The Dak Thread **merged**

Redball Express

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Lol college tape? You honestly think that Miss St offense is anything close to something that would translate to the nfl? Let’s get Tebow or Vince Young as our starting QB then if we’re going for go by college tape.

Nothing translate with Linehan and Garrett.

They are tied with an embilical.

Linehan is going to get Garrett fired.

If I was Garrett..

I would take back the playcalling and try to save my job.


Vet Min Plus
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:clap:Ok Butthead. What's the next step in the process. Do we continue to try and salvage Daks Careerar or do we move on and do what's best for the team:clap:

We stall as long as possible and keep cashing those pay checks from Uncle Jerry, duh. Long list of excuses coming up..


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What was 2016?

A dream?

Now you’re really reaching because you’re contradicting yourself. 2016 was with the same HC, OC and offensive scheme. Why didn’t they hold Dak back so much then?

There’s just a common sense eye test that needs to go along with Dak. He’s innacurate, has bad mechanics and can’t read a defense. There’s no coaching that stuff. You act like a 1 year wonder is such a crazy thing.
While we’re at it let’s start RG3 at QB because of 2012.


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like I said KC - Alex Smith/Pat Mahomes

Coaching is the same

We are limited because we are trying to mask a lot of Daks deficiencies.


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1-15 was a better team? Aikmans team were built from nothing not Daks already loaded team, can't imagine what would be if Troy stepped into Daks team, and yes most would take Troy's first three years not the 1 and done of Dak. By the way not a Dak hater, just a realist. Believe what you want but Dak isn't fit to carry Troy's jock strap.
I was talking about Troy's best season which was his 4th and he won a Superbowl talking about coaching and a better team. Slow down and try to comprehend.

Everybody would take Aikman over Dak because you're looking at Aikmans career. If we are talking about QB play in the first 3 years only a delusional Dak hater would say Aikman was better. It's not even close. Dak has two full seasons of 22 or more TDs and over 3000 yards passing. You take Aikmans first two years and still doesn't make as many TDs as Dak threw in 1 season and that isn't including rushing TDs.

Be delusional all you want but Dak has outplayed Aikman go year by year. Not only that Dak was a comp 4th round pick and Aikman was drafted where........ Aikman achieved greatness no doubt but his first 3 years were Cleveland Brown terrible


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I was talking about Troy's best season which was his 4th and he won a Superbowl talking about coaching and a better team. Slow down and try to comprehend.

Everybody would take Aikman over Dak because you're looking at Aikmans career. If we are talking about QB play in the first 3 years only a delusional Dak hater would say Aikman was better. It's not even close. Dak has two full seasons of 22 or more TDs and over 3000 yards passing. You take Aikmans first two years and still doesn't make as many TDs as Dak threw in 1 season and that isn't including rushing TDs.

Be delusional all you want but Dak has outplayed Aikman go year by year. Not only that Dak was a comp 4th round pick and Aikman was drafted where........ Aikman achieved greatness no doubt but his first 3 years were Cleveland Brown terrible
Stop it, now you change the narrative to fit your warped view (4th year) , 1st three years everyone on this board would go with Troy 1-15, 7-8, 7-5 and playoff and pro bowl and showing greatness to all who watched and team improving around him, all this started with a really poor team. you would rather 13-3, 9-7, 2-3 and getting worse every week, started with a great team and has steadily made the team worse, ya that's who you want, take him he's yours because no one else wants (except Jerry) oh you most likely think Jerry is great also. I'm done, enjoy your love fest with Dak. Or are you Dak incognito, hmmmmmm.


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Stop it, now you change the narrative to fit your warped view (4th year) , 1st three years everyone on this board would go with Troy 1-15, 7-8, 7-5 and playoff and pro bowl and showing greatness to all who watched and team improving around him, all this started with a really poor team. you would rather 13-3, 9-7, 2-3 and getting worse every week, started with a great team and has steadily made the team worse, ya that's who you want, take him he's yours because no one else wants (except Jerry) oh you most likely think Jerry is great also. I'm done, enjoy your love fest with Dak. Or are you Dak incognito, hmmmmmm.
You want 1-15 over 13-3. You rather have 9 TDs, 11 TDs with 18 picks in both those years over 23 TDs and 22 TDs with 4 and 13 picks. Dak numbers are way much better than Aikmans first 3 years. Only a fool would try to argue it wasn't.

Redball Express

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I think someone like Urban Meyer could be very successful with Dak. He has won games with Braxton Miller and JT Barrett at Ohio State.

I think coaches like Nick Saban or Chris Peterson would make the type of changes that put Dak in the best possible position to succeed.

Garrett and Linehan aren't helping him at all. Square peg, round hole.

If they want to go the young OC route, Matt LaFleur is only 38. He's worked under McVay and is currently the OC in Tennessee. His year with Mariota makes me think he could maximize Dak's abilities as well.

If it was up to me, unless a franchise QB falls in our lap in the draft, the new HC should get one year with Dak to try to fix him. If it doesn't work out, Dak's a free agent and he moves on.
Good points.

It's stated that Jerrah does not want to start over at HC.

I think he has little choice now.

3 more losses and the team will fold.

See it coming.

When the fans start dumping their season tickets..

that's when the change is coming.


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This makes me think about Quincy Carter. When Bill Parcells became Dallas' head coach, he inherited Carter and wanted to see what he had before moving on. Carter played about the same as he had under the previous regime and Parcells wasted a year of his short time here trying to figure if Carter's issues were not his fault. If he had known exactly what kind of player Carter was, then he could have moved forward more quickly with finding the right QB.

You can't blame Linehan for plays where the protection holds up and the receivers are open and Prescott misses them. If Dak hits those passes, the outcome of the Carolina and Houston games (in particulare) would have been different and those of us without an agenda against him would be saying he's going in the right direction.

Parcells took time to evaluate Carter before tossing him. He did the same with Romo. That policy worked out pretty well for us. I'll grant that omniscience would have worked out even better. You know where we can get some of that?

Actually, Linehan has significant responsibility for Dak's declining accuracy. He's the coach. Under his tutelage, his player regressed.

Nate Newton after Atlanta: You don't let a young QB get hit like that. Nate knew.

Sounds like Nate would have been better for Dak than Linehan. When players get worse the longer you coach them, that's a reflection on you as a coach.

But mostly, I blame Linehan for a crap scheme and crap play calling.

Just one example. Beasley at tailback, bringing another defender into the box, then trying to run straight into that extra defender, was simply ********. And we do that generally. We bring tiny WRs into the box to block all the time, bringing their defenders with them. It's just so moronic. And that's just one of Linehans idiot schemes.


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You want 1-15 over 13-3. You rather have 9 TDs, 11 TDs with 18 picks in both those years over 23 TDs and 22 TDs with 4 and 13 picks. Dak numbers are way much better than Aikmans first 3 years. Only a fool would try to argue it wasn't.

only a FOOL would argue Dak is better than Aikman


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Dak's numbers were trending down even before the Atlanta game not as bad as after that game but none the less it was there.

2017 - Before/After Atlanta
Cmp Att Yds TD Int YPA QB rating
163 259 1818 16 4 7.0 98
145 231 1506 6 9 6.5 74

24 point drop in performance after Atlanta. That's not a trend, that's a collapse.


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His rookie year was ugly the last 6 games. The downfall started long before the Atlanta game.

He is dreadful.

Passer rating:
104 for 2016
95 for last 6 regular season of 2016
103 against GB in the playoffs
98 for 2017 pre Atlanta
74 for 2017 post Atlanta
81 for 2018

He's basically around 100 til Atlanta, then drops off 25 points in the back half of 2017.


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Linehan was the coach during that amazing rookie year. I guess he just decided to change his entire offensive strategy after all that success.

It's entirely likely that they did make wholesale changes to strategy after 2016. I believe, in fact, that they said they did.

Going through training camp, it was still Romo. Then Romo and Moore go down. You probably don't entirely upend the offense at that point, but likely they did make limit play calling for a rookie QB. Also, Romo is still there giving his input to the offense, which was reported to be substantial by Butler.

After 2016, Romo is gone, it's no longer a rookie QB, and they can install a new full offense tailored for Dak, not a cut down Romo offense. And that's what I saw coming out of the gate. They tried to have Dak making the boatload of presnap reads like Romo used to make. Just wasn't the same as 2016.


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2017 - Before/After Atlanta
Cmp Att Yds TD Int YPA QB rating
163 259 1818 16 4 7.0 98
145 231 1506 6 9 6.5 74

24 point drop in performance after Atlanta. That's not a trend, that's a collapse.

The drop i was refferring to was in comparision to his rookie season

nate dizzle

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You’re exactly right. They really should look at Daks strengths and cater the offense around his abilities. I don’t understand why he’s not getting out of the pocket and letting plays develop.
It's entirely likely that they did make wholesale changes to strategy after 2016. I believe, in fact, that they said they did.

Going through training camp, it was still Romo. Then Romo and Moore go down. You probably don't entirely upend the offense at that point, but likely they did make limit play calling for a rookie QB. Also, Romo is still there giving his input to the offense, which was reported to be substantial by Butler.

After 2016, Romo is gone, it's no longer a rookie QB, and they can install a new full offense tailored for Dak, not a cut down Romo offense. And that's what I saw coming out of the gate. They tried to have Dak making the boatload of presnap reads like Romo used to make. Just wasn't the same as 2016.
So are you saying we just need to dumb down the offense again? That the problem is it's too complex for him and he's not very good at reading defenses? If so I think we agree. I don't think that it means they changed the offense though, it just means they opened up the playbook thinking he could handle it and were mistaken. Maybe dumbing it back down is the correct route to take.


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So are you saying we just need to dumb down the offense again? That the problem is it's too complex for him and he's not very good at reading defenses? If so I think we agree. I don't think that it means they changed the offense though, it just means they opened up the playbook thinking he could handle it and were mistaken. Maybe dumbing it back down is the correct route to take.

All true. How do you open up a playbook if your QB doesn’t “practice well.”

Like, how do you gauge it? Something like this?

let’s try this out now, he almost got it during practice.

The offense is limited because Dak is our QB.


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there are 3 things that i see:
1. he was never the most accurate. there is one stat that argues against this and that is dak having the most tight window throws. i dont know how to reconcile this.
2. he was spoiled with an incredible ol that gave him 8 secs to pass. combined with rpo, he is used to having time to make more complex reads while only having to make quick reads on simple rpo plays. that led to a conservative approach that gave him the rookie minimum interception record. this conservative approach also matches the coaches' conservative approach thinking all we need to win is execute and overwhelm with 1st round ol. this amount of ol security actually has a detrimental effect on dak as he did not have to abide by the 3 second dropback. as the ol regressed, dak was shocked by the pressure but unable to adapt. he is now fighting with an average ol.
3. not reading the defense at the line - this one is hard to explain as dak does not seem dumb. you would have expect that he would improve, but perhaps he is overwhelmed with the other problems.

we will probably play dak for the rest of the season as rush is a noodle and white simply does not look ready.
can he unlearn the 8 second drop for a 3 sec drop?
why is he not making the right reads and does that have to do with having to make protection calls at the line also with tfred out?
doing more west coast plays should help with accuracy limitations.
more rpo may make him more comfortable.
Putty you could be a halftime breakdown specialist for the Networks.:dance: