What defines me


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Yesterday’s game was especially hard since I was out of town and had to watch the game at a sports bar with a lot of Packer fans. I’m in my late 30’s, been a diehard fan since I was 8 and have seen the best and worst of times. After the 2nd interception, I walked out of the bar and headed home with over a minute left. I was sick of this team and the agony they have given me this year. I was embarrassed to be a Cowboy fan and sick and tired of the frustrating losses this year. As I walked to my hotel, I could only think of the pleasure the GB fans had seeing me leave early. The more I thought about it, the more embarrassed I was at myself. What kind of fan was I to leave early and not take the bad times like a man? I couldn’t believe I had given up on my team when there were still two games left in the season. I’ve decided to cheer and support this team until the very end. They may let me down against the skins and even if they win, Foles may tear this defense apart. However, I’ve decided to support Garrett, Romo, Ware, Bryant and the entire team to the end. Like it or not, the Cowboys are part of what defines me, my dad and hopefully someday my sons. I’ll support this team 100% the rest of this season and it will only make it sweeter when we are back on top. It may not be this year (although I’m hoping somehow the team decides enough is enough), but someday the Cowboys will be back on top and I wouldn’t be a true fan if I walked out during the hard times.


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Hope springs eternal.

It's funny, I have Cowboy apparel but I only wear it when they lose. Pure defiance I guess. Or maybe insanity.


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Most fans continue to root for the team. Doesn't mean that they will talk nice or support bad players/coaches/GM's/Owners. If you want change and an actual championship, the only power fans have is to turn on the team. Turning on the team doesn't mean leave the team, just stop buying their crap, flood the boards with negative feed back, boo Jones, boo players, publicly (at games) with written dissatisfaction on T-Shirts etc for the Owner to see. He needs to see negativity EVERY where he goes.
Being a Cowboys fan means, you accept winning and nothing less. And for the record, any person on this board that shows up after 17 years of mediocrity, IS A LOYAL FAN.


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And for the record, any person on this board that shows up after 17 years of mediocrity, IS A LOYAL FAN.

Now THERE is a wise observation.

But after a moment's reflection, it might not be loyalty, it might be that some of us really have no other life.

Nah.............. it's loyalty. Damn loyalty....