thank you spags!!!!!!


Official CZ Ea-girls hater
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..for the trip down memory lane in today's column!!!!!!

this was my FIRST COWBOYS GAME! 15 years ago, in fact!!!!

great memories.....

i'll never forget that game, and the 1,000 or so cowboys fans going crazy as the vet emptied out, and irvin leading the cheers on the sideline.

Then there was 1991. Remember? The Cowboys had won three straight, going from a ho-hum 6-5 to 9-5, and one of about six teams in contention for a wild-card berth. They were tied for second in the NFC East with Philadelphia, and having played the past 2½ games with Steve Beuerlein at quarterback after Troy Aikman suffered a sprained knee. Funny thing was, some bad information was circulating before the game. The Cowboys thought they needed to beat Philly and have San Francisco lose to Kansas City on Saturday for them to clinch their first playoff berth since 1985.

The Cowboys, under head coach Jimmy Johnson and Jones' ownership, were on the edge of qualifying the franchise's second regime, the owner having taken serious grief for hiring a "college" coach to replace Tom Landry. But here came the Eagles, and yep, in Game 15 - I'm not making this stuff up - and of all things, Johnson's Cowboys were 0-5 versus the Eagles since he had arrived in 1989. They had gotten shut out by the Eagles, 24-0, in the first meeting that year, meaning the Cowboys had lost eight straight to them, and had not beaten Philadelphia since 1987, and at that, it was a replacement-player game during the strike.

Well, who will ever forget Kelvin Martin's 85-yard punt return that pushed the Cowboys into a 15-10, early fourth-quarter lead on their way to a 25-13 victory. And unbeknownst to them, there had been misinformation passed out earlier in the week. The Cowboys didn't need a victory coupled with a San Francisco loss to qualify for the playoffs, which they didn't get.

All they needed was that victory, along with a Detroit victory to clinch the NFC Central Division title, all of which Johnson explained in a joyous locker room at The Vet. Johnson and Jones had arrived.


Well-Known Member
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Oh mi gawd!!

We play Philthy next, then Detroit!!!

Oh baby!!!

This is big, history repeating itself..........hmmmmmmmm

very very very good stuff man!!!

If we beat PHI and NO loses to NYG, then we beat DET, we get the 2nd seed in the playoff which means a 1st round bye!!!!!!

And our first division title since 1998!!!


Well-Known Member
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That Philly game in 1991 is one of my all-time favorites. They threw a HUGE monkey off their back on that day IMO.

And yes, K-Mart's TD on the punt return was the clincher. Don't forget the absolutely CRUSHING block Ike Holt put on the last man who had a shot at K-Mart. It was SO SWEET!!!

The downside however was that Buddy Ryan had already been replaced as HC. Nevertheless Philly was a pretty formidable force back then. That D with Reggie & Clyde, and in Philly.

Big coming of age game for our Cowboys.


New Member
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those Boys were fun to watch... they had sooo many playmakers!!! could u imagine what this team would do if we had a PR like K-Mart!!!