Twitter: Trip to San Diego a sign of Dak progressing as a leader


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Did you click the link to the stats and not the article that is using those same stats

What does the TOTAL amount of times GURLEY facing stacked boxes in isolation have to do with Ezekiel Elliott. The article is comparing how they impact teams in different ways. The only relevance it has is in illustrating the key differences being Zeke is forcing defenses to STACK the box way more, particularly in relation to his volume. Dak is making his living off Zeke. That’s been the reality every year he has been here.

You just provide a stat where Gurley doesn’t fave stacked boxes like Zeke proving MY POINT.

Boy, just go home.. this is embarrassing with you Dak homers and your blind worship..


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What does GURLEY have to do with Ezekiel Elliott, especially considering the article is comparing how they impact teams in different ways, one of the key differences being how Zeke is forcing defenses to STACK the box way more..

Boy, just go home.. this is embarrassing with you Dak homers and your blind worship..
But i linked the stats that show he isnt even top 10 in % of runs against stacked boxes. Im confused what you are arguing. Yes they stack the box more against the cowboys than rams but the cowboys dont face the most in the league they are right around the average. I believe they should pay zeke


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Eli sucks because his line sucks. The giants built from the outside in and paid for it. Childish? Cowboys and their braintrust who have had arguably the best 3-4 yrs in the draft have offer Dak a contract as a TOP 5 QB IN THE NFL but to you he "sucks" g t f o h

I said according to Dak slobberers he sucks. Eli still forced way more cover 2 than Dak and he has Barkley as well.


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But i linked the stats that show he isnt even top 10 in % of runs against stacked boxes. Im confused what you are arguing. Yes they stack the box more against the cowboys than rams but the cowboys dont face the most in the league they are right around the average.

What does an isolated stat of Gurley have to do with anything? His volume of carries against stacked boxes, besides percentage bring lower, he’s not even close to Zeke in terms of volume against them.

And further what does percentage have to do with volume, which is why I said especially per volume. Zeke runs that much more, means even when his percentages are lower compared to other runners, in volume he is far out-paving them. A third down back can face more stacked boxes, but that’s because he only comes in on clear running situations. But his volume of carries against these boxes aren’t close.

Zeke faces these looks pretty much in any scenario.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Like I said, just go home.


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What do you predict our record to be this yr?

Like I said, it depends on Zeke. And considering the shape of our DL, without Gregory and Irving.. plus the Rams found something to end the season in how they attacked our LBs.. there are too many variable, but I can see is last in the division pretty easily..


Well-Known Member
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What does an isolated stat of Gurley have to do with anything?

And further what does percentage have to do with volume, which is why I said especially per volume. Zeke runs that much more, means even when his percentages are lower compared to other runners, in volume he is far out-paving them. A third down back can face more stacked boxes, but that’s because he only comes in on clear running situations. But his volume of carries against these boxes aren’t close.

Zeke faces these looks pretty much in any scenario.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Like I said, just go home.
Of course if you run the ball 100 more times you will face more stacked boxes in total but you cant compare apples to apples with a guy that gets the most carries in the league by a lot. The only to compare it is by % of carries which is how that stat is calculated. I wouldnt expect you to understand

Big D

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Like I said, it depends on Zeke. And considering the shape of our DL, without Gregory and Irving.. plus the Rams found something to end the season in how they attacked our LBs.. there are too many variable, but I can see is last in the division pretty easily..
Last in division got it. Care to make a wager?


Well-Known Member
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Of course if you run the ball 100 more times you will face more stacked boxes in total but you cant compare apples to apples with a guy that gets the most carries in the league by a lot. The only to compare it is by % of carries which is how that stat is calculated. I wouldnt expect you to understand

You have no clue about statistics and normalization. Volume has everything to do with it. It’s clear you don’t understand and have no clue what you are talking about, which is why you pointed to Gurley not even being in the top 10. That’s why I gave you three articles to read from every year he has been here.

Dak is getting Carrie by Zeke, while the Rams still rely significantly on Goff’s arm and Goff is pretty average,

Dak not cant even make defenses pay, with all these looks he’s getting. Dak has been carried by Zeke, so please spare me your tripe and the comparison to Romo, that he supposedly had a better line.


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Last in division got it. Care to make a wager?

1, first of all, I don’t gamble. If you wanted to make a wager, I’ll play you in a game of basketball for money, where I have control over the outcome.

2. What part of ‘top many variables’ don’t you understand? I said I can see them being at the bottom of the division easily and a lot of it depends on Zeke. What is with Dak slobberers and their irrelevant tangents?


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Im waiting for ppl to post romos botched hold in response lol

Romostans want to pretend that the botched hold was just an innocent mistake that could be brushed off, and treated with an "Aww shucks...those things happen" vibe.

But the truth is this dropped snap foreshadowed his entire career as a late season choke artist and some are too oblivious to see it.


I went back and watched a late season duel between Romo and Peyton Manning when he was with the Broncos. When it got late into the fourth quarter and became evident there was about to be a shoot out down the stretch between #9 and the second greatest QB of his era; Romo kept looking up at the scoreboard with a deer in the headlights look and clear anxiety and worry written on his face. He knew he was toast. And sure enough his team lost that day.


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Like I said, which is a fact, DAK sees more stacked boxes than any other QB in the league and the guy can’t make defenses pay at easy looks he sees that even QBs like Manning, in his decline, and with Barkley rarely see.

Dak has made a living off the Zeke impact.

Even when Romo finally got a running game, it was predicated on him with the RPOs and he was still seeing zone and cover 2, meaning defenses weren’t stacking like they do with Zeke. And that’s only when Jerry removes Garrett from the offense completely. Garrett didn’t even have Romo in game planning meeting until 2013, when Jerry started forcing it on top.

Big D

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1, first of all, I don’t gamble. If you wanted to make a wager, I’ll play you in a game of basketball for money, where I have control over the outcome.

2. What part of ‘top many variables’ don’t you understand? I said I can see them being at the bottom of the division easily and a lot of it depends on Zeke. What is with Dak slobberers and their irrelevant tangents?
I'm childish huh?


Well-Known Member
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You have no clue about statistics and normalization. Volume has everything to do with it. It’s clear you don’t understand and have no clue what you are talking about, which is why you pointed to Gurley not even being in the top 10. That’s why I gave you three articles to read from every year he has been here.

Dak is getting Carrie by Zeke, while the Rams still rely significantly on Goff’s arm and Goff is pretty average,

Dak not cant even make defenses pay, with all these looks he’s getting. Dak has been carried by Zeke, so please spare me your tripe and the comparison to Romo, that he supposedly had a better line.
They dont stack the box because the rams are in 11 personnel like 90% of the time. Mcvey and his scheme allow this to happen.


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Like I said, which is a fact, DAK sees more stacked boxes than any other QB in the league and the guy can’t make defenses pay at easy looks he sees that even QBs like Manning, in his decline, and with Barkley rarely see.

Dak has made a living off the Zeke impact.

Even when Romo finally got a running game, it was predicated on him with the RPOs and he was still seeing zone and cover 2, meaning defenses weren’t stacking like they do with Zeke.
How big is the shrine in your basement?


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They dont stack the box because the rams are in 11 personnel like 90% of the time. Mcvey and his scheme allow this to happen.

Congratulations! So for you to sit there and bring up a Gurley stat in relation to this topic shows you didn’t read any of the articles when you responded, meaning just go home.


Well-Known Member
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Congratulations! So for you to sit there and bring up a Gurley stat in relation to this topic shows you didn’t read any of the articles when you responded..
I dont need to. I know why teams dont stack the box and it isnt due to goffs arm. Its the formations and personnel groupings they consistently run.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I went back and watched a late season duel between Romo and Peyton Manning when he was with the Broncos. When it got late into the fourth quarter and became evident there was about to be a shoot out down the stretch between #9 and the second greatest QB of his era; Romo kept looking up at the scoreboard with a deer in the headlights look and clear anxiety and worry written on his face. He knew he was toast. And sure enough his team lost that day.

You went back and watched that game, saw Romo throw for 500 yards and 5 TD passes, put up 48 points while the Broncos didn't punt all day, and concluded it was Romo's fault Dallas lost, 51-48? :muttley: