The end for Jason Garrett


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There's no end to this. It's like the snake eating his own tail.


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Everything crumbles around Jason Garret , his job is precisely to avoid this ... and yet .. he has no accountability or responsibility for how everything 'team related' does.

Hilarious ! The guy is inept at HC, and if some need to apologize for him, then let it be ... but the truth is always there .
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Still waiting for that defining game that jump starts thisnteam into a decade of dominance.

Do I think it will happen. I used to. In fact I thought the 2014 and 1016 seasons we're those seasons. But both were derailed through a series of events brought on by a combination of personnel decisions, player issues, injury, and even illness.

Garrett carries some blame, but there is so much to pass around to so many.

I don't think this team is going to make it. They need new management, nothing else will change things. They aren't going to get new management.

What do we do? I can't run away, it's too late for me.

I don't know...but maybe the molding and support that Jason Garrett provides, doesn't really mold a set of players that challenge an opponent beyond technique performance. They perform within themselves.

They just don't seem to rise up and make a strong play, when all is on the line.

Slow starting, hustling, but a limited window of success evolves. A fan can almost watch a loss evolve and expect that as a result.


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I certainly think he would if it were up to him. Garrett has scapegoated anybody and everybody he could in order to ensure his own survival.

But given Jerry Jones own words and recent actions, I honestly believe the clock is ticking - on everybody, including Jason Garrett. If there is truly "urgency", that applies to everyone, not just everyone other than the head coach. The fact is that it's the head coach's name that's attached to the win/loss record, because, it's ultimately his responsibility for them. I think that is finally, inevitably, sinking in for Jerry Jones.

If it's this easy to see from the outside, imagine how clear it must be from the inside:
  • Where are this team's biggest issues and failings? On the offense. Who's your top "offensive guy"? Jason Garrett.
  • Who is running Garrett's offense for him? Scott Linehan. Recommended and hired by? Jason Garrett.
  • Who's idea was it to get rid of the team's top receiver? Linehan. Again, hired and supported by? Jason Garrett.
  • Who decided to bring in Moore to coach quarterbacks, despite no experience? Linehan. Hired by Jason Garrett.
  • Who decided to get rid of Pollack? Linehan. Hired by Jason Garrett.
  • Who decided to hire Paul Alexander? Jason Garrett.
  • Who is ultimately responsible for all of these things? Jason Garrett.
The fact is that the only part of this team that's playing well is due to the guy you brought in from the outside, Kris Richard. And the part performing worst is the one that has been most heavily influenced by the decisions of? You guessed it, Jason Garrett.

You make a good case for the failings of Garrett, but not for:
But given Jerry Jones own words and recent actions​

Maybe Jerry smells the stench of Linehan's failures on Garrett, but I haven't seen evidence of it yet.

I haven't even seen evidence that Jerry realizes the stench is originating with Linehan yet.


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First of all I’d agree we could have one more win over Houston . I’m not sure who else we should have beat? Wash maybe but we certainly didn’t look like the better team. And the mistake in Houston only extends the game to OT. But we’re also a missed kick away against Detroit from being 2-5. But this is a reasonable argument . Coulda woulda shoulda. Personally I think our record is fairly reflective of our team.

Now depending on how we define “ most teams “. I’d say yes, I agree there is a muddle of teams who are looking for a QB or desperately trying to surround a lesser QB. We are in that middle group. But there are a better group of teams which have separated themselves from the pack because they have their QB and most pretty good defense to boot.

I’d place NE, Pitt, KC, LAR, Minn, NO , GB and Phil well above the rest of the pack mostly because of their greater QB’s and overall balance . And I’d place Car Atl, Sea , LAC maybe even Wash or Hou now( the NFC is so much stronger than AFC ) as best of the rest because of their better than average QB and defenses. Atl of course a question mark this year .

So , this elevates about a third of the league above the rest IMO because of their QB. Which I believe is what separates us from the upper third of the NFL level. A better QB. Despite our other weaknesses at S, WR, TE and Even OL this year , a top 10 QB probably elevates us to a more serious contender .

Can we win with Dak? Certainly , but we need so many more of these other pieces in place which is very difficult to maintain in Cap era.
Did you look at the coaches on the teams you listed. It can be argued that the Dallas coaching staff is inferior to all the teams you listed. It’s never as simple as changing quarterbacks and the team wins, Cowboy fans of all should know this. After all Romo was considered to be pretty good quarterback and what did the team achieve with him? Start with the coaching staff and go from there, that’s just my opinion, no disrespect to you meant.

Cover 2

Pessimists Unite!!!
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Your listening skills are wrapped around a set of criteria, not based upon a direct exchange of level ground for comparison. You lose focus when someone expresses valid concepts, NOT, using gratifying language in your own comfort zone.

Now, simplified with a decoder are being a stuffed shirt claiming intellectual high grounds.

If you don't comprehend, surrender or move on...don't instead claim ignorance of the other.

And by the way, what was your comment upon football related concepts and not just arrogantly expressed high brow?

Can the present Cowboys overcome and become a current and relevant team?

That's the common ground of a discussion...not referring to sheep skin(s), which you claim to be in full possession of which. If your diversity is as stated, what, you couldn't stick with a direction? You aren't the only person who has a degree, or multiple areas of focus. I do as well, have 23 years as a NCO, 17 years as a postal worker, and 8 in security.

If you were serious about a display of 'credentials' for validity, I was a NCO for 19 years...but, that is neither here or there. I added to demonstrate credibility as well. But I attended the US Air Force Academy and then graduated from Texas A&I...but that isn't football related.

Related to football, I did play on the Falcons and then Javelinas. I was a linebacker and the Falcons played Tennessee in the Sugar Bowl, and A&I were NAIA National Champions. But that isn't relevant to the topic developed from the OP.

Personality assassinations are really not an aspect of I move on. Tray that yourself.
Yeah, your first paragraph made no sense so I stopped reading the rest.


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give me Romo as OC.... dreaming as he won't leave TV for it, but it would be good for Dak also

Anyone but Linehan. Seriously. Everyone can see how Linehan holds back the offense.

Garrett. Moore. Dak calling his own plays. Anyone.

PA Cowboy Fan

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This is wrong. You don't just call out people who "ALWAYS" complain. You've even called out @ESisback and he dislikes people "ALWAYS" complaining just as much as you do.

This is just your attempt to justify YOUR complaining about the Cowboys while badgering other posters for their complaining because you feel they "ALWAYS" complain and you don't.
He complains just in a different way. lol


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"jason isn't going anywhere, and if you don't like it then find a new team"... rah rah


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No. Because Jones is firmly committed to Garrett. I don't see any way other than losing out the season that he elects to dump him.

The affinity is that deep.

This is his handpicked perfect head coach. Has been since forever.

Diplomatic to the media. Seems intelligent. Carries himself like a professional.

Has the team battlin' and clawin' for wins.

Is capable of maintaining relevance, even if it is at his own expense, making him look like a fool that can't manage a football game.

His ineptitude does not bother the lowbrows in the fanbase like Wade Phillips did.

He is the perfect head coach for Jerry Jones.

Anyone else is a stranger and that is where it gets complicated.


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Here is a realistic scenario...

Richard gets officially promoted to DC and assistant head Coach. Linehan is fired. Jason stays. Jerry and Jason hire another OC to work with Dak and the offense.

Keep in mind I said realistic... Not ideal.

Very possible.

But the fact they made two pretty drastic moves as a 3-4 team tells me that Garrett might actually now be on the clock. The Jones boys knows they can't sell yet another missed playoff season to fans and the media.

For a large chunk of Jason's tenure, Jerry and Stephen have talked about patience and growing and learning. They've talked about maybe ditching the flash and going the smart route. They've largely sat out FA in terms of trying to make major improvements to the team the last few years. Jerry desperately wanted the flash of Johnny Football but people talked him into the smart decision - Zach Martin. One of the reasons they hired Moore as QB coach was continuity, familiarity, etc. It's all been about not rocking the boat with wild moves. They spent an entire offseason talking about smart changes they made for Dak, the team, etc. going forward.

And then 7 games into the season they go with a splash trade and fire an assistant?

You don't do that if you are taking a long term view, which is what they were telling us months ago. Something is up. The Jones boys might be feeling the pressure.
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