Twitter: The missing link of our team


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Physically gifted how? As a better runner, sure. But Aikman might have been the most pure passer to ever play. I don't think even Marino threw a prettier ball.

He's bigger. He's faster. He's sturdier. You know, "physically" more gifted. Aikman was just about as perfect as you can get mechanically though. At least until he started having the concussion issues.


Intramural Legend
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He's bigger. He's faster. He's sturdier. You know, "physically" more gifted. Aikman was just about as perfect as you can get mechanically though. At least until he started having the concussion issues.
Hmm yea, I get what you mean. I guess that I would just consider throwing mechanics a very important part of being physically gifted as a QB haha.


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Hmm yea, I get what you mean. I guess that I would just consider throwing mechanics a very important part of being physically gifted as a QB haha.

I dont think mechanics are physical. Mechanics are learned and memorized through repetition and coaching.

Literally anyone can perfect throwing mechanics, but not everyone has the arm and other intangibles.

CT Dal Fan

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Dak's mechanics can be fixed and he's already miles and miles ahead of where he was when he came into the league. Nobody works harder than Prescott to fix his flaws.

Aikman, however, was in another dimension as a passer. He had the best throwing motion in NFL history, in my opinion. Former OC Norv Turner once said : "If you put paint on the bottom of Troy's shoes, then had him drop back and throw 300 passes, there would only be one set of footprints on the ground".


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Would be my sincere pleasure to do so......
T'would be cool to see that player give you reasons to turn your sail around.
Be good for the team. Good for the fans. Hopefully good for the Bottom Line too.


Junior College Transfer
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Adam Sandler's #9 jersey sportin' character from
" The Water Boy",,,o_O

*Dude, were stacked wall to wall & former twin towers tall with Capt.Dak Attack in the cockpit, ebersince we've internationally telepathed extra powerful inducer mind vibes to that one #21 idiot to wait at the reversed numbered loading A.O. at the far end of the airport terminal,,, as his style of inefficiency in that cerebral flowing was a real negative drag to the real teams casing-liner,as it immediately solidified our attack plan #1, Ha,and, it's gonna be a real world jolt to those self- entitled fools to be seeing themselves as a nonfactor in that outcomed equation, all the while proving to be of a much, very much appreciated , game day#1 ,to our REAL Footballin' Banger's we got ready to start walking their debutin' ball toting Dawg on a Coast to Coast nationally broadcasted astroturf stage,,, *Ha, Zeke Who?,,,Hell, he'll prolly deem hisself fortunate if he can rummage up gainful employment by next season, by peeling the outer hulls offa' green coconuts with his pearly whites only, to get at the jelly inside, just like that one bro I had while in the marines, who'd been birthed& raised up in Barbados,while we were conducting island invasion maneuvers down in the Caribbean that one timeo_O
Pace yourself.


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When they focused on Emmitt they got gutted out baby!!!!

Miss these days!!!!


And the next time we Draft someone FIRST OVERALL we can expect similar results, A turnkey player poised to take us to a championship

While we chose to address the QB position from the undrafted FA spectrum and the 4th round we are going to have to be tolerant with flaws patient with the learning process and smart enough to know constantly hoping to get lucky without any preparation to fill the most important position on the team is not a solid plan .

Constantly posting negative crap about a guy who is playing way above his draft status is dumber yet


Well-Known Member
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Dak is not bigger than Aikman.

And while Aikman was never a runner. He was much more nimble in his early years. Until his back started going on him.

Aikman was a great athlete. Even though I like Dak and believe in him. I wouldn’t call him a better athlete than Aikman.

Dak just has different strengths than Aikman did.