We are what we are


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And that's a 4-2 team. Losing a critical game to a division rival and today again losing a big game against a conference rival.

It's not that i want to paint everything black but after all the hype through the media at the beginning of the season i think the smoke has settled down a bit and i hope it settled down for this team.

Because if this team still believes it has so much talent and they just have to book the tickets to the superbowl this is going to be a long season.

There were times in this game and the past 3 we didn't quite play well were i saw some fury in some players. But not in those from who i had wished it would come. Fact is this team has no leaders. It may have some but they are second string players like miles astin. The great players on this team have to lead and right now i don't see them.

Romo ?

Forget about him. I don't know what he is talking to the guys and so my judgement is only based what i see on tv. And what i see is a guy who is more engaded with himself fighting through his own problems then pushing the team. when i see him on the field he seems to be anoyed by being under pressure it seems like he wants to step of the field because of it that kind of listlessness he shows to me.
And please don't tell me he had a good game because of his stats. he was clearly feeding of the talent around him. bad decissions bad throws and no spark at all in his play. fumbles and so on....

TO ?

Did you see him sitting on the bench. i don't know what makes me more frightened. a mad to destroying the team or a TO who looked like this today. he seemed he doesn't care. like the team lost him. it looked like he doesn't belive anymore. maybe one or two good games will bring back the fire - i really do hope. but as a leader ? forget about him.

i could go on on offense. these players don't look like a team playing together. they look like single players accidently playing on the same team.

and the defense ?

they stopped a potent offense today. yeah on the first look. but giving up 16 points ? if you want to be a good defense aren't you supposed to stop good offenses ? and is 16 points in 4 quaters really what they call stopping an offense ? especially when they gave up 10 points when the game was essentially on the line ?

again if this were a defense with no-name players i had no problem with 16 points against arizona. but with all that labled talent ? sorry to me this defense has a big problem. and it don't start with the trainer. they do have a problem with play calling IMO of course but to me all this so called talent is just overrated. maybe someone could argue i am a bit too demanding....

and the same goes with the offense. where was this great OL today ? where was our franchise QB ? WRs didn't get open, so how about them TOs Wittens Craytons ? And this is not one game this is a trend that peaked today. a few big plays kept us in the game. other then that ? nada. not a good sign to me.

This team has to face one fact. They don't have so much unbelievable talent. They are a good team, nothing great, nothing special. maybe if they face that fact they start fighting and so coming together as a team like the giants did last year. or they don't and crumble and this will be a very long season for all of us.
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Your right TO showed no emotion on all of the touchdowns and no emotion after Folk made the kick.

Did you not see the pressure Romo was getting? Any QB would struggle with that kind of pressure, even the all-mighty Tom Brady.


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yeah seriously since when has week 6 become such a BIG game???

and the defense played great fitzgerald made great plays because he's a great player.

the offense isnt really in sync so get over it its early and we're 4-2 a two way tie for second in the division and will win the next 2 and you''ll forget all about it.

just dont turn on espn and you'll be fine.