Today I lost what little respect I had left for Jerry Jones


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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5Countem5;2476582 said:
Try understanding the context before deciding Jerry has done something he has never, ever done before when he had much better opportunities.

He called out Pacman's bodyguard for getting him suspended. :laugh2:

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Obviously, Jerry shouldn't have said what he did. Stupid, stupid remark from him.

However, I take it as something of a positive that Wade knew well before the plane left that Barber wasn't going to play, and Jerry only found out about it later. :)


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I haven't heard the interview but I'm certainly surprised that he'd question the toughness of Marion Barber. That just doesn't make any sense, at all.


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BraveHeartFan;2476600 said:
I haven't heard the interview but I'm certainly surprised that he'd question the toughness of Marion Barber. That just doesn't make any sense, at all.

He didn't question Barber's toughness. When Jerry said Barber's toe wasn't bad enough to keep him out, the media didn't know Barber missed the game because of his CALF, not his toe. So they interpreted it to mean he was saying Barber isn't tough or something. But Jerry never said anything like that.


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AdamJT13;2476606 said:
He didn't question Barber's toughness. When Jerry said Barber's toe wasn't bad enough to keep him out, the media didn't know Barber missed the game because of his CALF, not his toe. So they interpreted it to mean he was saying Barber isn't tough or something. But Jerry never said anything like that.

Ahhh, that's good. Cause it just wouldn't have made sense for him to have been questioning the toughness of Marion Barber.


Zone Scribe
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Chocolate Lab;2476596 said:
Obviously, Jerry shouldn't have said what he did. Stupid, stupid remark from him.

However, I take it as something of a positive that Wade knew well before the plane left that Barber wasn't going to play, and Jerry only found out about it later. :)

That and he just lives up in his deluded "Jerry World" where when the doctors tell him that Romo is going to miss 3-4 weeks with a broken thumb then he's actually going to play the following week because the trainers are going to come up with some sort of miracle tape job technique.

Jerry probably had the same info from the doctors, but his optimism trumped the logical prognosis.

DWhite Fan

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HeavyHitta31;2476068 said:
The man has wittled away at my respect for years, from his unprofessional firing of Tom Landry to his treatment of Jimmy Johnson to his apparent lack of care with regards to player conduct, but I have finally lost the last bit of it.

Marion Barber IS the toughest running back I've ever seen play. Period. He treats every carry as if it's his last, has played through several injuries in his career and has never ONCE complained about his role or number of carries, even when he was wrongly backing up Julius Jones. He gives back to his community like few others in sports do. He is the definition of a professional and seems like a genuine good guy. For Jerry Jones to publically call him out like that was not only uncalled for, but, frankly, a ***** move on his part. You don't call another man out like that in front of the cameras. If he really felt that compelled to say something, it should have been to Barber and no one else.

If Barber felt like he could have contributed, he would have played. He has proven that. Jerry needs to shut his mouth.

I got to admit it HeavyHitta, you are dead on with your comments.

I heard this morning that Jerry made those comments without understanding that Marion's toe was not what kept him (Barber) out of the Steeler game, it was the soreness of Marion's calf muscle do to compensating for the toe. Shame on Jerry for not getting all the facts before making a controversial comment to the media. Jones is not inexperienced with public relations matters and for him to make those comments about Marion is totally assinine.

Jerry should be ashamed of himself. I thought the backlash from the Landry and Johnson situations would have taught him a lesson.

Apparently not :star:


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5Countem5;2476577 said:
So you think Dallas will lose this week because of this? Score less points? Nor play as well defensively? Would they have "for sure" won without this story? Will, say Newman, forget to cover a guy because he was thinking about Jerry's comments?

What are the ramifications? What is the result?

The result, when it comes to ALL distractions, is this.

When you win, it doesn't matter. But when you LOSE then it becomes a snow ball of negativity that accumulates a little more and a little more and, in that way, contributes to a poor outcome.

Where you have unity, difficulties are more easily overcome. Where you have stuff going on that makes you feel like you are part of a circus, you have more reasons to become negative and make excuses for your failures.

All Jerry does with ALL this kind of stuff, is provides an atmosphere that can turn negative when the inevitable struggles of every season come to bear upon the team.

You say it has no effect. Feel free to hold onto your view. We agree to disagree. I say that the one consistent that runs through most of the losing seasons we have known under Jerry Jones is that you have a weak head coach in place, and you have Jerry in the news.


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Cogan;2476578 said:
For all of you who are questioning whether Jones said it or not....he did. I know that ESPN can put out some very questionable & rash statements, but this was a "quote-unquote". When they do that, they have to make VERY sure they know what they're talking about, because they can be sued for slander. If some ex-jock comes off making a negative comment about Jones, or the Cowboys, that's different. However, when they show a picture of JJ & flash the quote under his picture, it is a direct quote...period.

I was pretty stunned myself when I saw it, and Jerrah rarely surprises me anymore. Just about everyone in the media, and not just on ESPN is calling the team disfunctional. We all have to agree that most teams don't have a WR who has thrown EVERY QB he's played with under the bus, and now he's starting on Romo. I was waiting for it to happen. The owner hires every punk & trouble maker he can get his hands on because it brings attention to his team. Well, Jerry, be careful what you wish for. The attention the 'Boys are getting is mostly negative, and it's all your fault.

What about that "classy" New England team and Randy Moss?


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Doomsday101;2476571 said:
Laugh all you want but it seems the only feelings getting hurt are by fans who many do not like Jerry to begin with. This is Jerry's team for those who don't like it too damn bad go find another team to cheer for because this team will be in the Jones family for years to come.

Sorry Dooms, but I like Jerry the owner, I don't like Jerry the GM, Coach, Doctor, locker room boy who handles socks and jocks. And I don't have to go find another team either. I was born in Dallas and have been a Cowboys fan from the time I can remember. That PREDATED Jerry Jones. And if I outlive Jerry and his family, then I'll be a Cowboys fan after he is gone. To tell us we have to like what Jerry does or find another team is just off the mark.


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rcaldw;2476646 said:
Sorry Dooms, but I like Jerry the owner, I don't like Jerry the GM, Coach, Doctor, locker room boy who handles socks and jocks. And I don't have to go find another team either. I was born in Dallas and have been a Cowboys fan from the time I can remember. That PREDATED Jerry Jones. And if I outlive Jerry and his family, then I'll be a Cowboys fan after he is gone. To tell us we have to like what Jerry does or find another team is just off the mark.

You have the right to complain just seems like a waste of hot air but if you want to day in and day out whine about him that is up to you.


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Doomsday101;2476655 said:
You have the right to complain just seems like a waste of hot air but if you want to day in and day out whine about him that is up to you.

I don't complain about him every day, I complain about him when once again he does something that is uncalled for at best and stupid at worst.

I've said before and will continue to say, please hear me, I love the fact that Jerry Jones cares. I love the fact that he spends money on this team we all love. I love the fact that he wants to win. I just hope for a day when he will understand that less is more when it comes to him involving himself in every part of the football operations.

Now, if that makes me a whiner, I am guilty as charged.


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rcaldw;2476698 said:
I don't complain about him every day, I complain about him when once again he does something that is uncalled for at best and stupid at worst.

I've said before and will continue to say, please hear me, I love the fact that Jerry Jones cares. I love the fact that he spends money on this team we all love. I love the fact that he wants to win. I just hope for a day when he will understand that less is more when it comes to him involving himself in every part of the football operations.

Now, if that makes me a whiner, I am guilty as charged.

He is the GM and like any GM in the league they will be involved in the team and as long as he is using the people around him to gather information to make good choices then I don't see the big deal. Our drafts over the last few years have not been bad, not all pan out but there is not 1 team out there who is hitting on every single player our FA pickup have also been very good over the last few years.


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What does Marion Barber have to do with our loss? Choice played well, except whin the 4th, when Garrett put together a brilliant play-calling strategy that kept ending in 3 and outs...


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rcaldw;2476636 said:
The result, when it comes to ALL distractions, is this.

When you win, it doesn't matter. But when you LOSE then it becomes a snow ball of negativity that accumulates a little more and a little more and, in that way, contributes to a poor outcome.

Where you have unity, difficulties are more easily overcome. Where you have stuff going on that makes you feel like you are part of a circus, you have more reasons to become negative and make excuses for your failures.

All Jerry does with ALL this kind of stuff, is provides an atmosphere that can turn negative when the inevitable struggles of every season come to bear upon the team.

You say it has no effect. Feel free to hold onto your view. We agree to disagree. I say that the one consistent that runs through most of the losing seasons we have known under Jerry Jones is that you have a weak head coach in place, and you have Jerry in the news.

Maybe we can lock the player's in a sealed, football-only bubble.

What happens when something important in their lives happen, like a sick child or parent? I bet many a career has been ruined by children with the flu due to the distracting nature of it and the worry players must have. Divorces, bills and every one of of life's little "distractions" must take a huge toll on these guys as well.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
rcaldw;2476698 said:
I don't complain about him every day, I complain about him when once again he does something that is uncalled for at best and stupid at worst.

I've said before and will continue to say, please hear me, I love the fact that Jerry Jones cares. I love the fact that he spends money on this team we all love. I love the fact that he wants to win. I just hope for a day when he will understand that less is more when it comes to him involving himself in every part of the football operations.

Now, if that makes me a whiner, I am guilty as charged.

:laugh2: you love Jerra when he does all the good things for the team (spends money, wants to win, cares) but when he makes a mistake (if this is indeed a mistake) you trash him?

Not all things in the world are good. Some bad comes with the good, right?

It seems pretty petty to love the good Jerry but hate the bad Jerry. If you are married I hope your wife is perfect, otherwise....?


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Doomsday101;2476718 said:
He is the GM and like any GM in the league they will be involved in the team and as long as he is using the people around him to gather information to make good choices then I don't see the big deal. Our drafts over the last few years have not been bad, not all pan out but there is not 1 team out there who is hitting on every single player our FA pickup have also been very good over the last few years.

Dooms, you and I aren't hearing each other, I think. I agree that Jones has done a better job as a GM than in the past. I think he has made some great signings and I actually think the draft has been great lately. (See Barber, Felix Jones and Choice)

But does a normal GM give locker room speeches? Does a normal GM give faulty medical reports?

Jerry won't confine himself to just one thing. He has to be EVERYTHING. I not only think this turns into an aggravation, I just don't think it is good management.

What do I know? I'm just a fan, I acknowledge that. But give me the evidence that it has worked?

The times when Jerry's teams have either done well, or been in the midst of some good REBUILDING was the Johnson era and the Parcells era. In both cases, Jerry took a much more confined role.

Jimmy's era was success on the field, Parcell's era was rebuilding what had become a joke.

When Jimmy went away we lived off of that successful foundation for about 3 years (our last playoff win was in 96). In my opinion, we are now living off of the rebuilding that Parcells did, not so much as a coach as he was a roster evaluator.

Now, as I said, I think Jerry has actually done well in taking the advice around him and having some good drafts these last two years. That is a big improvement.

Can we just get him to stop giving updates on Romo, and giving his opinion about Barber's injuries? Can we get him to stop having Wade stand in the corner while he dresses down the team after a big loss?

Those are my only complaints with Jerry. He tries to be EVERYTHING.

Zimmy Lives

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Jerry Jones is about winning; that's all I care about. Heck, he could call out his own mother for all I care.


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5Stars;2476744 said:
:laugh2: you love Jerra when he does all the good things for the team (spends money, wants to win, cares) but when he makes a mistake (if this is indeed a mistake) you trash him?

Not all things in the world are good. Some bad comes with the good, right?

It seems pretty petty to love the good Jerry but hate the bad Jerry. If you are married I hope your wife is perfect, otherwise....?

The way to SEEM to win an argument is to approach it from the standpoint of absurdity. Present your opponents position in the terms you wish then go to work tearing down that straw man. Makes you look good. :)

I'm not even going to respond to this. Just read what I've said in the thread (if you care to), and take ALL that I've said, and I think I've made it clear enough. Agree with me or disagree with me, I think where I'm coming from isn't hard to understand.


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rcaldw;2476746 said:
Dooms, you and I aren't hearing each other, I think. I agree that Jones has done a better job as a GM than in the past. I think he has made some great signings and I actually think the draft has been great lately. (See Barber, Felix Jones and Choice)

But does a normal GM give locker room speeches? Does a normal GM give faulty medical reports?

Jerry won't confine himself to just one thing. He has to be EVERYTHING. I not only think this turns into an aggravation, I just don't think it is good management.

What do I know? I'm just a fan, I acknowledge that. But give me the evidence that it has worked?

The times when Jerry's teams have either done well, or been in the midst of some good REBUILDING was the Johnson era and the Parcells era. In both cases, Jerry took a much more confined role.

Jimmy's era was success on the field, Parcell's era was rebuilding what had become a joke.

When Jimmy went away we lived off of that successful foundation for about 3 years (our last playoff win was in 96). In my opinion, we are now living off of the rebuilding that Parcells did, not so much as a coach as he was a roster evaluator.

Now, as I said, I think Jerry has actually done well in taking the advice around him and having some good drafts these last two years. That is a big improvement.

Can we just get him to stop giving updates on Romo, and giving his opinion about Barber's injuries? Can we get him to stop having Wade stand in the corner while he dresses down the team after a big loss?

Those are my only complaints with Jerry. He tries to be EVERYTHING.

Him talking to the players is not hurting anything. He wants to win he is passionate about winning and his players know this passion and he did not have Wade standing in the corner while he dressed down the team. Yes he spoke up as any concerned person in the franchise would. Is Jerry like all GM? No but not many GM has as much on the line as Jerry Jones does. You don't have to like it but it is not going to change his desire is not going to change and his passion of winning will not change.