Since Adams ability as a left tackle seems to be taking a hit in this thread, allow me to go ahead and explanation my motivation for posting this particular video. AND I will offer the explanation without posting a completely different thread outside of this one--like, for example, if I were to say that Romo wasn't a good enough quarterback to lead this team to an NFL championship; but later wanted to cover my b-u-t-t sometime later in the same thread after Romo demonstrated quarterback qualities more than good enough to accomplish what I earlier claimed wouldn't have been.
And without further ado... ad-HEM!
Four score and seven years ago, our found...
~wrong notes! ah! here they are!~
During the game yesterday, I read other posters comment in both the chat room and the game thread that they did not see Adams commit a penalty which negated a (very well executed) first down.
FOX refused to replay the event, which I still consider odd form from the network, since neither Moose and the other guy (can't recall who he was/he wasn't an ex-Cowboy/sue me) didn't speculate how the penalty happened nor did the official offer any additional details which resulted in the personal foul.
Plus, I didn't see it, so curiosity took hold of my better sense (if you're reading this Flozell, I'm so sorry that I did you so wrong
) and decide to find out of myself. After I found out for myself, I thought it would be nice for others (who didn't see it either) to see for themselves AND EUREKA!!!111!!!exclamation mark!! A video was born! Praise be the innernets! Eat your heart out Ed Werder! [strike]B[/strike]
ESPN sucks!!! Another one bites the dust! Another one bites the dust! HEY! HEY! Another one bites the dust! And hey a hey a hey a hey hey...
oops. i got a little carried away there.
: Anyhoo, that's the official reason behind the thread.
I ask that everyone stop poking Adams' abilities as a left tackle with a sharp, pointy, little stick, but if you care to comment on how he accidentally [strike]clubbed[/strike] struck the Bucs defender upside the head, I don't believe anyone would mind.
...that is only if you can make anything out in the video. Big, blocky pixels are the worst.
Just kidding, |2obert.