This has got to Stop... Media downplaying Romo's play from the pocket


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I'm watching NFL Live and they ( Wingo, Schlerath, and Golic) were talking about the upcoming game between on Monday.

Schlerath, made a statement about how the Eagles, will attack Romo, making him stay in the pocket and stopping him from going to the edges.

Why do some people insist that Romo, can't operate from the pocket is utterly ridiculous like the piece Len Pasquerelli, wrote on how Romo, struggles from the pocket against Atlanta, the last time I checked he was 22-29 278 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT now how can he complete all of those passes outside the pocket.

From what I see Romo, can operate from pocket better than some people give him credit for.

What do you guys think?


Mr. Wright
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Same old ESPN bias opinions.

Dont sweat it... Romo will get his love on Tuesday after a we lock up the division.

Dont let the media mess with your mind.

I saw the same show and laughed.

Merry Christmas!


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ringmaster;1249448 said:
I'm watching NFL Live and they ( Wingo, Schlerath, and Golic) were talking about the upcoming game between on Monday.

Schlerath, made a statement about how the Eagles, will attack Romo, making him stay in the pocket and stopping him from going to the edges.

Why do some people insist that Romo, can't operate from the pocket is utterly ridiculous like the piece Len Pasquerelli, wrote on how Romo, struggles from the pocket against Atlanta, the last time I checked he was 22-29 278 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT now how can he complete all of those passes outside the pocket.

From what I see Romo, can operate from pocket better than some people give him credit for.

What do you guys think?

Well, Romo does look better out of the pocket, so if he can do that, that is the better option. I've seen some of his passes knocked down while he is in the pocket, however, he can operate in the pocket also, but, maybe not as well as when he rolls out...


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It has a lot less to do with Romo than it has to do with the fact that our OL has a hard time protecting when he stays in the pocket. He buys a ton of time for our receivers to run their routes when he just rolls out.


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5Stars;1249456 said:
Well, Romo does look better out of the pocket, so if he can do that, that is the better option. I've seen some of his passes knocked down while he is in the pocket, however, he can operate in the pocket also, but, maybe not as well as when he rolls out...
Okay I see yeah his passes gets knocked down in the pocket as well as every QB so that notion is already dead.


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ringmaster;1249448 said:
I'm watching NFL Live and they ( Wingo, Schlerath, and Golic) were talking about the upcoming game between on Monday.

Schlerath, made a statement about how the Eagles, will attack Romo, making him stay in the pocket and stopping him from going to the edges.

Why do some people insist that Romo, can't operate from the pocket is utterly ridiculous like the piece Len Pasquerelli, wrote on how Romo, struggles from the pocket against Atlanta, the last time I checked he was 22-29 278 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT now how can he complete all of those passes outside the pocket.

From what I see Romo, can operate from pocket better than some people give him credit for.

What do you guys think?

I think Romo does well inside the pocket but they are right that many big plays have happened as Romo breaks containment.


rock music matters
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ringmaster;1249448 said:
I'm watching NFL Live and they ( Wingo, Schlerath, and Golic) were talking about the upcoming game between on Monday.

Schlerath, made a statement about how the Eagles, will attack Romo, making him stay in the pocket and stopping him from going to the edges.

Why do some people insist that Romo, can't operate from the pocket is utterly ridiculous like the piece Len Pasquerelli, wrote on how Romo, struggles from the pocket against Atlanta, the last time I checked he was 22-29 278 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT now how can he complete all of those passes outside the pocket.

From what I see Romo, can operate from pocket better than some people give him credit for.

What do you guys think?

this is what the saints did and it was pretty effective, so they run with it. what i really wish would stop is all the "wah, they're picking on the cowboys, wah!" talk.

romo is a young qb not many know what to say or talk about for him. so since 1 way worked for now, it will get talked about till it no longer works or something else comes along.

human nature, not picking on romo.

in 3-4 years the media will know a lot more and have more to talk about. what do you want them to say about romo?

my guess would be nothing unless it's flattering and that's just not realistic.


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Ozzu;1249463 said:
It has a lot less to do with Romo than it has to do with the fact that our OL has a hard time protecting when he stays in the pocket. He buys a ton of time for our receivers to run their routes when he just rolls out.
The O-line does blocks for him because they know he can get the ball out quicker.

Drew Bledsoe, would've made the 90s Cowboys O-Lines look bad with the way he holds on to the ball and takes sacks.

The O-Line has played much different when Romo, came in as oppose to Bledsoe.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ringmaster;1249466 said:
Okay I see yeah his passes gets knocked down in the pocket as well as every QB so that notion is already dead.

Romo is a little shorter then alot of QB's in the league, that makes a difference that notion is not many of Peyton Mannings passes get knocked down? I think he's a few inches taller then Romo...


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iceberg;1249475 said:
this is what the saints did and it was pretty effective, so they run with it. what i really wish would stop is all the "wah, they're picking on the cowboys, wah!" talk.

romo is a young qb not many know what to say or talk about for him. so since 1 way worked for now, it will get talked about till it no longer works or something else comes along.

human nature, not picking on romo.

in 3-4 years the media will know a lot more and have more to talk about. what do you want them to say about romo?

my guess would be nothing unless it's flattering and that's just not realistic.
They pick on the Cowboys anyway regardless of who is QBing the team.

The thing I was pointing out is that they think the guy can't operate from the pocket which is stupid

It is in ESPN's nature to pick on the Cowboys.

Being too much of a realist sometimes can get you into trouble.


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Yeah I dont know that it's a knock (unless they flat out said he sucks in the pocket).. it just so happens he seems to be dangerous outside the pocket.

He wouldnt be the first good QB to be that way. Favre has been like that. Elway too.. particularly the first 10-12 years of his career. In his case partly because his receivers were never all that great so they struggled to get open the way the play was designed. But once Elway bought time, the receivers might eventually find a way to get some seperation and he'd get them the ball.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ringmaster;1249487 said:
They pick on the Cowboys anyway regardless of who is QBing the team.

The thing I was pointing out is that they think the guy can't operate from the pocket which is stupid

It is in ESPN's nature to pick on the Cowboys.

Being too much of a realist sometimes can get you into trouble.

Well, then, what's your point? What do you want us to tell you?


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5Stars;1249481 said:
Romo is a little shorter then alot of QB's in the league, that makes a difference that notion is not many of Peyton Mannings passes get knocked down? I think he's a few inches taller then Romo...
Remember when most posters talked about throwing lanes so it is dead.

It doesn't seem to bother Brees, who is 6'0", to 6' 1" it all about throwing lanes remember.


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I don't even watch TV anymore except for a little bit of Sports Center which i chuckle at with great skepticism.

Point is, talking heads are usless and goofy, just watch the games althought the Young and Irvin lineup before MNF is rich to watch.

Young still hates Dallas and for the life of him he can't disguise it, I draw sadistic pleasure from seeing him squirm at Irvin's homerism.


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5Stars;1249481 said:
Romo is a little shorter then alot of QB's in the league, that makes a difference that notion is not many of Peyton Mannings passes get knocked down? I think he's a few inches taller then Romo...

that difference is way overrated. Romo doesn't get any more passes knocked down than most QBs. I've seen Manning have passes knocked down, especially against New England.


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ringmaster;1249448 said:
This has to stop ... What do you guys think?
Stop reading it or listening to it. They're not experts. They can't see anything you can't see. They're paid to say what they think, and more often than not it's not particularly insightful. So stop watching them.


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i think it's more of a pick your poison thing.if i was a dc for a team i would want him in the pocket too. not because he can't get it done from the pocket but because thats less time to have to cover t.o. and glenn.
when he gets out of the pocket he buys time for the wr's to get open. when you keep him in the pocket you have shot at covering them till the pocket collapses


rock music matters
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ringmaster;1249487 said:
They pick on the Cowboys anyway regardless of who is QBing the team.

The thing I was pointing out is that they think the guy can't operate from the pocket which is stupid

It is in ESPN's nature to pick on the Cowboys.

Being too much of a realist sometimes can get you into trouble.

and being a whiner is getting you what? you one of those who's gonna write an open letter to espn and fix everything?

again, what would you give romo for a critique?

i don't think it's very realistic to think the world should never dog the cowboys simply because you happen to like them.