Today I lost what little respect I had left for Jerry Jones


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Doomsday101;2476759 said:
Him talking to the players is not hurting anything. He wants to win he is passionate about winning and his players know this passion and he did not have Wade standing in the corner while he dressed down the team. Yes he spoke up as any concerned person in the franchise would. Is Jerry like all GM? No but not many GM has as much on the line as Jerry Jones does. You don't have to like it but it is not going to change his desire is not going to change and his passion of winning will not change.

Ok, at least we hear each other. You view it as passion and a positive. I view it as not being willing to let other people do their jobs to the fullest, and over the long haul, I see it as a negative. In the end, the result will prove who is right. I think I see evidence that it hasn't worked in the past. Maybe you see evidence that it has. I'm fine with that. And, truthfully, I HOPE you are right and I'm wrong, because it has been 12 years since the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team, have won a playoff game. I'm ready for one.


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rcaldw;2476754 said:
The way to SEEM to win an argument is to approach it from the standpoint of absurdity. Present your opponents position in the terms you wish then go to work tearing down that straw man. Makes you look good. :)

I'm not even going to respond to this. Just read what I've said in the thread (if you care to), and take ALL that I've said, and I think I've made it clear enough. Agree with me or disagree with me, I think where I'm coming from isn't hard to understand.

I've read every post here. Im just saying that it's kinda wrong to love everything that is good but hate some things that are bad. You cannot live in a world like that. It's not a one way street.

It's like saying you like your dog when it fetches the ball, but when it craps on your rug you throw the damn thing out in the cold.

I can take Jerry both ways. For instance, I absoutely HATE to listen to Jerry talk, however, every time I get the chance to hear him, guess what? There I am listening to him!


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rcaldw;2476763 said:
Ok, at least we hear each other. You view it as passion and a positive. I view it as not being willing to let other people do their jobs to the fullest, and over the long haul, I see it as a negative. In the end, the result will prove who is right. I think I see evidence that it hasn't worked in the past. Maybe you see evidence that it has. I'm fine with that. And, truthfully, I HOPE you are right and I'm wrong, because it has been 12 years since the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team, have won a playoff game. I'm ready for one.

I want to win as much as anyone and I think Jerry has changed many things in this franchise and I just do not see him talking with players as a harmful thing or something that is interfering with other people jobs and responsibilities. I don't expect Jerry to be perfect but I do expect Jerry to do everything in his power to bring in talented people to this franchise and I think he is doing that


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5Stars;2476775 said:
I've read every post here. Im just saying that it's kinda wrong to love everything that is good but hate some things that are bad. You cannot live in a world like that. It's not a one way street.

It's like saying you like your dog when it fetches the ball, but when it craps on your rug you throw the damn thing out in the cold.

I can take Jerry both ways. For instance, I absoutely HATE to listen to Jerry talk, however, every time I get the chance to hear him, guess what? There I am listening to him!

Another way to look at it is to see the good things in a person's approach to their job, but the things that may also hold them back. If you can get them to grow in their positives and put away their negatives, they grow and the organization improves.

In Jerry's case NO ONE has the authority/power/influence to demand this from him. Does he have the ability to do this for himself?

All of this presupposes, of course, that what I view as negatives actually are. I think they are, Doomsday and others don't think so.

I'm A-OK with that, and that is really what the discussion comes down to. Will this formula, that is Jerry Jones (all of him), actually work out in the form of Super Bowl teams?

The Barber thing isn't the issue, it just raised the issue for me.


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Doomsday101;2476780 said:
I want to win as much as anyone and I think Jerry has changed many things in this franchise and I just do not see him talking with players as a harmful thing or something that is interfering with other people jobs and responsibilities. I don't expect Jerry to be perfect but I do expect Jerry to do everything in his power to bring in talented people to this franchise and I think he is doing that

Gotcha, and like I said earlier, as a fellow Cowboys fan, I hope you are correct.


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rcaldw;2476790 said:
Gotcha, and like I said earlier, as a fellow Cowboys fan, I hope you are correct.

And as a diehard fan I hope you are wrong. In the end we both want to see this franchise have success that we agree strongly on.


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rcaldw;2476786 said:
Another way to look at it is to see the good things in a person's approach to their job, but the things that may also hold them back. If you can get them to grow in their positives and put away their negatives, they grow and the organization improves.

In Jerry's case NO ONE has the authority/power/influence to demand this from him. Does he have the ability to do this for himself?

All of this presupposes, of course, that what I view as negatives actually are. I think they are, Doomsday and others don't think so.

I'm A-OK with that, and that is really what the discussion comes down to. Will this formula, that is Jerry Jones (all of him), actually work out in the form of Super Bowl teams?

The Barber thing isn't the issue, it just raised the issue for me.

I know what you are saying, and it's been beaten to death since he became owner. However, you and I and the free world knows it's not going to change, so why bother? ;)

IMO, I don't really think that what he says or does not say will prevent the team from going where they want to go. Now, the players? That's another issue! Jerry is not on the field...


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AdamJT13;2476555 said:
Barber didn't miss the game because of his toe, he missed the game because of his calf, which the Dallas media didn't know when Jerry spoke Sunday.

So when Jerry made a comment about Barber's toe not being bad enough to keep him out of the game -- which is true -- suddenly the Dallas media thinks he was questioning Barber's toughness -- which is not true.

And now the Dallas media is backing off and trying to cover itself, while the national media (ESPN, Yahoo, etc.) is running with the "toughness" angle.

Jerry must have known about the calf issue, right?
Was he trying to hide the injury (like a ton of teams do) or was he unaware?
I haven't heard any audio, so who knows.

I am in the shut up Jerry group though.


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Chocolate Lab;2476596 said:
Obviously, Jerry shouldn't have said what he did. Stupid, stupid remark from him.

However, I take it as something of a positive that Wade knew well before the plane left that Barber wasn't going to play, and Jerry only found out about it later. :)

And you can bet your life that won't ever happen again.


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So never in the history of the press has a reporter used a sound bite to make someone look like they said one thing when they actually meant another?

Not once?

Maybe just once?

Barbara Streisand secretly donated millons to elect George W. Bush in two elections.

Not once, ever?

Michael Moore is elected to the Presidency of the NRA.

Maybe just one time?

Director's Guild discovers every Clint Eastwood film actually directed by Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Ruebens. Demand Oscars back for "Unforgiven."


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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Dave_in-NC;2476904 said:
Jerry must have known about the calf issue, right?
Was he trying to hide the injury (like a ton of teams do) or was he unaware?
I haven't heard any audio, so who knows.

I am in the shut up Jerry group though.

"He can play with that injured toe," Jones said. "He can play with the soreness and a combination of those things. I see nothing that led us to believe he couldn’t."

Everyone talked about how the toe injury led to the calf injury.

When Jerry says "soreness and combination of those things," it sounds like he's talking about the calf, too.

The last line of the quote is pretty clear. He was surprised.


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HeavyHitta31;2476068 said:
The man has wittled away at my respect for years, from his unprofessional firing of Tom Landry to his treatment of Jimmy Johnson to his apparent lack of care with regards to player conduct, but I have finally lost the last bit of it.

Marion Barber IS the toughest running back I've ever seen play. Period. He treats every carry as if it's his last, has played through several injuries in his career and has never ONCE complained about his role or number of carries, even when he was wrongly backing up Julius Jones. He gives back to his community like few others in sports do. He is the definition of a professional and seems like a genuine good guy. For Jerry Jones to publically call him out like that was not only uncalled for, but, frankly, a ***** move on his part. You don't call another man out like that in front of the cameras. If he really felt that compelled to say something, it should have been to Barber and no one else.

If Barber felt like he could have contributed, he would have played. He has proven that. Jerry needs to shut his mouth.

I am pretty much with you and agree with your post. Barber is a true football guy and someone you can count on to carry his share of the load and more. He gives everything he has every play. He has fire and passion and level head, not to mention outstanding strength any coach would love to have in a player.

Jerry Jones is 100% to blame for screwing things up with Jimmy Johnson, Jones cost this team 4 Super Bowl wins in a row. Jones then screwed things up with Parcells by meddling in things there. Jerry is a terrible GM. If Jerry were to apply for a GM spot for any team with his accomplishments, NFL owners would cry from laughing so hard. I can't stand the way he has to come down to the sidelines during games and show the coach up. I can't stand how Jerry thinks he needs to be speaking like he is the coach. That should be Wade Phillips. I feel bad for Wade, he is getting slapped in the face by Jerry and the man still does what he can and WADE has given us a great defense.

I just hope one day that Stephen Jones has his father brought to a shrink and has him declared mentally unfit to run the team. Maybe Stephen will realize the importance of a real football guy as a GM and letting football guys run the team.


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I've stuck up for JJ ALOT over the years. But.....he's becoming Al Davis right before our eyes. It pains me to say it, but its' the God's honest truth. Philly and NY have a big advantage over Dallas and the forskins because they have first rate front offices that don't meddle. Lil' Dan and JJ are really becoming a total joke. If JJ somehow had a "come to jesus" moment and stepped aside to hire real football men, I"d pitch a frickin' tent. That's right: serious WOOD. But, alas we all know it won't happen because he just can't help himself. I never had a problem before because he is after all a billionaire and one shrewd dude. But as he ages.........I see Al Davis part two.


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newlander;2477625 said:
I've stuck up for JJ ALOT over the years. But.....he's becoming Al Davis right before our eyes. It pains me to say it, but its' the God's honest truth. Philly and NY have a big advantage over Dallas and the forskins because they have first rate front offices that don't meddle. Lil' Dan and JJ are really becoming a total joke. If JJ somehow had a "come to jesus" moment and stepped aside to hire real football men, I"d pitch a frickin' tent. That's right: serious WOOD. But, alas we all know it won't happen because he just can't help himself. I never had a problem before because he is after all a billionaire and one shrewd dude. But as he ages.........I see Al Davis part two.



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Chief;2477024 said:
"He can play with that injured toe," Jones said. "He can play with the soreness and a combination of those things. I see nothing that led us to believe he couldn’t."

Everyone talked about how the toe injury led to the calf injury.

When Jerry says "soreness and combination of those things," it sounds like he's talking about the calf, too.

The last line of the quote is pretty clear. He was surprised.

Thnx Chief.


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So some of you think that Jerry honestly believed Barber was a wussy and the best way to handle would be, for the first time ever, to call out a team leader in front of the world as Dallas tries to fight for it's playoff life?

You people really believe that?