The defense the last 6 games...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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In the midst of the Boys' recent offensive struggles, it has gone largely unnoticed that the defense has been playing really well the last 6 games... how well??

Cincinnati gained 269 yards on 64 plays, a 4.2 yards per play average... the Bungles have a very bad offense, though, averaging just 242.6 yards per game, so they actually gained 26 yards more than they usually do... but the 4.2 ypp average is very, very good...

Arizona gained 276 yards on 50 plays, a 5.5 yards per play average... the Cards' offense is really good, this total is 116 yards less than they average per game for the season...

St. Louis was the Boys' worst defensive effort in this stretch, they gained 325 yards on 59 plays, a 6.0 yards per play average... this total is 54 yards more than they average per game for the season...

But it's these last 3 games where the Boys have REALLY come on... against Tampa Bay, they allowed 262 yards on 65 plays, a 4.0 yards per play average... the Bucs have averaged 351.6 yards per game this season, meaning the Boys held them to 88 yards under their average...

Against the Giants, the Boys gave up 319 yards on 65 plays, a 4.9 yards per play average... this is 53 yards under the Giants' 372.5 yards per game season average...

And against the Skins, the Boys gave up just 228 yards on 56 plays, a 4.1 yards per play average... this is 108 yards under their 336.3 yards per game season average...

So over the last 6 games, the Boys have allowed 1679 yards on 359 plays... this works out to 279.9 yards per game, and 4.7 yards per play... those numbers for the entire season would rank them 5th in yards per game, 5th in yards per play... this streak has pushed the Boys to 9th in both categories this season...

And over the last 3 games, the Boys have allowed 809 yards on 186 plays, 269.7 yards per game and 4.3 yards per play... those same stats for the season would rank the Boys 4th in total defense, and 2nd in yards per play... what makes this set of stats even more impressive are the offensive rankings of those 3 opponents-- the Giants are 4th in total offense this week, the Bucs are 9th and the Skins are 13th... those 3 teams combined are averaging 353.5 yards per game and 5.4 yards per play, meaning the Boys have held them to a combined total of almost 84 yards per game under their season averages, and over a yard per play less...

And that, friends, is some really, REALLY good defense, putting up those kinds of numbers against 3 reasonably effective offenses...


Well-Known Member
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i got roasted on here for saying the d played well in that giants game, it wasnt until late when the game was out of hand that the giants run game really got going againgst us. eli was sacked more in that game then any other and their passing game struggled.

the majority of what the giants did came off of turnovers. same in the arizona game. they only had 14 points of offense. half their points came againgst our special teams


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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WG5516;2424821 said:
hmmmmm. I stats don't lie I guess.

I think that the offensive struggles these last few weeks have kind of overshadowed how well the defense has played... and wasn't it 3 games ago that Wade said he was gonna take over the defensive playcalling??

If so, this latest surge of really good defensive play might be on him... just something to think about...


Well-Known Member
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That Giants game don't look as bad after seeing what the Giants did to that "scary" Ravens' D.

I got to admit that Giants rush O looks pretty good. Especially that very gay sounding "Earth, Wind and Fire" RB trio.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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GOLDENCHILD1688;2424826 said:

i got roasted on here for saying the d played well in that giants game, it wasnt until late when the game was out of hand that the giants run game really got going againgst us. eli was sacked more in that game then any other and their passing game struggled.

the majority of what the giants did came off of turnovers. same in the arizona game. they only had 14 points of offense. half their points came againgst our special teams

The Giants' running game was the only offensive squad to really "get over" on the Boys in recent weeks, but as you noted, their passing game was pretty much neutralized...

I should also have noted in the first post that it's doubly impressive, putting up those kinds of defensive numbers when the offense is struggling like it has been... the Boys have had themselves a lot of three and outs in these past few weeks, which puts a serious strain on the D...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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xWraithx;2424829 said:
you cannot stop silverbear.. you can only hope to contain him.

Oh, you can stop me... PM me, and I'll tell you how many zeroes to put on the check... :D

It's nice to be able to post somewhere other than the Politics Zone these days, LOL...


Rising Star
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Gotta give Wade some props, the defense has been playing much better since he said he would get more involved and he actually took over the play calling. Cant help but wonder why it didnt happen sooner, or from day one for that matter.


Well-Known Member
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Absoolutely, the yards per game and play stats are looking good but we are letting teams score. This could be attributed to the great field position we afford our opposition and the turnovers in critical areas of the field. Also, we are giving up TD's in the red zone to teams with a balanced offenses like NY and ARZ as opposed to FG's.

We did well in our own half of the field today and Washington didn't start at their 40 for most of the game like most of our opposition does. Even where Tony turned the ball over it was in Commander territory. This was the most glaring difference in the game. Giving the defense a chance to defend in decent field position.


Well-Known Member
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Run D will have to step it up. Stats are NICE but its the GAME situation that counts. The Giants were able to run when it mattered even early on.


Well-Known Member
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we have played better on D for sure but the lack of offense due to injuries kept them on the field way too long.

I am liking how things are shaping up for us to get everyone healthy and hungry coming down the stretch...


Brain Dead Shill
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This defense has been far better than people have been giving them credit for...especially considering the pressure that has been put on them by our offense.


Well-Known Member
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With all the so called talent on this D it should be dominant. Its not.


Brain Dead Shill
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burmafrd;2424949 said:
With all the so called talent on this D it should be dominant. Its not.

Outside of last night's opening drive, that's EXACTLY what it was last night. Dominant. Upgrade the James and Davis and get a big NT, and we have few weaknesses.


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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I am sorry, but I have watched these games and I don't exactly have much confidence in this undisciplined defense.


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The last 3 games have been impressive. The D against the NYG was deceptively good. Taking most of Stewart's authority away was key, IMO, in terms of both play calling and morale.

The first 3 games mentioned. Meh, not so much.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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burmafrd;2424885 said:
Run D will have to step it up. Stats are NICE but its the GAME situation that counts. The Giants were able to run when it mattered even early on.

Uhhh, the Giants just put up 200 yards rushing on the league's number one ranked rush defense... seems they're able to run it against pretty much everybody...


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silverbear;2424816 said:
In the midst of the Boys' recent offensive struggles, it has gone largely unnoticed that the defense has been playing really well the last 6 games... how well??

Cincinnati gained 269 yards on 64 plays, a 4.2 yards per play average... the Bungles have a very bad offense, though, averaging just 242.6 yards per game, so they actually gained 26 yards more than they usually do... but the 4.2 ypp average is very, very good...

Arizona gained 276 yards on 50 plays, a 5.5 yards per play average... the Cards' offense is really good, this total is 116 yards less than they average per game for the season...

St. Louis was the Boys' worst defensive effort in this stretch, they gained 325 yards on 59 plays, a 6.0 yards per play average... this total is 54 yards more than they average per game for the season...

But it's these last 3 games where the Boys have REALLY come on... against Tampa Bay, they allowed 262 yards on 65 plays, a 4.0 yards per play average... the Bucs have averaged 351.6 yards per game this season, meaning the Boys held them to 88 yards under their average...

Against the Giants, the Boys gave up 319 yards on 65 plays, a 4.9 yards per play average... this is 53 yards under the Giants' 372.5 yards per game season average...

And against the Skins, the Boys gave up just 228 yards on 56 plays, a 4.1 yards per play average... this is 108 yards under their 336.3 yards per game season average...

So over the last 6 games, the Boys have allowed 1679 yards on 359 plays... this works out to 279.9 yards per game, and 4.7 yards per play... those numbers for the entire season would rank them 5th in yards per game, 5th in yards per play... this streak has pushed the Boys to 9th in both categories this season...

And over the last 3 games, the Boys have allowed 809 yards on 186 plays, 269.7 yards per game and 4.3 yards per play... those same stats for the season would rank the Boys 4th in total defense, and 2nd in yards per play... what makes this set of stats even more impressive are the offensive rankings of those 3 opponents-- the Giants are 4th in total offense this week, the Bucs are 9th and the Skins are 13th... those 3 teams combined are averaging 353.5 yards per game and 5.4 yards per play, meaning the Boys have held them to a combined total of almost 84 yards per game under their season averages, and over a yard per play less...

And that, friends, is some really, REALLY good defense, putting up those kinds of numbers against 3 reasonably effective offenses...

the last 6 games only 2 of our opponents have been held under 24 points.....