Ohh god. I can see it now, come Monday on ESPN First Take starring Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless -
"Dallas Cowboys just don't get it"
Skip Bayless - "The cowboys just don't understand what it takes to be a professional, to be a professional one must be committed 24/7 just like the likes of Peyton Manning. That means your time should be 100% committed towards football, they just don't get it Stephen A. Smith!"
Stephen A. Smith - "Well first off Skip let me tell you something LOUD and CLEAR! This off-season Tony Romo did absolutely nothing. Even with a cyst on his back, if you're committed to this game you would be able to work out, heck Peyton did it with his neck injury and he's 40 years old! Now onto one of the BIGGER issues here Skip. Friday after practice, the Dallas Cowboys had one of their "leaders" throwing pies into other players faces! How disgraceful of you Mr.Ware! I am ashamed that he is one of their leaders, does he realize players see him slacking off and they look up to that! And can you even believe that it was after practice! How much more asinine, asinten, asineleven can you get, these are the reasons why the cowboys are mediocre Skip."
Skip Bayless - "Very good points their Stephen A. Smith, especially about D.Ware. I just don't think he gets it. That's why he's still ring-less Stephen. And you know what Stephen, that's why he had a down year last year as well, he's just lost focus and doesn't care anymore. He's lucky the cowboys didn't cut him on the spot after that HORRIFIC incident! If I were the head coach of that team he would've been walking out the SECOND that pie left his hand! Just shows how bad of a head coach Garret really is. Also I honestly think they should bring in Tebow, because god knows it's gonna take a miracle to salvage this team."
I think I pretty much nailed their debate for tomorrow, what do you guys think?