Thanks everyone for your well wishes! I am so excited. I feel like I will have a new lease on life. Right now, I am very anemic and it makes me so tired all the time. I am lucky if I can get 2 loads of clothes washed in a day. I want my energy back... heck I'm only 35! I want my memory back (horrible memory since I have had kidney failure). I want my life back!!! My husband described our life perfectly the other day. He said " We are in our early 30's, we should be planning vacations, instead we are planning surgeries and hospital visits" And it is true..... I have had so many surgeries and hospital visits... doctor visits too. I am so sick of it. I am sick of not being able to drink more than 5 cups of fluid ( no way to my favorites.... cabbage...watermelon..... cantelope.... way to much fluids).
So..... on March 27th I will have a new birthday. That is what it feels like... a new birth.
Sorry for rambling....just couldn't stop typing.