Witten!.....Nothing personal, just good business! If we can cut Emmitt and Troy, surely we can cut JWitt......ijs


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Stop it..

Its time for you to come to terms with the fact that you are going to be spending another season routing against the top receiver and TE on your favorite team.
Man that must suck.
You spent months here trolling every Dez thread. All the players you named as possible replacements are now making more than Dez so you are reduced to some unnamed college players.

It's good business to cut Dez. Moreover, I'm not buying into your theory that Dez is still some sort of superstar.

Dez may still be around this season, in which case I will root for Dez because for me it's about the Cowboys, not the player. That's a real possibility.

But you have your head in the sand if you don't think there is a chance he gets cut, in which case it seems like some people on this board will need to be on suicide watch. It's a more real possibility than you guys want to admit.

Just remember, it's not personal, it's just a good business decision. Rationality says cut your losses. Emotion is really the only reason to keep him around. The Cut Dez Train is picking up steam. Get on it before it leaves the station.