Today I lost what little respect I had left for Jerry Jones


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The man has wittled away at my respect for years, from his unprofessional firing of Tom Landry to his treatment of Jimmy Johnson to his apparent lack of care with regards to player conduct, but I have finally lost the last bit of it.

Marion Barber IS the toughest running back I've ever seen play. Period. He treats every carry as if it's his last, has played through several injuries in his career and has never ONCE complained about his role or number of carries, even when he was wrongly backing up Julius Jones. He gives back to his community like few others in sports do. He is the definition of a professional and seems like a genuine good guy. For Jerry Jones to publically call him out like that was not only uncalled for, but, frankly, a ***** move on his part. You don't call another man out like that in front of the cameras. If he really felt that compelled to say something, it should have been to Barber and no one else.

If Barber felt like he could have contributed, he would have played. He has proven that. Jerry needs to shut his mouth.


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If the reports are accurate and Jerry did call him out basically, it is a bad decision I think.

We lost the game because the defense played great for 55 min.

The problem is that the game lasted 60 min.

Gemini Dolly

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Is there proof of this or is this just the media trying to stir crap up?


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HeavyHitta31;2476068 said:
The man has wittled away at my respect for years, from his unprofessional firing of Tom Landry to his treatment of Jimmy Johnson to his apparent lack of care with regards to player conduct, but I have finally lost the last bit of it.

Marion Barber IS the toughest running back I've ever seen play. Period. He treats every carry as if it's his last, has played through several injuries in his career and has never ONCE complained about his role or number of carries, even when he was wrongly backing up Julius Jones. He gives back to his community like few others in sports do. He is the definition of a professional and seems like a genuine good guy. For Jerry Jones to publically call him out like that was not only uncalled for, but, frankly, a b**** move on his part. You don't call another man out like that in front of the cameras. If he really felt that compelled to say something, it should have been to Barber and no one else.

If Barber felt like he could have contributed, he would have played. He has proven that. Jerry needs to shut his mouth.

Heavy, I feel the same way. I am tired of Jerry's act...not to mention TOs...


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I haven't heard the interview, but I think we should be careful about how those comments could be taken out of context. Jones talks ALOT. He gets interviewed constantly and it's part of his marketing strategy and his selling of the team and the new stadium etc, but sometimes he stretches the subject a bit and people run with his comments.

Jones may only have been indicating he was a bit surprised, he might not have been intending or suggesting that he was disappointed in Barber and saying he "wasn't tough". Sometimes saying something is just that, exactly what was said and not more.

Saying he was disappointed Barber didn't play doesn't necessarily mean he was disappointed in Barber, just that he had hoped his Barbarion would play (which we all did). Plus he's probably as frustrated as every other fan with the amount of lingering injuries hampering this team.

I haven't heard the live interview, but sometimes quotes are totally taken out of context or can come across the wrong way. Jones is no dumby, what does he really gain from purposefully calling out Barber when obviously he is one of the most aggressive and tough backs in NFL. Jones ain't that dumb, but perhaps he was misinformed and didn't realize extent to which Barbers leg is cramped up from compensating for toe. He's pretty busy despite tyring to be in the know of everything!

I'm sure someone will follow up with Jones on some specific questions regarding what he "meant" originally.



Jesus is Lord
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I doubt Jerry say that in a way to put Marion under the bus, something is wrong here because to stand up for Pacman like Jerry has done and now trow Marion under the bus it just doesn't add up.


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Nah heavy, don't lose your cool over media BS. Cause they been credible all along? I would rather wait until I hear what jerry says right out of his mouth before I jump to conclusions.


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i agree...we should all just take a deep breath on this issue...the truth will reveal itself in'll be what it will be.


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HeavyHitta31;2476068 said:
The man has wittled away at my respect for years, from his unprofessional firing of Tom Landry to his treatment of Jimmy Johnson to his apparent lack of care with regards to player conduct, but I have finally lost the last bit of it.

Marion Barber IS the toughest running back I've ever seen play. Period. He treats every carry as if it's his last, has played through several injuries in his career and has never ONCE complained about his role or number of carries, even when he was wrongly backing up Julius Jones. He gives back to his community like few others in sports do. He is the definition of a professional and seems like a genuine good guy. For Jerry Jones to publically call him out like that was not only uncalled for, but, frankly, a b**** move on his part. You don't call another man out like that in front of the cameras. If he really felt that compelled to say something, it should have been to Barber and no one else.

If Barber felt like he could have contributed, he would have played. He has proven that. Jerry needs to shut his mouth.

As much as I hate to admit it, Jerry's BS is starting to wear me out as well. He seems to be the root of most of the problems with this organization.

Calling out MB3 is a flippin joke, that guy is a blue collar work horse who does nothing but come in work hard and give his all. He isnt interested in anything but winning and it ticks me off that Jerry has the nerve to call him out when TO has been a total distraction all year. Just proves that Jerry doesnt really care about winning nearly as much as he cares about drawing attention to the club so he can cash in financially.

Media BS? How you figure it is media BS? We all heard for our own ears exactly what Jones had to say. He crossed the line and vented his frustrations on the WRONG player!

How come every time someone makes a stupid comment in public everyone on this site writes it off as media BS?


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Doomsday;2476139 said:
As much as I hate to admit it, Jerry's BS is starting to wear me out as well. He seems to be the root of most of the problems with this organization.

Calling out MB3 is a flippin joke, that guy is a blue collar work horse who does nothing but come in work hard and give his all. He isnt interested in anything but winning and it ticks me off that Jerry has the nerve to call him out when TO has been a total distraction all year. Just proves that Jerry doesnt really care about winning nearly as much as he cares about drawing attention to the club so he can cash in financially.

Media BS? How you figure it is media BS? We all heard for our own ears exactly what Jones had to say. He crossed the line and vented his frustrations on the WRONG player!

How come every time someone makes a stupid comment in public everyone on this site writes it off as media BS?[/QUOTE]

Because people like Jerry, owens and pactard would never say any thing wrong.

The media takes clips from several interviews and puts them together to fool the fans.:rolleyes: That isn't even owens they show pouting or screaming on the sidelines, that's a stunt man.:)

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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calico;2476073 said:
Heavy, I feel the same way. I am tired of Jerry's act...not to mention TOs...

The haters just can't resist the temptation to toss TO into every conversation. He dominates your thoughts too much. That can't be healthy. ;)


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Bleu Star;2476166 said:
The haters just can't resist the temptation to toss TO into every conversation. He dominates your thoughts too much. That can't be healthy. ;)

When are you going to realize owens sucks?:D
mornin dude.
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If the reports are true, Jerry Jones shouldn't get in front of a mic for a looong time. MBIII is one of the toughest S.O.B's I've seen play the game.


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djtavo;2476075 said:
I doubt Jerry say that in a way to put Marion under the bus, something is wrong here because to stand up for Pacman like Jerry has done and now trow Marion under the bus it just doesn't add up.

He defends pac because everyone said "are you crazy for signing this guy, he CANNOT be trusted!" So Jones has to defend and spin all the subsequent problems.

He throws Marion under the bus because he thinks if he adopts the Parcells strategy of saying if nothing is broken then he can play, he sounds like the coach he wants to bhe. Plus I just paid him big money. Actually, with regard to the Marion comment, who knows -- just call it what it was, which was stupid.


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If you want to yap about the lame blame game of Jerry Jones look at yourselves. Seriously, I have been in this forum 2+ years and I know some of you can't be this stupid. Or is this just typical acting out after a very frustrating loss.

Indignant fans always crow about not believing he said, she said reports in the paper or on ESPN but yet fans gobble up the National Enquirer quality reporting if it suits their hate agenda.

There are conflicting reports now over what Jones meant discussing Barber and in the context of time. How often does Jerry throw a key player under a bus. Virtually never. Heck some of you historically complain how Jones not acknowledging the mistake proneness or efforts of key players is one of his character flaws.

Let's suppose Jones wrongly stated that about Barber. Well then it was ill conceived and he made a mistake in a moment of weakness after this painful loss. Let's then allow him to be human from time to time and move forward.

Don't worry though, the media, the tv sports talking heads will conduct Barbergate in full force. Sooner or later it will be confirmed what Jones actually stated. While that is in motion I am sure Jones and Wade will be communicating with Barber and it will be all moot.

Some of you jump on Jones over every negative speculative report such as him insisting that Brad Johnson be the backup or dictating defensive coaching to Wade, but don't own up to being wrong with the same zeal when those reports inevitably get debunked.

Jones has also publically fessed up to his mistakes including stating that he was responsible for the PacMan mess with the security guard entouraging.

When we were winning over the last 3 games and even in the Steelers game some fans were singing the praises of Jerry Jones. What a brilliant GM getting Tashard Choice, etc.. The truth is somewhere in the middle. He makes good and bad decisions as most GMs and owners in the league.

I agree that Jerry Jones should be criticized by fans when it is warranted. He is a visible owner and GM of the most prominent team in the NFL. But eagerly jumping on him at the very first negative news report borders on neurotic.

LRcowboy Fan

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Let's get the full story before we make rash judgements. Jerry never bashes players, never.


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LRcowboy Fan;2476224 said:
Let's get the full story before we make rash judgements. Jerry never bashes players, never.

Exactly, some here will buy into any bad news after this loss. It's like they desperately want this crap to be true so they'll have something else to complain about. Wade addressed this and to any rational-thinking fan- it's over.

They are just gonna believe the worst because it fits their agenda.


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Fans will believe whatever allows them to justify their agenda.


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Jerry just needs to say no to giving interviews and hand the team over to Stephen.