Proof that lazy scouting still goes on and not just with this team, but many. I'd like to think this team is doing it's part to get better in that department.
This is McClay's baby now- it seems to me. S. Jones pulls the purse strings, McClay seems to be sorting and giving the player input to him and Garrett. And Jerry is basically doing his drunken ballerina act for the public for his own pleasures.
I'm sure I'm oversimplifying, but this is what it's looking like, given the changes in behavior and the promotions of said individuals into higher offices, or more active roles. The timings of all said is more than coincidental and allowed by J Jones himself.
And since I have established in my own little reality that McClay is running the show with Garrett's input and Steven's purse... stringing and that this team has been operating consistently under their collective philosophy (that S Jones had to change despite his own words to the contrary regarding how the cap should operate) with Garrett and McClay now working things. I'd like to give this approach the shot it deserves.
I read comments like the team is "Moneyballing" like it's a derogatory term for both the team and the fans here that support the philosophy and I understand where some guys like Stasheroo and others are coming from.
The window just opened- you gotta jump!
If you don't jump- there goes our Superbowl!
Just like Denver has been trying to jump the last few years and other teams too innumerable to list who did that very thing and no Superbowl.
Just heartbreak and ruined years as the consequence.
Smouldering ruins and ashes that will take years to rise from.
That's the risk. You can jump, but never is a Superbowl guaranteed.
More likely it leads to long-term ruination, than success.
Long story short since I'm already losing myself the longer I type:
I'd like to see what this new direction does for this team. We've already suffered for two decades doing it one way and "jumping" every chance we could get. I'm willing to see.
I get Romo's window and yet I happen to keep knowing that my Cowboys fandom will outlive his career. Life and football will go on and if this young team can be in a position to do better after Romo's retirement than they were after Aikman's...