The so-called experts love to say the Cowboys could easily be 0-3


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The only thing the Cowboys have been good at this season besides putting up big passing yards playing from behind is digging themselves deep holes. It doesn’t matter who’s coaching this team it’s the same crap every year. Every off-season fans get all worked up over the defense thinking it’s going to be a top five unit but it continues to get us beat. If Cleveland ends up road grading us on Sunday with their two headed monster attack there won’t be anyone on here complaining about what the experts think of the team.

Yeah, and if we destroy Cleveland, the new narrative will be “So what? It’s Cleveland! They still suck!”

Gangsta Spanksta

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Hi Sweet cheeks. Been missing your humor. ;)
For starters, that "history of being inconsistent" was a decade w/Garrett which has absolutely nothing to do with Dallas' new coaching staff.

Secondly, the new coaching staff was ripped off by not having preseason to see who to place where. They barely know their players let alone repair a dismantled team left by Garrett.

These first 3 games were preseason for Dallas coaches. Winning one game & having two close losses vs winning teams tells us, the fans, the new coaching staff is going to be lights out very shortly. Why do you think Dallas' offense is currently ranked #1?! If that doesn't show/prove this team is going to the playoffs, nothing will!

Some of us remember Switzer, Campo, Gaily, Wade Phillips. Since Jimmy the only coach that has been worth beans was the Tuna but even then we had some games we wish we could forget under him too. He's thought fondly of mostly for building the 2007 Cowboys. And We've had similarly ranked offenses under romo and had losing seasons. There also the bit where #1 ranked offenses based on yards and you can gain a lot of yards but not score enough. The problem with the homer crowd is that they start celebrating and bragging about how good we are, when we are losing. I am all for praising the cowboys, if we have a winning records. If anyone knows me around here, they know I hate excuses.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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They SHOULD be 0-3? Are you disappointed they’re not? I know you’re just “keepin’ it real”, so why torture yourself? Why even bother? If we’re so mediocre, and 2020 is just another 8-8, why not turn to another hobby?

The only one torturing themselves is you because I am keeping it real and you can’t handle it. Where did I say 2020 is just another 8-8 season? Where have I given up on the team? I’m just providing the facts on the current state of the team.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Yeah, and if we destroy Cleveland, the new narrative will be “So what? It’s Cleveland! They still suck!”

Until Cleveland wins something they’re always going to have a trash reputation. You don’t overcome 20 years of futility with a 2-1 start. It’s the first time they’ve started a season with a winning record since 2014. If the Cowboys get destroyed or lose they’ll be a meltdown on the board on Sunday because it’s Cleveland.


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The only one torturing themselves is you because I am keeping it real and you can’t handle it. Where did I say 2020 is just another 8-8 season? Where have I given up on the team? I’m just providing the facts on the current state of the team.


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Again, no one is saying we couldn't have won those games if we hadn't played sloppy. That's not the point. In order to get a win in those two losses, we aren't talking about one play here that would have changed the outcome. Multiple things had to change in order to get the win. In both losses, even if we could have tied it in regulation, we still would have had to play an OT period. How do you know we would have won both games in OT? You don't.

But we do know that we are one play away from losing that Falcons game. So one play from 0-3................. a bunch of plays from 3-0. How is it you guys struggle with this?
Actually you’re wrong. We took the lead in the Seattle game with 4 minutes to go. Had we stopped Seattle on ONE play when it was fourth down, we win. In the Rams game, had the bogus PI penalty not been called, we at least tie the game and very well could’ve won it. End of story.


Junior College Transfer
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The so called experts love to say “The Cowboys could easily be 0-3, but they rarely say they could easily be 3-0. Why is that? How can they be taken seriously when their topics are always the same 4 or 5 topics?

Brady’s the GOAT
Lebron’s the GOAT
The most current trendy sports drama
Non sports crap
Dallas sucks

Rinse, repeat!

And then we all die!!!!!


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Looks like the goat to me... call me crazy... looks like a goat, plays like a goat, wins super bowls like a goat... must be a goat.



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Until Cleveland wins something they’re always going to have a trash reputation. You don’t overcome 20 years of futility with a 2-1 start. It’s the first time they’ve started a season with a winning record since 2014. If the Cowboys get destroyed or lose they’ll be a meltdown on the board on Sunday because it’s Cleveland.

Many experts have been saying Cleveland is pretty decent this year, but if they lose to Dallas, we all know they’ll say it means nothing, because Cleveland IS nothing.


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The so called experts love to say “The Cowboys could easily be 0-3, but they rarely say they could easily be 3-0. Why is that? How can they be taken seriously when their topics are always the same 4 or 5 topics?

Brady’s the GOAT
Lebron’s the GOAT
The most current trendy sports drama
Non sports crap
Dallas sucks

Rinse, repeat!

It’s in their script! The networks have an agenda and since the Cowboys are the most popular sports franchise the more negativity they put out about us the more hits/clicks eyes on their show they get which means more money for their network


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Many experts have been saying Cleveland is pretty decent this year, but if they lose to Dallas, we all know they’ll say it means nothing, because Cleveland IS nothing.

Cleveland has a pretty good team this year. They’ve been stocking up on some talent the past few years. Big things were predicted for them heading in the last season but it didn’t turn out. They have some respectable players on that team defensively and offensively. Anyone who gets paid to talk football will tell you Cleveland is not a bad team. The Browns have been getting some respect the last couple of years. If the Cowboys win it’s going to be a good win.


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Stop dreaming. And dont hang your fate on ref calls.

This team was destroyed by Wilson and they had no chance against the Rams. Doesnt matter if the score was close. The nfl is the new nba. Every game comes down to the last drive.

The point is this is a below average team. Heck the Rams are not a good team and we got our butt kicked by them. Our expectstions are higher, arent they ?

We are discussing division winning. But then what ? This team will be one and done. And as a 8-8 or maybe even 7-9 team that wins the nfc east we are the joke of the nfl.

:facepalm: Ya right we got butt kicked by the Rams a whole 3 pt win, what game where you watching? We had a slow start but second half we went toe to to with the Rams.. Like I said iffy pass int on gallup or Cowboys win that game. Dak destroyed the the Seahawks just as much as Wilson destroyed us, open your eyes once again. Dak turnovers were the difference in that game or we win that one also.


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:facepalm: Ya right we got butt kicked by the Rams a whole 3 pt win, what game where you watching? We had a slow start but second half we went toe to to with the Rams.. Like I said iffy pass int on gallup or Cowboys win that game. Dak destroyed the the Seahawks just as much as Wilson destroyed us, open your eyes once again. Dak turnovers were the difference in that game or we win that one also.

Turnovers, etc.. but we win...

Errors are part of the game and they define the outcome.

Errors happen because the opopnent forces you to play to your limit.


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The only way I can explain it for you: Success and failure can be separated by the tiniest of margins. There are valid REASONS for these margins. Some people like to remain positive and enjoy football, and others are more comfortable worrying and being dissatisfied. I’m glass half full, and you sound like glass half empty.
I suppose your valid reasons are due to the injuries on this team. Dismissing the fact that other teams are also facing the same issues.
Or maybe your valid reason is excusing the ineptitude of the coaching staff in assessing talent?
As for comparing glas half full to half empty, if you enjoyed what you’ve seen perhaps watching teams like the eagles play must render you catatonic from euphoria.