TO is no saint, but why aren't we upset with Werder's 'sources'?


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Why would anyone on this it starter, bench player, coach, front office peresonell....why would anyone give Ed Werder information on what goes on in the lockeroom in Dallas. Players and coaches should be able to meet. Players and coaches will have disagreements. These are human beings. Their are tons of egos and testosterone in a confined area. It happens in EVERY lockeroom in the NFL. But because we are Dallas we have to pretend to be robots because of how we may be pereceived? We have to avoid meetings and confrontation because of how it may be perceived? NO ONE....and I mean NO ONE should have given Werder any fuel for a story he has been trying to write since TO arrived. I mean Werder admitted that he went up to TO last year and said "I was wrong about you, I thought you were washed up and a terrible teammate". How would ANY of you feel if someone said that to you? Translation, "I had my story about how overrated and cancerous you are already written, and you are ruining it for me" So what kind of teamate at a time like this would be talking to the media about anything other than the Giants? I tell you what kind of teamate does idiot!


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bbailey423;2486201 said:
Why would anyone on this it starter, bench player, coach, front office peresonell....why would anyone give Ed Werder information on what goes on in the lockeroom in Dallas. Players and coaches should be able to meet. Players and coaches will have disagreements. These are human beings. Their are tons of egos and testosterone in a confined area. It happens in EVERY lockeroom in the NFL. But because we are Dallas we have to pretend to be robots because of how we may be pereceived? We have to avoid meetings and confrontation because of how it may be perceived? NO ONE....and I mean NO ONE should have given Werder any fuel for a story he has been trying to write since TO arrived. I mean Werder admitted that he went up to TO last year and said "I was wrong about you, I thought you were washed up and a terrible teammate". How would ANY of you feel if someone said that to you. Translation, "I had my story about how overrated and cancerous you are already written, and you are ruining it for me" So what kind of teamate at a time like this would be talking to the media about anything other than the Giants. I tell you what kind of teamate does idiot!

It just goes to show how poorly Wade runs the team. He lets the players dictate the team completely. This was his downfall in Denver and Buffalo. He got off to great starts with them b/c he's such a likeable guy, players loved to play for him, but in the accountability = rotten ending.

Jerry, of course, is to blame too-he just dies for the media spotlight, which I think distracted this team alot this year.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Oh trust me. Some of us are while others are simply blinded by the anti-TO rage that drives them daily.
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Bleu Star;2486248 said:
Oh trust me. Some of us are while others are simply blinded by the anti-TO rage that drives them daily.

People can't see that.. They see T.O as a Cancer and for WHATEVER reason, overlook the obvious. Why the hell are our players talking to the media?

That's why T.O confronted Witten probably in the lockerroom. Wish I was a fly on the wall. Wonder what he said. Called him a rat or something like that?

I'd be pissed to if my teamate or my agent was backdooring the team by talking to that Weasel Ed.


Double Trouble
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McCordsville Cowboy;2486359 said:
I'd be pissed to if my teamate or my agent was backdooring the team by talking to that Weasel Ed.
Maybe you would be, but I'd wager some on the team were sick of TO's act and realized that left to their own volition, management wasn't going to do anything about it.

The team can't exist and can't win as currently constituted. Something has to be done.


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Double Trouble;2486368 said:
Maybe you would be, but I'd wager some on the team were sick of TO's act and realized that left to their own volition, management wasn't going to do anything about it.

The team can't exist and can't win as currently constituted. Something has to be done.

Set and Match.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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bbailey423;2486201 said:
Why would anyone on this it starter, bench player, coach, front office peresonell....why would anyone give Ed Werder information on what goes on in the lockeroom in Dallas. Players and coaches should be able to meet.

Players and coaches will have disagreements. These are human beings. Their are tons of egos and testosterone in a confined area. It happens in EVERY lockeroom in the NFL. But because we are Dallas we have to pretend to be robots because of how we may be pereceived?

We have to avoid meetings and confrontation because of how it may be perceived? NO ONE....and I mean NO ONE should have given Werder any fuel for a story he has been trying to write since TO arrived.

I mean Werder admitted that he went up to TO last year and said "I was wrong about you, I thought you were washed up and a terrible teammate".

How would ANY of you feel if someone said that to you? Translation, "I had my story about how overrated and cancerous you are already written, and you are ruining it for me" So what kind of teamate at a time like this would be talking to the media about anything other than the Giants? I tell you what kind of teamate does idiot!

No offense;) but paragraphs are our friends. Hard to read otherwise.

Other than that , I'm with you:thumbup:

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Double Trouble;2486368 said:
Maybe you would be, but I'd wager some on the team were sick of TO's act and realized that left to their own volition, management wasn't going to do anything about it.

The team can't exist and can't win as currently constituted. Something has to be done.

You know what they say about opinions... :rolleyes:


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Double Trouble;2486368 said:
Maybe you would be, but I'd wager some on the team were sick of TO's act and realized that left to their own volition, management wasn't going to do anything about it.

The team can't exist and can't win as currently constituted. Something has to be done.
did you see this offense last December WITHOUT TO? How has that worked out for Philly? A lot of people have gotten paid and made the Pro Bowl BECAUSE of TO. You think Garrett becomes the highest paid coordinator in the history of the NFL WITHOUT TO? Again, I am not suggesting TO is without fault....but we have no one to replace we need to figure out how to get along instead of some knee jerk reacting of cutting one of our ONLY explosive playmakers.


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Double Trouble;2486368 said:
Maybe you would be, but I'd wager some on the team were sick of TO's act and realized that left to their own volition, management wasn't going to do anything about it.

The team can't exist and can't win as currently constituted. Something has to be done.
So the only way for them to deal with it was to talk to Ed Werder? Uh....ok.

This team is 21-9, currently constituted, so I have no idea what you're getting at about not being able to win.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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bbailey423;2486525 said:
did you see this offense last December WITHOUT TO? How has that worked out for Philly? A lot of people have gotten paid and made the Pro Bowl BECAUSE of TO. You think Garrett becomes the highest paid coordinator in the history of the NFL WITHOUT TO? Again, I am not suggesting TO is without fault....but we have no one to replace we need to figure out how to get along instead of some knee jerk reacting of cutting one of our ONLY explosive playmakers.

Your post is better than the post you replied to.


The Funcooker
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I'm almost willing to bet it was somebody that contributes little on the team, doesn't have a big role (backup Olineman or something).

If I were Wade and Jerry I'd tell the team that nobody takes the field SUnday until somebody grows a pair and admits they're Werder's source that way if they forfeit, it's on that person. lol

i know...way outta wack but that's what i'd like to see in my own little crazy world haha

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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EPL0c0;2486560 said:
I'm almost willing to bet it was somebody that contributes little on the team, doesn't have a big role (backup Olineman or something)

Maybe it was Danny Amendola just trying to make his way up the ol depth chart. ;)


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EPL0c0;2486560 said:
I'm almost willing to bet it was somebody that contributes little on the team, doesn't have a big role (backup Olineman or something).

If I were Wade and Jerry I'd tell the team that nobody takes the field SUnday until somebody grows a pair and admits they're Werder's source that way if they forfeit, it's on that person. lol

i know...way outta wack but that's what i'd like to see in my own little crazy world haha
hasn't the source been identified and confronted by his teammates. Hasn't it been revealed that it was Jimmy Sexton, Wittens agent. Who also happens to be Parcells agent?


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I am and I want to know who these so called sources are. To me there is no source, that it is made up by the reporter, he overhears something that may sound good and then he contrives what he thinks is going on.

Calvin Watkins would not say who is source is when asked several times by Irvin and Kevin Kiley, when they busted him and said well we know now that it was not Crayton like he had said in an article, then he backtracked and said he never said that.


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BHendri5;2486925 said:
I am and I want to know who these so called sources are. To me there is no source, that it is made up by the reporter, he overhears something that may sound good and then he contrives what he thinks is going on.

Calvin Watkins would not say who is source is when asked several times by Irvin and Kevin Kiley, when they busted him and said well we know now that it was not Crayton like he had said in an article, then he backtracked and said he never said that.
keep reading. It has been "reported" that the source was Wittens agent...and that Andre Gurode and Roy Williams confronted Witten about this in a team meeting.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
bbailey423;2486913 said:
hasn't the source been identified and confronted by his teammates. Hasn't it been revealed that it was Jimmy Sexton, Wittens agent. Who also happens to be Parcells agent?
Where was this reported? I'd really like to read it or view a video. It just seems like speculation at this point.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
bbailey423;2486929 said:
keep reading. It has been "reported" that the source was Wittens agent...and that Andre Gurode and Roy Williams confronted Witten about this in a team meeting.
You mean that PFT crap? That isn't reliable. Has it been anywhere else? I'm really curious.


More than meets the eye.
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bbailey423;2486201 said:
Why would anyone on this it starter, bench player, coach, front office peresonell....why would anyone give Ed Werder information on what goes on in the lockeroom in Dallas. Players and coaches should be able to meet. Players and coaches will have disagreements. These are human beings. Their are tons of egos and testosterone in a confined area. It happens in EVERY lockeroom in the NFL. But because we are Dallas we have to pretend to be robots because of how we may be pereceived? We have to avoid meetings and confrontation because of how it may be perceived? NO ONE....and I mean NO ONE should have given Werder any fuel for a story he has been trying to write since TO arrived. I mean Werder admitted that he went up to TO last year and said "I was wrong about you, I thought you were washed up and a terrible teammate". How would ANY of you feel if someone said that to you? Translation, "I had my story about how overrated and cancerous you are already written, and you are ruining it for me" So what kind of teamate at a time like this would be talking to the media about anything other than the Giants? I tell you what kind of teamate does idiot!

Is it the same type of teammate who runs to Deion to complain about the offense on national TV? Is it the same type of teammate who goes to the media directly following a loss and airs his grievances over this lack of touches? Is is the same type of teammate who spreads dissension within own team with accusations of clandestine meetings between the quarterback and tight end?

Just curious.


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This is what happens when the coaches and management have no legitimacy and the players have no accountability. They take their grievances to the press, because they have no fear of any repercussions, but at the same time management is blind to their concerns, but won't tell them to shut up and just play....