Twitter: Three Cowboys DL's pass rush win rate vs single teams


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He wanted his contract in place first.
Of course, this is like blackmail. He could have just held out. This is bad character and ultimately a bad decision on his shoulder. The longer you wait to have surgery , the slower the recovery, and the less likely it heals as well and also the more damage to be taken care of in the muscle.


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Of course, this is like blackmail. He could have just held out. This is bad character and ultimately a bad decision on his shoulder. The longer you wait to have surgery , the slower the recovery, and the less likely it heals as well and also the more damage to be taken care of in the muscle.
He got his money. Ended up working.


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He got his money. Ended up working.
Yeah , he's working at a very low level, which is WHY YOU DON'T WAIT TO HAVE SURGERY. This just makes my point. If all of society lived their life to these standards, we would be in a bad bad way. That's why laws are passed against walking out in certain industries. How would you like farmers or medical ppl. To act this wY?


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Yeah , he's working at a very low level, which is WHY YOU DON'T WAIT TO HAVE SURGERY. This just makes my point. If all of society lived their life to these standards, we would be in a bad bad way. That's why laws are passed against walking out in certain industries. How would you like farmers or medical ppl. To act this wY?
They should so they can get what they are owed. You’ve never heard of farmers going on strike or teachers lol?


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Farmers get compensated from govt now and have for years and years and years. They either get compensated or go under. Teachers aren't missed, they are part of the problem , at least in the public school system. You ever see doctors going on strike? Strikes are damaging, he could have got the same thing by simply being out, when you don't get surgery, it's not just holding out, but now, you damage the team for weeks, if not the whole year while Ur being compensated. That's the same as stealing. Also like cutting Ur nose off to spite Ur face! I understand that this is acceptable now on a society that's all about self, but it's damaging to others. If you care about more than urself, I get surgery so when U get business finished Ur ready to go. Zeke came into camp out of shape as usual. His performance has been below what he's capable of by a long shot. These guys are a reproach to all that's truly good. And they have no shame. This may have worked out for the player but has hurt the team. These aren't team players.


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I disagree. The Browns quit on Bellicheat when he was there does that mean he was a bad coach? Look, I’m over Garrett. I don’t think he’s a bad coach but I think he’s taken this team as far as he possibly can. But at the same time I’m not gonna beat him up because grown men felt entitled. These aren’t children. If there’s a sense of entitlement here it ain’t because of Garrett it’s because of the most entitled guy in America......first name Jerry last name Jones.

Garrett does nothing. When these guys get too high he does nothing to bring them back down to earth. Seen it time and time again under his tenure.


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Garrett does nothing. When these guys get too high he does nothing to bring them back down to earth. Seen it time and time again under his tenure.
I don’t think that’ll Garrett’s fault. That might be in the owner who answers questions after games and has weekly talk shows.


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I don’t think that’ll Garrett’s fault. That might be in the owner who answers questions after games and has weekly talk shows.

Its debatable what is directly Garrett's fault because he doenst do much. But that is where the void resides.

But when these kinds of things happen over and over again, its abundantly apparent that Garrett lacks the ability to keep his team on focus. Doesn't matter what Jerry does. Is Garrett NOT good enough to overcome what Jerry does? Then he shouldn't be here.

At some point it goes back to the HC and his inabilities.


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anyone talk to here hear dlaw answer a question about how his injury feels over the bye?