Twitter: Terrance Williams at camp!


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I agree Williams did himself no favors and that is on Williams. I don't expect him to be given a spot, I think Williams will have to go out and earn it. If he ends up missing a couple of games or more and his replacements are showing they can do the job then there is a good chance Williams could be out and if that happens he has no one to blame but himself. If I was in Williams shoes I would be giving everything I got to earn a spot and earn some trust
I am sure they are gonna make him earn this spot. They need all hands on deck and am guessing we carry 6 WR. Need the best of what we have. T-Will has the advantage of knowing the system and what JG expects of them. New WR coach will help the young ones, Williams better pay attention.


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Lenoir or Williams
I also can't see them going past 6 with this group.


Pixel Pusher
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Yon know you are making some serious $$$ when you ship your car from Texas to California, instead of drive. Come on Terrance, that could have been an epic road trip.

Shipping a car is relatively cheap.

Cost my parents around 700 bucks to ship their car from Texas to New York about 15 years ago or so.

Edit: I see someone else already commented on this.


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Shipping a car is relatively cheap.

Cost my parents around 700 bucks to ship their car from Texas to New York about 15 years ago or so.

Edit: I see someone else already commented on this.

I thought it'b be much more. Williams wanted it there safely.


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Yon know you are making some serious $$$ when you ship your car from Texas to California, instead of drive. Come on Terrance, that could have been an epic road trip.

Unless things have changed they actually report to Dallas and fly out to CA as a team or that's how they did it when they were going to Thousand Oaks. I remember seeing a video of them all boarding their jet just before they took off to CA. If you think about it they fly off to their 2nd preseason game and then fly back to Dallas after the game and finish training camp in Dallas.


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Unless things have changed they actually report to Dallas and fly out to CA as a team or that's how they did it when they were going to Thousand Oaks. I remember seeing a video of them all boarding their jet just before they took off to CA. If you think about it they fly off to their 2nd preseason game and then fly back to Dallas after the game and finish training camp in Dallas.

That also makes a lot of sense...


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What is a bit of a surprise is you will defend a repeat offender in Gregory yet hard on a guy who had 1 off the field mishap.

Is it?

I see what Williams did as far worse than what Gregory did. Williams is lucky someone wasn't killed.

How do you see things?


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Is it?

I see what Williams did as far worse than what Gregory did. Williams is lucky someone wasn't killed.

How do you see things?

I see it as Williams was stupid and this could cost him not only games but a spot on this team. I also understand this was a 1st time violation for a guy who has never missed a game in 5 years none the less his action could seal his fate with this team. What I see in Gregory has been a guy who has been given chances time after time after time and still failed this team who has missed more time due to suspension than games he has played. Yet he deserves a chance?
I also see this with Irving. Frankly I am too the point that if the game is not a high priority to the player, if the team is not a high priority to the player then that player needs to be gone. Giving a person a second chance I understand but as mentioned in other threads a 2nd chance is a 2 way street, you get a chance you bust your butt and do what you need to help this team, you don't just continue to do the same stupid crap over and over.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I see it as Williams was stupid and this could cost him not only games but a spot on this team. I also understand this was a 1st time violation for a guy who has never missed a game in 5 years none the less his action could seal his fate with this team. What I see in Gregory has been a guy who has been given chances time after time after time and still failed this team who has missed more time due to suspension than games he has played. Yet he deserves a chance?
I also see this with Irving. Frankly I am too the point that if the game is not a high priority to the player, if the team is not a high priority to the player then that player needs to be gone. Giving a person a second chance I understand but as mentioned in other threads a 2nd chance is a 2 way street, you get a chance you bust your butt and do what you need to help this team, you don't just continue to do the same stupid crap over and over.

I agree with most all of what you wrote. I think a deifference maker in my opinion is the respect I have for the work Gregory has put in to even get to this point. I can respect that effort. He's done a lot and put in the time Andrew effort to be clean and passing tests for over a year. I can't rip on a person who's trying. Maybe if Williams was doing the same thing a year from now my opinion of him would be improved.

But right now - like Irving - I see a guy continuing to do stupid things. And the fact that the weasel tried to throw his friend under the bus to save himself? Yeah, that drops him down pretty low in my book. Add that to his disappointing, up and down career? And I'm ready to wash my hands.


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Purple is TWill's color of choice, so could we trade him to the Vikings for a ham sandwich or something?


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I hated when we resigned him... should have moved on. Dude is a bum who will prbly get replaced easily with our decent FA WR pick ups and our 3rd rounder


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So, he wanted his. You act like it's your money, I wonder what is stupid. Him spending "his money" or you crying about him spending "his money". Think about that.

What’s even more stupid is you defending him lmao:lmao2:


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What’s even more stupid is you defending him lmao:lmao2:

So says the fool worrying about another man's money. The real fool.
You worried about what drawls he's wearing too or when he takes a


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He sure spends a lot of money on cars. He has made 10 million in 5 seasons. Probly clearing half of that. He needed the rest of this contract.
These young players think about today
They never think about the rest of their lives after football
I sold Rodney McCray a car when he played for the rockets and looking at his credit I found a 30k lease for furniture
He got new furniture for his house every year and just rented it basically for 30k a year
He owned a bunch of cars
But in reality he owned nothing
House had a big mortgage, cars where financed
Even his furniture he didn’t own


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A buddy of mine spent the last few years of his career going around counseling players about being financially responsible and planning for the future (usually near future). Everyone, including the players themselves, recognize it as a huge problem - but few actually do a fraction of what they should.