This statement from Spagnola is offensive...


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"You wanted something to worry about, go beat your brains out. You wanted to turn your nose up on victories, bet you wish now more than ever at least one of those two narrow losses could have been butt-ugly wins." - Spagnola

...Mickey talks like we were blindly complaining about nothing for the last four weeks. What has really happened is that what we were complaining about had some real meat to it. Even the players are manning up in the locker room and saying, in not so many words, "yeah we pretty much have not been playing with heart." Up until yesterday, it was complete denial.

The truth is most of the fans saw what was coming. It wasn't that the Cowboys were winning or losing, it was how they were winning or losing. Mickey, believe it or not, fans know as much about football as you do. Many fans could do your job as well, if not better than you.

Most fans saw a melt down on the horizon if the Cowboys did not man up and play football with an exclamation point. Talent and Xs and Os only gets you so far. Passion, heart, and intensity take you to a whole other level. Not having passion and heart is a problem but when players are denying problems, letting the coach take the blame, and never acknowledging the obvious, you have a whole new level of failure.

Man up and say it Mickey... Man up like some of the players have and just say we were right. Write an article about that.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We have a lot of panic on this board after both wins and losses, but after yesterday you can't help but wonder if all the *****ing and moaning was warranted. The sad thing is when we were healthy, we let two games get away from us. Now we're not healthy. I hope the Cowboys surprise us over this next month (in a good way).


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Mickey writes and is paid by the team, so he can never really be objective. His articles have to be pro- cowboys. Down here in Miami we have two guys Jim Mandich and Joe Rose who work the radio broadcast for the dolphins, but they also have their own talk shows. I've never been a fan of that, because you can't cross the line of being to critical.


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I don't think he did. I don't think there were very many people complaining about winning but that there was something seriously wrong with this team. He talks like never had anything to complain about.


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Couldn't have said it better... DEAD ON!

DaBoys4Life;2335870 said:
I don't think so wins don't conceal all the problems we have IMHO.

Bob Sacamano

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jamesdojr;2335852 said:
"You wanted something to worry about, go beat your brains out. You wanted to turn your nose up on victories, bet you wish now more than ever at least one of those two narrow losses could have been butt-ugly wins." - Spagnola

...Mickey talks like we were blindly complaining about nothing for the last four weeks. What has really happened is that what we were complaining about had some real meat to it. Even the players are manning up in the locker room and saying, in not so many words, "yeah we pretty much have not been playing with heart." Up until yesterday, it was complete denial.

The truth is most of the fans saw what was coming. It wasn't that the Cowboys were winning or losing, it was how they were winning or losing. Mickey, believe it or not, fans know as much about football as you do. Many fans could do your job as well, if not better than you.

Most fans saw a melt down on the horizon if the Cowboys did not man up and play football with an exclamation point. Talent and Xs and Os only gets you so far. Passion, heart, and intensity take you to a whole other level. Not having passion and heart is a problem but when players are denying problems, letting the coach take the blame, and never acknowledging the obvious, you have a whole new level of failure.

Man up and say it Mickey... Man up like some of the players have and just say we were right. Write an article about that.


which is why I hated all the, "but we're 4-1, quit crying, jeez, pathetic, blah"

there were legitimate complaints about this team after some of our wins, and yes, some took it a little too far, but alot of the complaits were warranted, and were highlighted yesterday

a good point about some of the players coming around and realizing that they haven't been playing as well as they should too


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lol...does anyone really think these sports reporters are any more than glorified paid fans? I don't value there opinion any higher or lower than posters on here.


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Because he says it like we were blindly complaining about nothing. It's almost like he's saying we should have shut up and not been so critical. But what we were complaining about had real meat to it. What we were afraid of is exactly what's happening now. Team meltdown. Even the players are saying, yes, there have been problems. Prior to that it was nothing but denial.

Mickey needs to acknowledge the fans were right for not being happy with the wins. There was a lot wrong with this team. The team was denying it and the two ringleaders of denial have been Phillips and Romo.

peplaw06;2335880 said:

Even if you think what he said was wrong? How is it offensive??

Billy Bullocks

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Alot of the concerns were very warranted.

The defense gave up lots of big plays against Philly. They couldn't stop Washington's run game. We let Cinci hang around. We couldn't stop Arizona when we really had to (3rd and 17..)

Offensively we've been careless with the football. We haven't been able to ge the runing game going early. No one has stepped up as a legit #2 WR this year.

Win or lose, those things were still realities.

When were sitting at 3-0, it was easy to say, "we still pulled out the win".

Going 1-2 the last few weeks highlited some of the concerns that were had early in the season.


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utrunner07;2335889 said:
lol...does anyone really think these sports reporters are any more than glorified paid fans? I don't value there opinion any higher or lower than posters on here.

damn, tell us how u really feel.


Research Tool
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The OL was supposed to be the best in football. When Jerry was asked what he thought the most significant reason for the 13-3 record last year was, without hesitation he said "offensive line."

There is a major problem with paying $3.5 million a year to Colombo and twice that amount to Davis, and then going an entire game when you only run behind them two times (Washington).

The problem is magnified when, two weeks later, you go a whole first half and again only run behind them two times.

That problem then doubles when the guy who's responsible for these plays being called is the same guy you're grooming to take over the entire team.


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Hostile;2335860 said:
I think Mickey nailed it.

I agree. People would love to have at least one of those be an ugly win instead of a loss right now.

You can't win pretty all the time. You can't even win pretty most of the time and those percentages go down when you're a favorite coming into the season and everyone is giving you their best shot hoping to knock you off.


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For the last time, no is complaining that they WIN...they are complaining about how sloppy and unprepared the team looks.

It is precisely these two reasons the Cowboys lost to the Giants last January and it will be the reason they flop again in the playoffs unless they begin to turn things around. I would rather this team go into the playoffs 10-6 playing sharp in December, than 13-3 and winning in spite of themselves.