Things I really enjoyed about tonight's game...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Things I really enjoyed about tonight's game...
In no particular order...

Jason Witten rumblin' downfield 20-25 yards without his helmet... he's a BAAAAAAAAD man...

Terence Newman dropping for pushups after he dropped that easy int... that's a loose team, right there...

Mark Colombo, always willing to fight for a teammate...

Anthony Henry's late int... yeah, his 5th on the season put a smile on my face... welcome back, son, and good game...

Terrell Owens, shutting up the Philly crowd... never thought I'd enjoy TO having a big game, but I did enjoy this one...

DeMarcus Ware... he was rather active today, a real factor from start to finish...

Calling off the dogs with 10 minutes to go... get the stars on the bench, and on the plane home healthy...

7.6 yards per play... friends, when this offense is firing on all cylinders, it's scary good... I wonder if their 434 yards will be enough to move them up to first or second in total offense?? IIRC, both the Pats and Colts had under 350 yards of total offense today... 38 points isn't gonna hurt their scoring ranking, either...

7-1 at the turn, brothers and sisters... alone atop the NFC East, with a BIIIIG game against the Giants next up... that looks like the toughest game left on the schedule (or it might be Green Bay), and if the Boys can get out of there with a W, they'll have a 2 game lead on the NFC East with 7 to go, and the first tiebreaker with the Giants...

Feeling froggy after the game, I'll make a bold declaration-- if the Cowboys beat the Giants, this team right here will have the best single season record in Cowboys history ...

Read that carefully, I did not say they'd be the best Cowboys team ever, just that they'd have the best record... if they can beat the Giants, they can well finish no worse than 14-2, and to the best of my recollection, the best regular season record any Cowboys team ever posted was 13-3...

As always, injuries are the wild card that could change all that... this rosy scenario depends heavily on them staying healthy, of course...

Just so this isn't TOO Pollyanna-ish, I was a bit annoyed at how garbage time wound up distorting what kind of game the defense had... with 10 minutes to go in the game, the Iggles had been throttled thoroughly, to the tune of 209 yard on 46 plays and 10 points... then after the game got to 38-10, and the Boys called off the dogs, the Iggles gained 107 yards on 22 plays...

But ain't life great when you go lookin' for a nit to pick, and this is all you can come up with?? :D :D :D


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When I'm on my deathbed, I can honestly tell my loved ones that I once saw Marcus Spears make a play. Good for him.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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silverbear;1745432 said:
Things I really enjoyed about tonight's game...
In no particular order...

Jason Witten rumblin' downfield 20-25 yards without his helmet... he's a BAAAAAAAAD man...

Terence Newman dropping for pushups after he dropped that easy int... that's a loose team, right there...

Mark Colombo, always willing to fight for a teammate...

Anthony Henry's late int... yeah, his 5th on the season put a smile on my face... welcome back, son, and good game...

Terrell Owens, shutting up the Philly crowd... never thought I'd enjoy TO having a big game, but I did enjoy this one...

DeMarcus Ware... he was rather active today, a real factor from start to finish...

Calling off the dogs with 10 minutes to go... get the stars on the bench, and on the plane home healthy...

7.6 yards per play... friends, when this offense is firing on all cylinders, it's scary good... I wonder if their 434 yards will be enough to move them up to first or second in total offense?? IIRC, both the Pats and Colts had under 350 yards of total offense today... 38 points isn't gonna hurt their scoring ranking, either...

7-1 at the turn, brothers and sisters... alone atop the NFC East, with a BIIIIG game against the Giants next up... that looks like the toughest game left on the schedule (or it might be Green Bay), and if the Boys can get out of there with a W, they'll have a 2 game lead on the NFC East with 7 to go, and the first tiebreaker with the Giants...

Feeling froggy after the game, I'll make a bold declaration-- if the Cowboys beat the Giants, this team right here will have the best single season record in Cowboys history ...

Read that carefully, I did not say they'd be the best Cowboys team ever, just that they'd have the best record... if they can beat the Giants, they can well finish no worse than 14-2, and to the best of my recollection, the best regular season record any Cowboys team ever posted was 13-3...

As always, injuries are the wild card that could change all that... this rosy scenario depends heavily on them staying healthy, of course...

Just so this isn't TOO Pollyanna-ish, I was a bit annoyed at how garbage time wound up distorting what kind of game the defense had... with 10 minutes to go in the game, the Iggles had been throttled thoroughly, to the tune of 209 yard on 46 plays and 10 points... then after the game got to 38-10, and the Boys called off the dogs, the Iggles gained 107 yards on 22 plays...

But ain't life great when you go lookin' for a nit to pick, and this is all you can come up with?? :D :D :D

I love it bear and agree with it all.

Colombo getting into that fight was good to see, our team loves each other and will fight for one another. Thats a recipe for winning


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This is the first time in a long time I could actually relax watching a Cowboys vs. Eagles game . . . .


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BigDFan5;1745466 said:
I love bear and agree with it all.

Colombo getting into tat fight was good to see, our team loves each other and will fight for one another. Thats a recipe for winning

What tat were they fighting over? jk


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- offensive line


- the team played really loose and without nerves


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Nice. I'm pretty excited for next weeks game. We'll see which team has truly grown from that game in week one and if the Cowboys beat them again....

I need to go take a cold shower.


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jbsg02;1745493 said:
Newman REALLY should have had that pick
Dude's got terrible hands. He's a great corner, but he'll never have a lot of INTs because of it.


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Joe a Cowboys fan;1745483 said:
Careful Woods, still have Gints and skinz games to play. Never relax and never forget. (%

That Giants game is going to be tough.

They are really playing well lately.


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Woods;1745505 said:
That Giants game is going to be tough.

They are really playing well lately.
Barely beating the Dolphins, while making Cleo Lemon actually look like an NFL QB was impressive.


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A very satisfying win over a hated oppnent. We didn't just squeak by; we smashed them in the mouth and effectively ended their season. I don't think Tony--who certainly lived up to his contract tonight--was sacked once. And that early turnover by McNabb kinda gave me the sense the game would go our way. The only concern would be Folk's kickoffs, but considering his heroics this year, I'll overlook it. On to the Meadowlands.
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Ellis and Ware are causing big problems for QB's... I can't wait to see Tank Johnson in uniform next week!


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theogt;1745499 said:
Dude's got terrible hands. He's a great corner, but he'll never have a lot of INTs because of it.

When he dropped that I yelled at the TV "That's why you don't go to any Pro Bowls!"


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Joe a Cowboys fan;1745483 said:
Careful Woods, still have Gints and skinz games to play. Never relax and never forget. (%

So what, WE'RE BETTER THEN THEM, no need to be careful. Enjoy it!!!